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Lost Season 6 (spoilers)


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I was really, really confused and kinda pissed off, thinking they just went with The Sixth Sense ending, and was coming in here to vent, but holy shit, Brian J's explanation clicked with me and yeah, absolutely brilliant.


But still... what the fuck is the fucking island?

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On Ben not joining the rest, I feel like it could possibly just mean he's still alive. However, to even be interacting with this alternate existance, he'd have to be on a higher state of existance than when we last saw him. I feel either Hurley made him the new Richard according to the Number 2 comments or, more likely, he's the new Jacob which would assumedly let him be involved in the afterlife with the rest of the characters.

EDIT: By "new Jacob," I mean Hurley's replacement since Hurley has obviously given up the title and his life if he's in the church with the rest of the mortals.

Edited by En Dub
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I was really, really confused and kinda pissed off, thinking they just went with The Sixth Sense ending, and was coming in here to vent, but holy shit, Brian J's explanation clicked with me and yeah, absolutely brilliant.


But still... what the fuck is the fucking island?

I think that the Island is just something that will never fully be explained. It's just something that is there, that doesn't really REQUIRE a full explanation...the show was, in the end, never truly ABOUT the island. It was important, but the show was ABOUT the people. The island was never lost, it was always doing exactly what it was supposed to do...it was the people who were Lost.

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I'm not sure if everyone watched the 2 hour background before LOST aired, but there were a ton of interviews and the creators repeatedly drove the point home. "It's a show about characters and character development. Watching these people grow into who they are now and seeing how they got there." Like Brian said, the show was never about the Island, it was just the setting and the conflict necessary to drive the characters. Additionally, I can only speak for myself but I would have had a bad taste in my mouth if everything HAD been answered. I mean...it wouldn't even feel like LOST anymore if we knew everything that was going on.

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I dont really care what the Island was to be honest. I was more confused about everyone being dead which kinda bummed me out a little :(

Like Christian said, everyone dies.

The alternate timeline just showed everyone when they actually were dead, whether it was before jack died, like boone and shannon, or shortly after jack died, like kate and sawyer (likely 30 or so years), and then many, many years after jack died, like hurley and probably ben. I thought it was incredible that we got an ending that made everything from the regular timeline matter so much, while also giving us the character resolutions and showing how important the time on the island was. Brilliant stuff.

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So everyone else was stuck outside of Heaven until everyone else died?

I think that's the idea, the sideways world was a purgatory of sorts, they had to wait for Jack to find his way because they all had to go together. Togetherness has been the point of Lost from day one, "live together or die alone."

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I feel like they weren't so much "stuck" outside as much as they chose to wait. Whether it's due to some of the theories being kicked around about Ben, namely that he felt he needed to repent, or some other reason. I personally choose to look at it like this, "Heaven" in this sense was just them being with the people they cared most about. If that is the case, wouldn't you want to wait to go together. Think about some of the people missing. Michael and Walt never cared explicitly for the people on the Island, so they presumably just went on since they had each other. Where as people like Sun and Jin were waiting on their best friends in Kate and Sawyer, who were waiting on Jack. It was just a tiered structure where they all waited on the people they loved.

And they needed to interact with their loved ones to achieve true happiness and peace in order to ascend to the next level. At least, that's my theory anyway.

EDIT: Zero makes a damn good point with the togetherness theme, completely skipped my mind.

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Yeah, I'm in the same boat as Zero. I was pissed off about the ending until I read Brian J's theory which makes perfect sense. If that's what they were shooting for, I'm perfectly happy with this ending. I loved how they did some of it. I teared up for Charlie and Claire and Sawyer and Juliet. :)

It did need more Mr. Eko though.

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Yeah, it left me a little disappointed but that's because I was caught up with what was happening on the island and expecting MIB to rise back up once Jack put the massive rock thing back in. But now that I think about it, I liked it. I always liked the characters a lot more than I liked any of the supernatural shit to do with the island, so I don't mind that not being answered too much. I won't say I'm in love with the ending, "liked" is the right word, but I was never going to love any ending they chose because there's truthfully just no way to end a such a great show with 6 seasons worth of mysteries in a way that would blow me away.

Michael obviously wasn't there because the time he spent on the island wouldn't have been that great for him. Same with Eko and Ana Lucia. Boone didn't have a great time of it either but I'm guessing he liked the adventure and shit of it so that's why he was there? Still, couldn't there have been a better part of his life he'd rather be in heaven to? And Sayid... surely he'd take his time with Nadia over that. I mean, that's the right interpretation, right? That the characters were there with eachother because that's the best time they had in their lives?

Also, Claire and Charlie was fucking EPIC. My mate was watching it with me, I had to try so hard not to cry. One of my favourite moments of the entire series for sure.

EDIT: Wait, no. So the people at the church are just there to "let go" before they move onto somewhere else? In that case it makes sense.

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On the reasons why Ben didn't go into the church theories, I thought that he was "invited" (in the loosest sense of the word) to go with Jack as he dies and move on into the afterlife, but he felt he had to redeem himself for his past actions by taking over the island from Hurley rather than passing on peacefully. I don't think Ben is dead but I feel him BEING outside the church (while guys like Miles and Farraday weren't) signifies he was SUPPOSED to be there when Jack died.

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Good theory, Lionheart.

I also believe its possible Ben felt guilty over all the evil things he did and didn't feel like he was worthy to go inside.

Don't know if its the writing, Michael Emerson's acting, or both, but I feel sorry for Ben.

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Sawyer and Juliet was also amazing. Maybe just because Juliet's death and Sawyers reaction was so sad.

I like to think that in his time off The Island before dying, Sawyer formed his own Cop Show with Miles and Richard.

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