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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


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Order this from play the other day (I get paid on friday, so I ordered it with a different card so I could play it sooner) and the wait is killing me. :( How does it take 2 freakin' days to pack a tiny video game box and send it on it's way!?

Edited by TKz
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Frankly, you should just be glad if you get it before the postal strike kicks in. :P

Your words do not inspire confidence! God damn. I knew I should've just waited until friday and got this in town, along with Borderlands & SDvsRAW 2010. The video review of it I watched just looked so gosh darn pretty. :(

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...I had no idea :(

I was getting really frustrated in that big massive gunfight near the end, and when I FINALLY beat that part, the game froze up. Like, instantly after I cleared the area. So frustrating.

But I have now finished it so yay! The last convo was brilliant as well >_>

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Finished it a couple of days ago, now ruining my education by becoming obsessed by the multiplayer. Game of the Console Generation thus far for me, bloody brilliant, bloody beautiful, and funny, deep characters in an absorbing story. It's so full of win it's impossible to describe in words. And I thought the first one was awesome.

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If anyone's up for a bit of co-op or competitive later today, send me a message if you see I'm on :)

You asshat. I messaged you for multiplayer and you snobbed me! :crying:

Message me on MSN, not on PSN whilst I'm playing, distracting me and getting me killed mid-gun battle :angry:

And move my laptop. Why, the very idea is absurd!

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I'm not sure whether you had the trophy beforehand, but thanks for helping me get it anyway, Liam. (Y)

In the main game I'm currently on chapter 15;

I knew I'd be going back to the beginning of the game, so to speak, but I didn't expect it to come this soon. I'm sure Kaney said there were 26 chapters, so still quite a way to go yet.

I'm absolutely loving it though. The cut-scenes and objectives in general are getting better as the game goes on. I also loved the variation on the train, ducking to avoid being hit from above or from the side as you advanced through the carriages. Not to mention the blowing up of the heli and that one guy who wore just a vest but was still fucking bionic.

I'll more than likely continue this tomorrow and then it'll be on to SDvR over the weekend, if I go through with buying it. I'm hoping a couple more will come forward and post their views on it.

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I'm not sure whether you had the trophy beforehand, but thanks for helping me get it anyway, Liam. (Y)

In the main game I'm currently on chapter 15;

I knew I'd be going back to the beginning of the game, so to speak, but I didn't expect it to come this soon. I'm sure Kaney said there were 26 chapters, so still quite a way to go yet.

I'm absolutely loving it though. The cut-scenes and objectives in general are getting better as the game goes on. I also loved the variation on the train, ducking to avoid being hit from above or from the side as you advanced through the carriages. Not to mention the blowing up of the heli and that one guy who wore just a vest but was still fucking bionic.

I'll more than likely continue this tomorrow and then it'll be on to SDvR over the weekend, if I go through with buying it. I'm hoping a couple more will come forward and post their views on it.

I had already nabbed it literally minutes before playing with you. The co-op stuff is fun though, and when I have more time, can have a bit more of a bash on it.

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With regards to Baddar's spoiler, discussing the same levels...

The best thing about the train is the sheer amount of landscape you ride through without it seeming to repeat at all. Some parts are stunning, a bridge over a river followedby a small village for example.

Also when it becomes the snowy mountains it's stunning.

Coming a little earlier....

The change in mood at the temple. When you go in it's all sunny and when you fight your way out it's all raining outside. Really stunning stuff...

Little later than original spoiler...

The mountain village is brilliant. When the kids hide behind the log go up to them and press action button and Drake does a "monster" face to "scare" them. Also returning after the mountaineering is pretty heartbreaking and the mood is utterly different. Great work.

With regards to the "flashback"

Could have used more Fight Club style flashback jokes. However the level immediately after that with the sneaking around killing soldiers as the snow gets heavier and heavier...That was incredible.

Also, some of the stuff in Drake's book is brilliant...Generally involving Sully. El GODDAM Dorado!

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Snipe/pistol multiplayer levels are pretty crazy. Indeed, a number of the multi games are pretty good. Not played it much though but it's good that you can still drag people off the edge of buildings or beat them up.

Near the end of the actual game now. A couple of these later levels have gone on a bit for my liking but on the whole there have been loads of great scenes....

Basically now loads of the gunfight stuff you can stealth kill your way through as mentioned and it's brilliant. Very rewarding to sneak up behind them and slope off again after killing them.

There's a few in the monastary that are pretty groovy.

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