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Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Local media here in the NY/NJ area is reporting that Art Howe will get fire at the end of the year.

I saw that coming. Bowa will be out of a job if the Phillies don't make the playoffs also. Maybe Tony Pena will be out of KC and there's grumbles from some here in Baltimore Mazilli is getting fired after only one season. I think that's bullshit, but there are grumbles he will.

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The Mazilli situation is completely uncalled for. Art Howe should be brought back. He hasn't really been given a fair shot in NY at all.

It is. But since my team is run by idiots it could very well happen. I doubt it will, it's one of those rumors that never pick up after some idiot starts it... but you never know with Angelos.

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I have to say that I enjoyed the sound thrashing the Yankees received yesterday. This team couldn't pitch if their lives depended on it. I wanna see the Red Sox walk into the series this weekend and leave with a nice sweep.

Who saw the Rangers/ A's game? I don't know what led to it (as I haven't watched SC or read the reports online) but Frank Francisco is gonna be facing some legal troubles. Something happened in the Rangers bullpen and there was an altercation with fans. Frank Francisco being the wise guy that he is picks up a chair and throws it into the crowd hitting a lady. For those who won't be able to catch on SC, the video is available on ESPN Motion.

This is from ESPN.com's Sports Nation. Leave your answers here.

1) How should MLB punish Texas reliever Frank Francisco?

Suspended for a year or more

Suspended for remainder of season Although I wouldn't be bothered by a longer one. 

Suspended 11-20 games

Suspended 1-10 games

2) Should Francisco be prosecuted for hitting two fans with a thrown chair?



3) Who is most responsible for the incident escalating out of control?

Ballpark security


Frank Francisco (although I must add this might be edited once I catch this on SC)

Other Texas players

4) Which was the worst incident between fans and on-field personnel?

Dodgers pursue stolen cap into Wrigley stands

Frank Francisco throws chair into stands

Kansas City's Tom Gamboa attacked at Comiskey

Karim Garcia-Jeff Nelson brawl with Boston groundskeeper

5) Which sport has the most unruly fans in the United States?





6) Was Monday's incident an isolated event or indicative of a growing problem in sports?

Confrontations are becoming more common

There have always been isolated incidents

7) Should MLB partition off bullpens at all stadiums?



8) Should the sale of beer be halted by the seventh inning or earlier at all stadiums?



Edited by sahyder1
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1) How should MLB punish Texas reliever Frank Francisco?

Suspended for a year or more

Suspended for remainder of season

Suspended 11-20 games

Suspended 1-10 games

2) Should Francisco be prosecuted for hitting two fans with a thrown chair?


No ~ Much worse has happened in a ballgame without prosecution. Let the league handle it, if they don't handle it properly, then the law can step in.

3) Who is most responsible for the incident escalating out of control?

Ballpark security ~ It should never have got to the point where the player felt he needed to throw a chair. This is assuming that he didn't just do it on a whim.


Frank Francisco

Other Texas players

4) Which was the worst incident between fans and on-field personnel?

Dodgers pursue stolen cap into Wrigley stands

Frank Francisco throws chair into stands

Kansas City's Tom Gamboa attacked at Comiskey

Karim Garcia-Jeff Nelson brawl with Boston groundskeeper

5) Which sport has the most unruly fans in the United States?

Baseball ~ There is more incidents between players and fans that end violently in baseball then in any other sport. In football, the last thing I can remember was a stabbing at a Raider/Charger game, when a Raider fan stabbed a Charger fan. Before that, it was the Cleveland bottle throwing incident. Baseball is much worse.




6) Was Monday's incident an isolated event or indicative of a growing problem in sports?

Confrontations are becoming more common

There have always been isolated incidents

7) Should MLB partition off bullpens at all stadiums?



8) Should the sale of beer be halted by the seventh inning or earlier at all stadiums?



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1) How should MLB punish Texas reliever Frank Francisco?

Suspended for remainder of season

2) Should Francisco be prosecuted for hitting two fans with a thrown chair?


3) Who is most responsible for the incident escalating out of control?

Ballpark security

4) Which was the worst incident between fans and on-field personnel?

Kansas City's Tom Gamboa attacked at Comiskey

5) Which sport has the most unruly fans in the United States?


6) Was Monday's incident an isolated event or indicative of a growing problem in sports?

Confrontations are becoming more common

7) Should MLB partition off bullpens at all stadiums?


8) Should the sale of beer be halted by the seventh inning or earlier at all stadiums?


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Guest Bluesman

1) How should MLB punish Texas reliever Frank Francisco?

The rest of the season, and the first 25 games next season.

2) Should Francisco be prosecuted for hitting two fans with a thrown chair?


3) Who is most responsible for the incident escalating out of control?

How about the stupid fucking fans who can't keep their mouthes shut, and also can't seem to handle their alcohol. Security is pretty shitty as well. Francisco for having shitty aim and not going into the stands and beating that guy's ass.

4) Which was the worst incident between fans and on-field personnel?

KC's Gamboa

5) Which sport has the most unruly fans in the United States?

Whomever has consumed hte most alcohol at the time.

6) Was Monday's incident an isolated event or indicative of a growing problem in sports?

Growing problem.

7) Should MLB partition off bullpens at all stadiums?


8) Should the sale of beer be halted by the seventh inning or earlier at all stadiums?


What really bothers me about this is alot of it because these assholes think they can't be touched, since they're in the stands and so forth. Kind of reminds me of high school days when someone would talk shit to you when they're surrounded by their posse, but wouldn't do shit when you had them alone.

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1) How should MLB punish Texas reliever Frank Francisco?

Rest of the year unpaid, then maybe 10-15 games next year unpaid too.

2) Should Francisco be prosecuted for hitting two fans with a thrown chair?

Yes - but I wouldn't lock the guy up for this.

3) Who is most responsible for the incident escalating out of control?

Equal between fans, Francisco, and security. Security should have dealt with this mess before it got to this point. The fans shouldn't have been that retarded to start shit. And Francisco shouldn't have thrown the chair.

4) Which was the worst incident between fans and on-field personnel?

Kansas City's Tom Gamboa attacked at Comiskey

5) Which sport has the most unruly fans in the United States?


6) Was Monday's incident an isolated event or indicative of a growing problem in sports?

There have always been isolated incidents

7) Should MLB partition off bullpens at all stadiums?


8) Should the sale of beer be halted by the seventh inning or earlier at all stadiums?

Yes - although it should be even earlier

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1) How should MLB punish Texas reliever Frank Francisco?

There is no excuse for throwing a chair into the stands. I'd say until after next year's all-star break.

2) Should Francisco be prosecuted for hitting two fans with a thrown chair?

He should be forced to pay for any damages he inflicted on the people.

3) Who is most responsible for the incident escalating out of control?

It depends, if the fans were uttering racial slurs then I could understand the player flying off of the handle. However, if it is your typical "You suck, you bum, you loser, go to hell, shut up, etc.." kind of heckling, then the player is out of line. Heckling is part of professional sports, get over it.

4) Which was the worst incident between fans and on-field personnel?

Anytime a fan has been physically struck by a player I'd say. I can't think of one specific incident.

5) Which sport has the most unruly fans in the United States?

Baseball. Seems as if there are alot of instances of fans jumping on the field, and being general morons.

6) Was Monday's incident an isolated event or indicative of a growing problem in sports?

Isolated event.

7) Should MLB partition off bullpens at all stadiums?


8) Should the sale of beer be halted by the seventh inning or earlier at all stadiums?

Yes - because not only will it prevent people from acting like idiots, you also wont have a bunch of drunks on the road after the game is over.

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