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I've claimed a hotel room(I'm Murder101, look for me with the beetlejuice skin)

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I've claimed a hotel room(I'm Murder101, look for me with the beetlejuice skin)


"Who me?"

Finally found a texture pack that I think I'll keep for a while: Quandary. I've gotten so caught up with changing textures that I barely even play the game, but stay on the hunt for a better one instead. But Quandary really looks good, so I'm happy with that. Started a new world with the idea of it being my only world. I eventually want to make a lil' village, but I doubt that'll happen... hell, I spent about a week making stone walls and then lost interest as I placed the last block. So far I've only begun digging down my 20x20 'mine'. After I hit bedrock, I figure I can just cover the top and pretend it doesn't exist and have chests full of resources. Then I'll begin the building process. :pervert:

Edited by zap
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I guess I can go and claim a room too :shifty: Not on the same floor or below Kirkland, because I heard he snores :shifty:

I'll be the Zelda looking guy and with the name RockyFeller, kinda gives it away :P

What's this site they keep trying to tell me I have to visit?

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I'm on the bottom floor so no worries about being below mine,lol

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I can't do a damn thing and there's no one around to grant me any access... -_-

You can only go up and down lifts so many times before going crazy.

yeah you have to be let out now

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There are manly men with powertools in our office, punching floors and walls in an attempt to make things look better. As a result, we haven’t been able to work from the office this week, and worked from home. Jens spent most of the week working on a new mob; the wolf! You can tame it and order it to follow you around, and it’ll work as a pet. They’re fairly rare, but they won’t despawn once you’ve tamed them.

I worked on the achievement and stats system. One design issue was dealing with offline mode and synching the achievements once you get a connection again, but that’s been solved. We’ve got a couple of people in the office who don’t like achievements in games at all, so the goal is to design something that they’re fine with.

Achievements will NOT be chores like “cut down 10000 trees”, but rather challenges like “ride a pig off a cliff”. Stats, however, will be used to keep track of how many trees you have cut down. The long term plan is to show achievements and stats from the profile page on minecraft.net as well, in case you want to brag.

Just keep in mind that because you can design your own levels and run your own servers, people will be able to cheat with achievements and stats! ;)

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I'm not sure how I feel about Minecraft having achievements.

On the one hand, it's a fun little extra that you can do if you feel like it.

On the other, we now have to listen to people bitch and cry about how THEY'RE POINTLESS and how outraged they are that something they could just ignore is being added to a game they like.

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I can guarantee now that I won't complete the achievements. I don't do them on XBox so I won't do them on Minecraft.

Hopefully not doing them won't hinder my gameplay in any way.

When has any achievement ever done that though?

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing what they are seeing as Notch said they're not the typical 'Get 1000 of X'. But at the same time, I don't know what they COULD be, as those trophies seem like the only type you could get in Minecraft.

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I'm not sure how I feel about Minecraft having achievements.

On the one hand, it's a fun little extra that you can do if you feel like it.

On the other, we now have to listen to people bitch and cry about how THEY'RE POINTLESS and how outraged they are that something they could just ignore is being added to a game they like.

Some people are just drawn to Archievments like flies are to shit. I imagin, even with it having no afect on your Steamgamecenterxboxlive E-Penis, that this is a fairly easy way for them to sell extra copys. So why not. Worst case is that a msg plops up wen you unlock one by acident.

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