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L.A. Noire

Gene Kiniski

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Has anyone actually been in a situation where they've ran out of ammo with a weapon? I know there is an outfit you can get somehow in the game that will allow you to carry more ammo, but I have yet to notice any marker on screen noting how much ammo I have, nor have I ran out.

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Has anyone actually been in a situation where they've ran out of ammo with a weapon? I know there is an outfit you can get somehow in the game that will allow you to carry more ammo, but I have yet to notice any marker on screen noting how much ammo I have, nor have I ran out.

I ran out of ammo on a shotgun... but other than the times where I'm like "heh, that could be fun...", I've never seen a reason to not use the default gun.

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LOL! Okay will do that :)

Finally managed to enter a cafe without giving myself away...it was alarmingly easy. Don't know how I managed to fuck that up.

EDIT - The 'lol' was at Maxx, clearly. Thanks gentlemen :)

I'm pretty sure that if you don't have a destination marked when you do it, he'll follow you like a horror movie villain.

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The Golden Butterfly and The Gas Man I will need to do again, since apparently I fucked up on both because I got shouted at. Not even sure how I managed to with The Gas Man case.

Want to give a good go at 100% completion, so I'll have to set aside a few hours to roam the streets shooting criminals while discovering cars and landmarks.

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Golden Butterfly Spoilers

All the evidence points at the husband, but you only get a good rating (and approval from the Captain) if you charge the Pedophile.

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The Golden Butterfly, thus far, is the one case that upon seeing my rating I desperately want to go back and re-try. One star rating on it >_<.

Made it to disc 3 now, so hopefully getting close to the end of the story. Then it is just going around getting the rest of the newspapers if I miss any, and attempting a 100% completion.

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Anyone that wants to make the game more challenging for themselves: turn off the musical/vibration cue for the investigation part under gameplay options. For further "fun", turn off the musical cue for when you find all clues.

I beat the main story cases yesterday. I need to go back and replay a couple that I did AWFUL on, then maybe try to 5* all of the cases. I also need to get the Traffic Case and the Naked City case when the Playstation Network Store comes back. Obviously haven't done any of the badge pursuit. Found all the newspapers. Haven't found any of the film reels. I think I'm at 16 landmarks of the 30, and I've done about 3/4ths of the street crimes. My rank/level was 19/20 when I finished the game.

Thoughts on the story (heavy spoilers, especially noting how some things connect)

I'm not even sure I'd call the newspaper storyline a subplot. Initially, it seems like that's what it's going to be, but by the end of the arc, everything more or less ties in with it and it becomes a virtual backbone of the game as opposed to just a side thing going on. As for the highway development bit, I didn't really see that as a twist, even if it was telegraphed. I think it was a good thing to use because it actually happened a lot and gets talked about a lot, all while tying in the corruption angle. Very nice. I'm glad that they didn't do something crazy like I thought they might and have Phelps have multiple personalities or anything crazy involving Phelps.

One of the things that I think I missed, though, was the build-up to Phelps and Elsa getting together, if there was one. That seemed really sudden to me, even in spite of the scenes that take place at the Blue Room earlier in the game.

I thought it was a really great game that was definitely worth my money and time. I loved what the team did with the setting and the cars/driving aspect (including being able to skip it at will). It was a very familiar mechanic that the setting made fresh for me, so I really enjoyed that.

I also liked the different partners for all of the desks because they were each really memorable in their own way.

I think the game got some excellent performances from the actors and that the technology behind the performance capture was definitely the right way to go. It'll be interesting to see how that technology is used in the future.

I think the overall story was also fantastic without going into any details. The characters were compelling, the overall arc was well done, and I think the way that everything works out feels genuine to the game and the noir genre.

Personally, I don't have any major complaints about anything because most of the stuff I would gripe about is stuff that the developers built in a mechanism for me bypassing entirely, so good on them. I hope this game gets some DLC loving in the future, such as a new desk, etc.

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Re-playing for five stars, interesting notes on The Golden Butterfly...

I absolutely fucked up with Eli the first time I played, I chose the wrong answer on all but one of the things. Despite knowing it was a serial killer, I had to charge someone, so I chose the husband since all the evidence I had pointed to him. If I'd have gotten the question about Eli's job right, I would have gone with him, just because it had the "HM" initials thing explained.

Really, I should have originally gone with my gut instinct and charged Eli the first time, just because I knew it was a serial killer and I should have put away someone who definitely had broken the law anyway...

... I guess I'm more Sam Tyler than Gene Hunt. Which leads me to where they go from here. I'd love for them to move the decade next time and head to the UK. It's a long time since Rockstar had a game based over here.

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Just got promoted to the Homicide desk, I hate leaving Bukowski behind, he was fucking badass.

I fucked up a lot of the interviews in the Fallen Idol case.

I got the name Mark Bishop from the actress driving the car, but I got nothing at all from the little girl in the hospital. I did alright with the victims wife but I arrived too late and the goons had already smashed the place up and left. I fucked up with the props studio guy by talking to him first, I found the hidden room with the video camera recording the underage rape and stuff after I spoke to him, but the game wouldn't let me go back and question him again about it. What the fuck?

I finished it with 3 stars, the only case so far that I haven't had 4 on, but I think I know what I did wrong.

Having played through it a bit more, I'm really impressed with the facial animation, it's mind blowing how realistic it all looks, especially seeing some people on the street that are totally familiar actors from TV shows or whatever, and they're immediately recognisable, although so far the majority of the women look almost identical, facially. I wish most of the cases didn't boil down to a chase scene at the end, but I'm guessing thats because I haven't used the interrogations/evidence properly yet. It's a really good game, but it's miles away from what I expected beforehand.

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Black Dahlia spoilers...

Did anyone else call Mason the Temp Bartender as the Dahlia Killer from the very first time you meet him? My suspicions were more confirmed when everyone on the women started dying in bars, but I wasn't really that shocked to see him as the Killer at all. Not surprised to see it kept under wraps either, considering just how much egg would be on the face of the LAPD if it came out.

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The Fallen Idol case is pissing me off NO end

I always get Bishop down the film set to the ground, where he proceeds to prance about in front of the army of mobsters, attracting every damn bullet in the place and failing me the mission.

If you're happy enough to take cover on the way down, WHAT THE HELL IS STOPPING YOU ON THE GROUND you fucking nonse retard?

The last time he died mere seconds after getting off the ladder, what the fuck am I supposed to do about that!?

/Rant over.

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Yeah, I know, literally the last time I played the mission I was stepping off the bottom of the ladder as whatshisname was getting killed. I'm shooting the barrels if I ever get a chance to get to them!


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Until the final 2 cases, I felt like this game was a vehicle for the unveiling of the new 3D facial graphics, and I was oddly OK with that. It just felt like a series of interrogations for the most part. The story wasn't fantastic, but it was really improved by actually being able to watch characters act. Hopefully, developers will start to use this sort of thing more frequently and we might see some truly awesome games coming out in the next few years.

I think it deserved the 8.5 IGN gave it. Not really a story that was up to Rockstar's big May releases from the past few years (always a celebration of finals ending), but it was a huge leap forward in technology and the first time I felt that graphics could take me through a story as they have never been a major selling point for me. I never did get very good at questioning, but I did manage to average about 4 stars the whole way though.

EDIT - Goddamnit. Sorry.

Edited by A-Dub
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The final flashback after the credits was neat. I enjoyed it a lot.

Finished all of the street crimes today. So, now I have like twelve more landmarks to find, 70 more cars to drive, all the film reels to find, and the DLC cases/badge pursuit I have access to. Oh, and replaying cases for a better rank, but that's less important, I guess.

My playtime clocked in at about 19 hours, but I stopped driving myself around toward the end of the game. That makes a LARGE impact on total gametime.

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