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The 2010 NFL Thread


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the Giants losing that was pathetic. Dodge should be fired and the idiot special teams coach for not paying attention on that onside. also what the hell Mario Manningham? a great game until that play where he's going out of bounds and he practically tosses the ball in bounds which gave the Eagles a touchdown and the momentum. as an adamant Vick hater this game really made me rage.

glad the Lions fucked the poser Bucs playoff chances.

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SMART on-side kick by Green Bay. Indeed, if they didn't recover it would have been the dumbest start of a game in a long time but they did. Nice play.

Not really, it's not like people expect the Packers to actually win tonight with Flynn as the starter. Sure, not recovering it would've been laughable but nothing that bad.

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Tampa Bay had a touchdown taken off the board by a bogus and i mean fucking bogus pass interference call. The line judge who was right on top of the play signaled touchdown and then the back judge who was underneath the goal threw the flag. The DB had a hold of Winslow's hands, facing away from the QB never looked for the ball and Winslow yanked his hands away and caught the ball....

Then the catch by Johnson in overtime was bullshit because he only got one foot inbounds and did the replay booth bother to buzz the ref to let him have a look...fuck no....

Even though we couldn't stop the run..that touchdown by Winslow was legit...When you have 50 thousand plus in the stands and even fans of the opposing team know it's a touchdown....you're a fucking moron...eat shit and die back judge...get off you're knees..you're blowing the game...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YlVgr0B-Ww play in question occurs about the 2:00 mark...you can clearly see the DB playing the player and not the ball... The very next play goes to the opposite side and the DB clearly armbars Williams...

Edited by Irish Car Bomb
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Wah, wah, wah.

It pisses me off that the Raiders are going to be the best team in the AFC West (fuck you, if you beat each team in your division twice, you're the best team in your division, and may not make the playoffs if KC wins next week. I know we got Indy, but we can beat the Colts, because our main problem is stopping the run, and they can't run the ball.

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Jets beating the Polamalu-less Steelers was very nice, it gives the Ravens a pulse for the division crown (though if this loss came to Cleveland and the Ravens won out, the division title would be ours). The Jets didn't really play a good game either, it was just a kitchen sink game. Sending all sorts of blitzes at a shaky offensive line. The conservative offensive calls worked out well too, it gave them just enough points for the defense to win. Don't think the result would have been the same if Polamalu was out there, but with word of him sitting out the rest of the regular season it could mean another Pittsburgh loss (obviously to Cleveland).

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Man the eagles. Man. I thought that one was well and truly over going into half time. Michael Vick continues to just astound me. DeSean Jackson is that asshole on Madden who runs along the sideline and you want to hit. I would absolutely hate the guy if he wasn't on my team guaranteed but since he is his antics just make me love him. Everyone in the city is screaming Super Bowl but I don't know. If we play like we did in that Fourth Quarter it's a possibility but I don't know if the secondary is up to it. Losing Nate Allen, who has been stellar, for the rest of the season certainly doesn't help. Despite that the offense really is electric. I've seen a lot of exciting ( and heartbreaking) stuff as an Eagles fan but when these guys fire on all cylinders it really is special.

Wish I had gotten to see Tebow's first game. I never liked him in college but it was probably just all the winning. I'll probably catch the highlights later but his numbers just seem strange. Only 16 attempts and all the rushing yards on the team basically belonged to him. Time of possession difference or just heavy pressure I guess .

I hope the Packers beat the Patriots tonight as well for a couple reasons. I hate the patriots, I want to make sure they can still lose and I don't want the Giants to make the playoffs. So letsss goo Packers.

Nice to see an underrated Lions team beat an overrated Buccaneers squad.

Would've liked to see the Jaguars eek out the Colt's somehow just to see some change in that division unless Dan asks, in that case I hope the Jaguars lose every week. No matter who they play.

Grossman throwing 4 TDs is hilarious as the entire Redskin's organization right now.

And the Browns lose by two. Is it just me or are the 'bad' teams just losing by a little this year? Every week it seems the Browns, Bills and Lions just fail to win. Well mainly the Browns. Poor Browns.

A fun week in the NFL.

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Tampa Bay had a touchdown taken off the board by a bogus and i mean fucking bogus pass interference call. The line judge who was right on top of the play signaled touchdown and then the back judge who was underneath the goal threw the flag. The DB had a hold of Winslow's hands, facing away from the QB never looked for the ball and Winslow yanked his hands away and caught the ball....

Then the catch by Johnson in overtime was bullshit because he only got one foot inbounds and did the replay booth bother to buzz the ref to let him have a look...fuck no....

Even though we couldn't stop the run..that touchdown by Winslow was legit...When you have 50 thousand plus in the stands and even fans of the opposing team know it's a touchdown....you're a fucking moron...eat shit and die back judge...get off you're knees..you're blowing the game...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YlVgr0B-Ww play in question occurs about the 2:00 mark...you can clearly see the DB playing the player and not the ball... The very next play goes to the opposite side and the DB clearly armbars Williams...

Winslow picked the dude up OFF THE GROUND. How is that not pass interference on him? And the next play was more interference on both, they were jawing at each other

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