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Civilization Thread!


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Washington and America can fuck right off.

First we make an open borders/strategic resources deal. Then he has the balls to declare war on the civ with the most advanced military in the game. But he catches me off guard and takes down a few of my units. When I show my full might, he panders to me like a little bitch and starts offering deals. No, fuck you Washington. I was going for a science victory but now I'm razing your empire to the ground.

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I've played my last couple games on Chieftan because I'm still learning the in and outs of the game, developing strategies etc; I really need to work on taking cities; it's one reason why I prefer to get to Nuclear Fusion before I go starting shit, because the GDRs simplify the process for me.

So far, with any Civ game, there's the pros and the cons. It is a tough call right now between IV and V; the one thing I really liked in IV was watching how pissed off the leaders would get when shit didn't go there way, especially when they became vassals and you treat them like total crap :shifty: "LOL, Oh Tokugawa, you're so funny when you're angry".

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Jesus. In my mulitplayer game, my 2 mates decided to try and take my empire. They started slowly advancing their units to my border while I built my defenses. And then for around a dozen turns we were seeing who would make the first move. Probably the tensest moment I've had on civ. Turns out they have way more units than i expected and I'm utterly fucked.


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Fuck you Civ5..how can ANYONE work Krakatoa all the way out there?!

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If your culture is that low in 1750, I'd say you're fucked even without their military :shifty:

I started the game in the Renaissance era and on quick pacing though.

Also, the day I win by a culture victory is the day hell freezes over

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Also, the day I win by a culture victory is the day hell freezes over

Culture is useful for ANY victory. More culture means more social policies, which means more whatever you want. If you want to win by military, go down Honor (or just Liberty because Liberty is super-good).

Also, you should have more than three cities as Rome. Rome wants a lot of cities because they get cheap buildings as long as the building is in Rome. It pays off to go wide with Rome.

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