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I've done a bit of mining below my house, got some diamond, redstone etc but I grew a little dissatisfied when my minecart project turned out a bit shit so I ventured out into my world a little bit and found a hill with various entrances. Patched them up a little bit to make it more secure, except for the entrance that drops into a lava pit because it's a large gap and frankly, i'm scared i'll fall in. :shifty:

There's an existing descent that goes below the hill and opens up into this large area that originally had various waterfalls in it. Then as I go deeper, it keeps branching off with paths going left and right, some with spit levels above them. Plenty of coal and iron in there and i've found one zombie dungeon so far. Creepy as hell. Especially when I run low on supplies and have to run back up and get lost.

EDIT: Just found some of that blue ore for dying wool, lapus lapiz or whatever it's called. <_<

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Fuck colored sheep, I'm trying to collect enough wool to make the red floor for my big house on the ice I'm making but i keep getting gray and black sheep and i can't dye their wool. Brightside is I found a zombie Dungeon, got 3 buckets, 3 saddles, 6 things of wheat and a lot of Moss Stone.

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In all my worlds I've never seen a spider jocky untill today. Where was it you ask? Right in the fuckin middle of my house!!

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I spotted one off the coast of one of the neighboring landmasses to my island home. Was pretty unexciting since I only got to watch it walk around for a few moments before it disappeared into the darkness.

Found a bitchin' cave today off on a nearby part of one of the neighboring landmasses, too... enough diamond for me to make two picks and still have some left over. Enough gold to make a block for my entrance and still have some left over. Tons of iron, coal, lapis lazuli and redstone. All-around an awesome cave system that I'm still not done exploring yet because of how freaking massive and easy-to-get-lost-in it is. Seriously, this thing's tunnels won't stop coming. I've seen lava pools big enough to make me think I fell through the world and into the Nether or something, and waterfalls flowing onto these things from underground springs to form natural obsidian. I can't wait to see how many other resources this place has.

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Trying out a new texture pack until the MixCraft one has it's NetherRack fixed. Something about going into the nether and it looking like water makes it very safe.

Turns out it's the same one that Sousa last advertised using. I didn't realise until night fall.. I'm loving this pack.

On a slightly annoying note.. My game seems to be just closing every now and then and any changes to the world made by me tend to disappear too, yet my inventory remains the same.

It's happened with a couple of texture packs. I might try deleting the bin folder etc again.

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Listening to the Yogscast doing The Shaft podcast thing on youtube... Tis quite interesting. but 2 hours long >_<


Also have just started watching MinecraftChick. Apparently she started playing Minecraft with 0 gaming experience.

Nice short videos too.


Edited by Pimpin' Feller
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I can not find diamond for shit. I took X' s idea of a mineshaft with a glass top and floors inbetween and I went all the way to the bottom and dug around so much bedrock it looks like theres a labyrinth in the center of the planet. Still I find none, grrr

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I found some 2 blocks up, I gathered some Obsidian and I'm trying to build a portal but I think I keep getting the size wrong.

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I found some 2 blocks up, I gathered some Obsidian and I'm trying to build a portal but I think I keep getting the size wrong.

5 high 4 wide

I use cobblestone for the corners so I'm only using 10 Obsidian instead of 14.

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my castle thing


I've got 2 rooms on the other side. looking to add on more and a room under the water

Edited by Kirkland
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Well they seem open to people, I just had an admin(or whatever you wanna call them) show me around his home after showing me the hotel.

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