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Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

Herr Matzat

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There is a new Album comming.


You can listen to the new single "stylo" here. At first it´s strange but after that it gets very awsome.


This is the Tracklist of the Album floating around on the Interwebnetsofdeath.

01. Orchestral Intro (featuring Sinfonia ViVA)

02. Welcome To The World Of The Plastic Beach (feat. Snoop Dogg & Hypnotic Brass Ensemble)

03. White Flag (feat. Kano, Bashy & The National Orchestra For Arabic Music)

04. Rhinestone Eyes

05. Stylo (feat. Bobby Womack & Mos Def)

06. Superfast Jellyfish (feat. Gruff Rhys & De La Soul)

07. Empire Ants (feat. Little Dragon)

08. Glitter Freeze (feat. Mark E Smith)

09. Some Kind Of Nature (feat. Lou Reed)

10. On Melancholy Hill

11. Broken

12. Sweepstakes (feat. Mos Def & Hypnotic Brass Ensemble)

13. Plastic Beach (feat. Mick Jones & Paul Simonon)

14. To Binge (feat. Little Dragon)

15. Cloud Of Unknowing (feat. Bobby Womack and Sinfonia ViVA)

16. Pirate Jet

And you might actualy get to see them live this time around. They already have been booked as Coachella Headliner, so there might be more Festivall Shows comming.

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"Stylo" didn't really blow my mind like, say, "Feel Good Inc." did the first time I heard it. Still, I found myself going back to it today, and it's pretty good. Not my favorite Gorillaz track, but I'm thrilled enough that a new album's coming out that I'll likely give it some time.

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Yeah, Stylo is definitely a departure from what the Gorillaz usually do - come out with an amazing single right off the bat that is insanely catchy. Stylo is definitely a bit more low-key and definitely a lot more subtle. But I really do like it and think it's an intriguing sign of things to come (especially with the insane guest list for the album).

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My only complaint about "Stylo" is that it could have done with more Mos Def. It's not a blowaway pop track like "Clint Eastwood" or "Feel Good Inc." but it's very good.

Also, just because it's awesome, here's some art of Lou Reed by Jamie Hewlett;


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  • 4 weeks later...

Stylo's a real grower. I first heard it and felt a little unimpressed after reading how Q had bigged it up. But as I listened more and more, I really bought into the hype. The song is damn good and really catchy, despite it being a departure from traditional pop. I'm quite excited for the album.

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I find that with Gorillaz, usually the album gets way better upon repeated listenings. Something about their music as a whole has a tendency to grow on you more and more as time progresses.

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I think that's Damon Albarn in general. I think his music lacks a sort of immediacy... you have to let it sink it, digest it and than it just becomes so catchy. I'm the same way with Stylo - was meh at first, liked it, now I love it. Superfast Jellyfish manages to straddle a line between being novel and captivating. It's like an upbeat and happy Clint Eastwood.

This definitely has a different tone from Demon Day's. With it very clearly having a huge environmental theme, I'm assuming it's not going to be as heavy as the completely depressing Demon Days. Even the album name, it sounds a bit more upbeat.

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Wow. I know I'm a shameless Damon Albarn mark, but it's really an amazing album. There aren't any huge standouts like Feel Good Inc or Clint Eastwood, but I won't be damned if this isn't amazing. Damon Albarn knows how to walk the line between pop and experimental, and Plastic Beach is just that. The guest appearances are amazing (who knew Lou Reed could sound so relevant?!) and the concept of the album is just amazing. I love Pirate Jet; just the way it ends with this snarky, sarcastic "fuck you" type statement. The lyrics "it's all good news, we left the taps running for 100 years" is epic... he somehow manages to sound bitterly optimistic and optimistically bitter. First truly excellent album of the decade.

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Kind of disappointed with it. Just had my first listen through. A lot of boring rap parts (nothing against rap, just boring rap). I liked Superfast Jellyfish, Empire Ants, Plastic Beach and Pirate Jet the most out of the tracks. Some of them I wondered why they were even on the album.

Knowing Gorillaz, there should be some sexy b-sides coming up.

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