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L.A. Noire

Gene Kiniski

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Yeah I read that originally it was going to be 6 discs for the 360.

I wouldnt mind if they offered more than just more cases as DLC, but at the same time I wouldnt mind if they only offered more cases as DLC either.

Has anyone found any of the badges with the badge pursuit challenge? Going through the film strips I found one picture of a location that I was just at yesterday for a side crime/mission, but I cant recall where exactly it was >_<. Is it relatively easy to backtrack to areas youve been to or is it near impossible if you arent really paying attention since the map is so big?

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Yeah I read that originally it was going to be 6 discs for the 360.

I wouldnt mind if they offered more than just more cases as DLC, but at the same time I wouldnt mind if they only offered more cases as DLC either.

Has anyone found any of the badges with the badge pursuit challenge? Going through the film strips I found one picture of a location that I was just at yesterday for a side crime/mission, but I cant recall where exactly it was >_<. Is it relatively easy to backtrack to areas youve been to or is it near impossible if you arent really paying attention since the map is so big?

I've only found one so far, and it took quite a while. They aren't easy to spot, they're small and blend in pretty well.

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Yeah, I have a feeling I'm gonna finish the story way too quickly. Has anyone finished it yet?

Glad I've got the GAME pre-order stuff coming though, especially if we get the same as the US folks did for the badge challenge.

Yeah, we do, had a quick looksee at work earlier. Still peeved at Rockstar for the embargo.

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I like that for once, you're a straight up good cop and not a crooked one or a renegade that does things by his own rules. Making it a choice would've bastardized both stories.

And that's all well and good, but...

It would be nice if you had a choice, like on RDR between good cop/bad cop.

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I don't think it'd bastardize the story at all. As it is, there are plenty of games that have branching stories and work just fine. I get that 7 years ago that wasn't around, but it's certainly around now. Either way, the game is said and done and I'm satisfied with what I've got, but I'd like for there to be progress on this on the next iteration.

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Aperently GameStop dos not have a lot of these PreOrder Bonuses. I dident get one. :crying:

Well, at least i managed to get the price down as much as if i was importing from the UK and would have waited another week or two... :-) I am of to LA. (H)

The first real case was fun. I just wanted to kick myself when i chose the wrong evidence for "lieing". The game seems to be very unforgiving, if you miss an opertunety it´s gone.

The tutorial missions are not anywere near as fun, don´t let them fool you.

Black and White mode looks very nice.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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So I put the game in and I'm asked to download a patch straight away. I do, and it reloads. The very first screen I see is an install screen that says "The game data is corrupt and is being repaired." What the actual fuck.

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