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L.A. Noire

Gene Kiniski

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Those of you US chaps and chapettes who pre-ordered LA Noire for PS3 - does the pre-order DLC content work without the PlayStation store up?

I want it on PS3, but I may have to go 360 since I'm an impatient bastard.

Trying to go to the PSN Store crashed the game on me.

I'm a little ways into the Traffic desk myself. It's pretty fun so far. I'm decent with interrogations, last case I got 6/8 right. It does feel like a typical Rockstar game with better graphics, though, so hopefully something changes later on to make it a little less cookie-cutter.

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I really like how at the end of the case it gives you tips.

Just finished 'A Marriage Made in Heaven'

I knew the fucking wife was in on it! Except I couldn't find a way to place the blame on her. I guess after I found the knife I should have went to her


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I can see the game becoming very repetitive, what with just walking around until you feel the controller vibrate, but Im playing more for the story. Plus, it is fun to chase people down and get into fights.

The first few missions had me worried because I read that if you get something wrong you dont get the chance to redo it, yet all it did was allow me to redo it over and over until I got things right. Then I got into the actual cases and realized it was just setting up how to play the game.

It should be fun actually having to pay attention to details and everything.

Has anyone played with the Black and White filter on? I may try doing that during day cases, as I would probably get lost in an open street if I tried so during night cases.

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According to an LA Noire wiki, there were two desks that were cut from the final game (fraud and something else I think) that could end up as DLC. If Red Dead can get so much DLC, I would have faith that Noire can get a decent amount of DLC.

Putting in more cases would be nice, especially if it furthered the story or even created a side story.

I seriously cannot wait until tomorrow so I can have a week off to properly play this game. Ive had an hour or two tops to play it total the past few days and it sucks :(

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I read somewere that they had the game at 8 disks for xbox at some point. I bet some of that also got down via compression.

I was more comming from the angel that you got this gigant deteiled city and it´s prittymuch only for you to drive in since (the way it sounds) you are only taking care of few buildings for evidence and questioning people. In GTA you were involved with all of that city a lot more because a lot of missions evolved around driving (it´s "Auto" after all) and besides that you had a ton of side missions like the street races.

If you turn GTA into a Biker Gang game and Red Dead into a Zombie Shooter, why only offer further cases? If you wanted to (but i am not shure they would) you could just put a 12 houre GTA classic gangster movie campaign in there.

I am hyped. :-D

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