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The 2010 Summer transfer thread

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SAF is now claiming that Bebe was an impulse buy.

So clearly he's completely lost it. £10m for Smalling despite getting nowhere near the first team at Fulham? £9.5m for Bebe who seems like the sort of PR stunt that brought Manucho to United... but with a stupid transfer fee attached.

Either that or he's sabotaging Manchester United from within to stick two fingers up at the owners so the next guy has to inherit a piss poor squad with next to no money with the expectations of challenging for the title or they're ruining Manchester <_<

If there is one thing that football has taught you over the last couple decades, it should be "Alex Ferguson is always right in the end."

And it pains me to say that because he is a wonderful man but he manages a horrible team with horrible fans who have horrible faces.

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But Taibi is a Chelsea legend!

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OlulRzU27Q?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OlulRzU27Q?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OlulRzU27Q?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


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This link (regarding Neymar's potential transfer to Chelsea) is not at all for the sake of information, merely to enjoy bad Google translation...


I think my favourite is "Spearheading the selection, the unfortunate (Dunga) seemed more lost than onion fruit salad".

Also, "THE VILLAIN CHELSEA WIN" is clearly the new "All your base are belong to us".

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I have never understood how Jenas manages to get linked with prominent Italian clubs every couple of years. You would have thought that if they had any standards they would have been sure never to have heard of him.

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I have no idea what Fergie's thinking regarding the Bebe signing. Sure, it's a nice publicity stunt but come on, £9.5m? Surely the transfer market can't be that inflated nowadays. <_<

Bellamy to Cardiff should be a great move for both parties, and even for me! Can't stand the guy so it's great he'll stay out of my sight since we don't get Championship football on tv here. But I've always had a little soft spot for Cardiff so if he does well for them, I'm happy. He's a twat but a talented one at that.

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Neymar has been interviewed on SSN, saying he'd rather stay with Santos than join Chelsea and sit on the bench.

Sigh. What is it with these players? It all seems reminiscent of just what Tim Vickery was saying about Robinho in his latest blog:

At heart, though, the cultural and the technical differences come down to the same thing, a desire for protection. Like a spoilt son, he appears to want a guaranteed first team place because of who he is, but in Europe he is going to be judged on what he does. Merit is the criteria.

In the deep squads of a big European club there is no such thing as a guaranteed first team place, he has to earn it.

Sulking when he is substituted or left out is no solution. The answer lies in working to show his coach and his colleagues that his ability is useful to the team - just as he did for Brazil last Tuesday against the US.

"Football in Europe is hard," Robinho said earlier this year when he was loaned back to Santos. "The coach doesn't always pick you." Admittedly, the move back was largely motivated by a desire to stay in shape for the World Cup, but it also came across as the option of a little kid wanting to return to the womb to escape his problems.

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I have no idea what Fergie's thinking regarding the Bebe signing. Sure, it's a nice publicity stunt but come on, £9.5m? Surely the transfer market can't be that inflated nowadays. <_<

It was £7.4m and that's only because the Portuguese team put in a buyout clause. I've learnt to generally trust SAF on most issues. Either he turns out to become a good player for us, or we sell him on and make back our money like we did Tosic. I always laugh when SAF uses the 'inflated market' line. We inflated it ourselves by selling Ronaldo for so much!

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If you're a big Brazilian name in Brazil then you play. All the 22-29 year olds are in Europe anyway so clubs need the big names to bring in the fans. There's no way a coach in Brazil would drop Robinho, however useless he's playing.

England doesn't have so much respect for "names", especially nowadays....Except sometimes a battling English crowd-favourite may keep his place despite some recent bad form.

The cost of success and failure is just far too huge in England.

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