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Toy Story 3


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Oh my, this film was so sad, especially as someone who is about to move out of the house. Also, I loved the political overtones >_>

Although, Jessie has always annoyed me. Luckily other secondary characters, like the Potato Heads, receive more attention than her.

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I was afraid I was going to end up disappointed given the hype but it was definitely worth a watch. If you have younger siblings, cousins or even kids they should enjoy it as well. The movie is filled with good messages for kids and heck, even sets up a possible new trilogy for a new generation of kids to enjoy.

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I have a glorious friend who told me about one particular shot in the film, which it appears a few Easter Egg sites have picked up on, but...

Boo is apparently one of the kids in the daycare that the toys end up in. Pixar always tend to throw in a character from an upcoming movie in to their films, and with Monsters Inc. 2 out soon, it'd be a nice little cameo if it were true...

Suffice to say, I'm trying to stay as far away from spoilers as possible but...we shall see...

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We watched it tonight and I thought it was superb. Not in the same league as Pixar's other recent flicks (Up, Ratatouille, WALL-E, etc.), but that's more of a testament to the strength of those movies than anything bad about this one. It's just a great, fun movie with a big heart. Loved it. My kids loved it, too--first movie they ever watched in the theater.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Great great movie, stayed true to the formula of the first two but still felt new and fresh. I didn't even laugh at the girl beside me for crying.

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Its an amazing film, one of the few animated movies to me that actually feel like an actual movie with well rounded characters and a well developed plot. Most animated features these days seem like producers just get as many celebrities as they can in a movie and just make a movie based on what celebrities they get. This has had heart and was emotional as fuck.

Also, its been confirmed that the Toy Story characters will return in a short feature that will air before Cars 2.

Also, Toy Story 3 is not really worth the price of 3D but the Day & Night short certainly is.

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She's 21 years old :P

Honestly, MPH, so?

So today I watched it again, this time in 3D. I agree, it's not worth the extra money to see this in 3D, it's not needed, the plot, story and characters are more than enough. But then, I fucking hate the 3D fad, and hope to God it dies out very, very soon.

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