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New Wrestling Simulator Title I am woirking on


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Okay, before anyone gets there hopes up, I am just now starting this project, and i am new to Visual Basic. So it will take a while but I hope to make a wrestling simulator that resembles EWR in a way, but with some updates that should be pretty cool. I am not trying to imitate EWR as that would be illegal. All I am asking here is what are your suggestions on a cool title for the game? And I know I asked once before a while back, but what would be some things you would like to see in the game. Things that are not in EWR that would be cool. Any help is appreciated.

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Moving this to the correct forum for you, but be warned that you'll probably be mocked quite a bit. :)

He's the 7,328th person to claim he's going to make a new wrestling simulator without anyone ever producing anything of note, I doubt we can be arsed anymore.

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These threads are like saying "I'm writing a book, why don't you tell me what it should be about and what I should call it?" that's not writing a book that's wanting to do it but not having any ideas on what your doing and it is a bad sign, a sign you should go and work on this or think about it a bit more before you say anything. If you come back come back with screen shots, your own title, evidence of work you've done etc.

No one is going to do this for you, if you really want to do it, hunker down and do it yourself. Otherwise don't blow smoke.

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I'm gonna suggest that as you are new to Visual Basic, such a massive undertaking as an EWR-resembling wrestling sim would be unrealistic. I would imagine that the project will go thusly:

1) Spend a day working on the main menu. Mmmm looks nice.

2) Get the buttons working to link to other menu screens.

3) What wrestlers do I want...hmmm.....

4) Oh yeah, that's a great wrestler page.

5) Umm......oh yeah, just realised how huge a programming task this will be to actually resemble some kind of sim game. Screw it.

6) Wahey! I just made Pong!

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I'm gonna suggest that as you are new to Visual Basic, such a massive undertaking as an EWR-resembling wrestling sim would be unrealistic. I would imagine that the project will go thusly:

1) Spend a day working on the main menu. Mmmm looks nice.

2) Get the buttons working to link to other menu screens.

3) What wrestlers do I want...hmmm.....

4) Oh yeah, that's a fan-dabi-dozi wrestler page.

5) Umm......oh yeah, just realised how huge a programming task this will be to actually resemble some kind of sim game. Screw it.

6) Wahey! I just made Pong!

Thanks for the help! If I fall flat on my face you can say I TOLD YOU SO!

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Hamster was just pointing out that there have quite a few 'I'm making a new EWR-type game' Topics in EWB's history and none of them have seen anything come out of it. Call us disillusioned (sp?) but it's become a case 'we'll believe when we see it'.

But good luck though

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I'm gonna suggest that as you are new to Visual Basic, such a massive undertaking as an EWR-resembling wrestling sim would be unrealistic. I would imagine that the project will go thusly:

1) Spend a day working on the main menu. Mmmm looks nice.

2) Get the buttons working to link to other menu screens.

3) What wrestlers do I want...hmmm.....

4) Oh yeah, that's a fan-dabi-dozi wrestler page.

5) Umm......oh yeah, just realised how huge a programming task this will be to actually resemble some kind of sim game. Screw it.

6) Wahey! I just made Pong!

Thanks for the help! If I fall flat on my face you can say I TOLD YOU SO!

I can't wait. (Y)

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The only time one of these threads showed promise was back when some guy named Hate (i think) began doing it, actually posted screenshots of the work that was being done, then out of nowhere he disappeared into thin air and was never seen again.

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