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Was Bruno any good?


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I'm going out in approximately 20 minutes, and it is all on you, the good EWB poster, as to whether I pick this film up.

So yeah, is Bruno, with Sacha Baron Cohen, any good?

EDIT: Bugger it, I'm probably going to go out before I get an answer, but yeah, post what you think, as I might pick it up later in the week.

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Honestly, if you found the first one funny, I'd say odds are you'll at least to be average. Same type of humor, Cohen is spot on in character and there is tons of absurdity to go around.

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I've seen bad films. I've seen shockingly awful, absolutely appalling films. You haven't seen my collection of films starring Roddy Piper. But most bad films have a redeeming quality in that how bad they are becomes entertaining, Bruno was never anything less than unpleasant to watch - I laughed once, and constantly wanted to walk out of the cinema.

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I decided to finally watch this movie after having it on the backburner for a while due to this topic. There were a few moments that were really not needed.. such as all of the blatant cock shots that extended for no reason, and a few things that were too embaressing to watch such as the Ron Paul segement.. but there were parts I absolutely loved.. especially talking to the "terrorist leader" and the black baby along with the talk show scene that followed.

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Have seen it twice now (once in the cinema and once on DVD) and it wasn't my favourite film by any stretch of the imagination, but it was perfectly watchable and a fun way to waste a couple of hours. Wouldn't go out of my way to watch it, but it's not bad.

I find it hard to recommend because it is structured so differently to many conventional films. Hard to predict whether someone will like it until they watch it for themselves.

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I loved Borat when I first saw it in the similar, I liked the character and it had a good audience, plenty of laughs. Whereas Bruno I hated. I've never really liked the character dating back to the original Ali G Show days, don't really find the gay jokes that funny - although did laugh out loud at the velcro suit. Otherwise the plot isn't that different from Borat, I would probably rather have not seen Bruno in the end.

And Ali G was good, more so on the original 11 O Clock Show run when he was used in short bursts. Not in a "I liked him best when he wasn't so well known" kind of way, it just was objectively better back then.

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Bruno provided me with only a few laughs. It’s a film more dependent on gross out shocks and “Did he really just say that?” moments than clever humour. It’s worth a watch but it’s nothing amazing. I didn’t enjoy it much at all and I won’t be watching it again any time soon.

This is coming from somebody who really enjoyed Borat.

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