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Just had one of those great sessions last night. Sometimes I can't do anything right, sometimes everything seems to work.

First up we got slaughtered on Sub Base Domination with all their team getting between 20-40 kills while we were getting 10-20 kills with 20-30 deaths BUT they weren't taking the flags so we won. :lol:

Then another couple of maps where I ran riot with the Aug and picked up plenty of kills and bonuses and generally improving my kill/death ratio and then a few great sniping mps - Quarry, whatever the wide open one with the central hedges is...and Underpass. Great ratios for that too so added a few to each of my fewest deaths, most headshots, Sixth Sense, most sniper kills, best ratio, juggernaut etc.....

I just want to get the "Perfection" bonus for hitting with every single round of a sniper clip. Getting really close but can't quite do it yet.

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Hahaha in Karachi domination I got a kill streak of 13 without dying at the start so skipped up onto this sneaky little ledge near B base and lay down hiding until the end so I could get: The Show, Supernatural, Immortal.


Got a bit nervous when we were up in the 170s and the other team were attacking around me.

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I just hit level 70 in my first prestige, so going to reset again soon... ugh.

How people do this for 10 more times is beyond me.

I know how you feel. I reached level 70 for the first time earlier today and thought it was an achievement until I found out I needed an extra 70k xp to prestige.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So five fuckheads thought they were ever so cool, and one had a tube. They thought they were hot shit, in a 5 on 1 battle, because my TWO teammates accumulated a whole score of 800 between them. So it was basically me vs 5 guys. 38 and 20 I went, and fucking won that game. Fucking cunts.

All with a fucking UMP and throwing knife!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i hate being inconsistent. Playing Hardcore Search and Destroy did really poo a few games...then next game killed the entire team after i was last man (Yeah was a bit lucky id get shot dive and hide then jump up and kill people) and ended up like 12-0 overall in the game.

Thing that's annoyin me lately is noobtubes seriously i respawn start of game boom from half way across the map it's a pisstake

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  • 1 month later...

So. Stimulus is shite.

I have no idea why they thought it'd be a good idea to not make them appear in regular Team Deathmatch. I don't want to play fucking CTF or Disarm The Bomb just to play the new maps. Why can you only play with them in the 'Stimulus' mode? That's just crap. I feel like I just wasted £10 on this.

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I bought the Stimulus package, and I have played it once. For a half hour. The night that I bought it. Total waste of time/space/money. I would have prefered them to put out more Special Ops than three new 'meh' maps you can't even play on all modes, and two maps that I already played the hell out of on COD: MW1. Very disappointing DLC, as far as I'm concerned.

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