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Which video games should I buy?


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Dragon Age is legitimately much better on PC, however. :(

Pft. Bull. It's just as awesome on PS3 and 360. hmm.gif

But... it isn't. I think I've said this several times before, but I'll keep saying it, 'cause it's actually true.

That type of game lends itself much better to a PC because of the control scheme/interface. It works for Mass Effect on console 'cause it's an action-RPG and you don't need so many 'slots' for items, etc. However, Dragon Age is hack and slash, and the interface with the keyboard is miles ahead of a wheel. Anddddd... no top down view in consoles? Urgh. The game is virtually a next-gen successor to Baldur's Gate, it ought to have a proper top-down view. It's still fine in the over-the-shoulder view, but just strategically speaking it's much better with the top-down view since you can see a lot more. And, if your computer can handle it, you'll get higher resolutions on the PC. That's a small point, though. Therefooorreeee... PC actually is better. It's still fine on the console, but it is a game I definitely prefer on the PC over the console. I hate people who always harp on that shit, but the type of game that Dragon Age is, it just is made for the PC. It adapts to consoles fine, but it is superior thanks to mouse/keyboard controls and the interface alone.

Also, something about Mass Effect. The first hour or so is dreadddddddffulllyyy slow. That was well-published. You plow through that, though, and it definitely picks up a lot.

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So I picked up Bioshock 2, and I'm now itching to play it. Played for about 10 minutes and then had to relinquish the TV. It seems pretty samey as the first one, but I genuinely have no problem with that at all. It's just wonderful. I couldn't find Mass Effect, which is a shame, although it's probably for the best because I still have GTA, Fallout and Half Life on the go, so picking up another 'long' game would just be silly of me. However, I did get the Fallout guide, which is just as huge and daunting as the game. I adore the game, I really do, but sweet jesus it's a whole heap of effort (that, and going through the subway stations scares the ever loving piss out of me!). So yeah, Bioshock 2. Wheyy.

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And LL, we haven't played GTA because I've not been online with it yet. I'm still fairly early on in the story (the menu tells me I'm about 30% complete), although I'd definitely be up for some multiplayer fun times this weekend/next week. EWB needs to play more games online. And people need to buy L4D 2. Oh, and you also need to play Team Fortress more. Play the games I play, dammit. =@

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I'm thinking about picking up the first Mass Effect next week. I need a game with some length to it without breaking the bank. Any other recommendations?

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Actually Ollie, I was looking through my games before and thought of TF2. I haven't played it in ages though so I dunno if it's still as lagtastic as it was when I left it. Speaking of Box a l'Orange, I still need to play Episode 2.

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