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Leeds/Reading 2010


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Paramore were a sack of shit, and that comes from a fan. Sound was terrible and they didn´t really get the crowd going at leeds.

Paramore were fantastic and I thought Hayley was brilliant with the crowd as always (Y)

...err no...Paramore were fucking terrible, at Leeds at least. Bad setlist. Band looked like they didn't give a fuck. Didn't interact with the crowd well. Was a real let down, and in comparison to Weezer before them (who were UNREAL) and Blink afterwards, they shouldn't have been on the same stage.

From what I've seen about Reading (from people who went) is that it's a similar vibe, although the setlist was a little better/longer. They were basically a total buzzkill after Weezer rocked the place.

I don't get how you can comment on 'getting the crowd going' from watching Reading online material...given that the performances they show on TV are basically devoid of any actual feeling from the crowd 99% of the time (they barely show anything of the crowd/most of the time you can't hear them or even get the feel that they're there).

As someone whose seen Paramore play before. They were god awful. And if it wasn't for Thrice churning out a crappy set, whilst looking bored as fuck, they'd have been the worst band I saw by an absolute mile.

Edited by YI
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