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Mark Wahlberg = Nathan Drake


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Thoughts? I don't own a PS3 so I've only played Uncharted at friends' houses, but it seems like a decent enough game series to make a movie out of. Apparently not much else about the movie has been revealed, other than Wahlberg saying Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro might be in it. I've always thought of Uncharted as the video game version of Indiana Jones, so I'm interested to see what they do with the movie version of the video game version of another movie franchise.

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He's been great in pretty much everything he's done

With the exception of:

The Lovely Bones

The Happening

Max Payne

Rock Star

Planet of the Apes



He's capable of strong performances, but he is NOT the action star that Hollywood has been trying to make him for years now.

Nathan Fillion was the only right casting choice for this role.

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He's been great in pretty much everything he's done

With the exception of:

The Lovely Bones

The Happening

Max Payne

Rock Star

Planet of the Apes



He's capable of strong performances, but he is NOT the action star that Hollywood has been trying to make him for years now.

Nathan Fillion was the only right casting choice for this role.

From a creative standpoint, totally, but Nathan Fillion realistically couldn't carry a big-budget action movie on his own. I knew he wasn't going to get the job, I just was hoping they'd go with somebody that has a TINY bit of charisma for the role. Mark Wahlberg is terrible in any serious role. His only good performance is in Boogie Nights and even then, he had a good script and direction to work with. I've never played the games but was still looking forward to what could've been a good movie but my disdain for Wahlberg has pretty much guaranteed I won't see it now.

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Fillion could totally carry this film on his own. He would downright fantastic in Serenity and while that had a large cast of characters, Fillion was the obvious centrepiece that held everything together. He has the acting chops, the believability, the charisma, the comic timing, and for this role, he has the looks bang on. He's a bit old for the character, but thats not a huge problem. You've got a fifty year old Tom Cruise running around doing Mission Impossible films. It's a facepalm moment because as much as the Uncharted games are inspired by Indiana Jones, the character of Nate Drake almost IS Nathon Fillion in game form. He was right there, even wanting to do the part, so it's a terrible choice.

Fillion would definitely have been better at carrying a blockbuster film than Mark fucking Wahlberg. I like Wahlberg, but the best thing he's done is a bit part role in The Departed. A good actor or not a good actor, he's still entirely not the right type of person for this role. Especially when you have the real life character RIGHT FUCKING THERE.

Sigh :(

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Fillion could carry the film, Castle's doing pretty well, he looks the part, and it would give the movie instant nerd cred. This is a video game movie we're talking about, you can put all the big names in it you want, it still doesn't mean it's going to do well unless you get nerds excited about it.

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Nathan Fillion or bust....

I love me some marky mark, but he just doesn't have the wit to pull this character off

me and my friends have had this discussion a few times, they thought Fillion wasn't in good enough shape for the role and she though that David Borenaz (the dude from bones) would be a good choice and her boyfriend thought that Jensen Ackles could do a pretty good job

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Wasn't in good enough shape? Even if he "isn't" they'd make him work out to get into shape. Then again can't argue with anyone that thinks David Boreaniz would add the charisma required to the part. Definitely not a good choice.

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I love Nathan Fillion, and think he was perfect for the role but he has no mainstream backing. Serenity had all the nerd cred and still did next to nothing in the box office. Mark Wahlberg for whatever reason has become a household name, he's a safer bet for the studios, which is so fucking sad, but I can totally understand Hollywood not taking a risk with Fillion as their star.

Edited by Boogey131
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To be fair, because of Castle (like Zero said before), Fillion's career has drastically changed since Serenity in that he's the lead of a major network TV show that wasn't canceled within a year of it being on the air.

That said, I still don't think that would've been enough to give the studio heads the "warm and fuzzies" and allow him to do it but using Serenity and it's box office as an indication of his present career situation is dumb.

And to all of you shitting on the Wahlberg choice....let's be honest, who didn't see it coming with David O. Russell at the helm? At least he seems to be one of the few directors that can get the most out of Wahlberg.

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I wasn't aware that Russell was making the movie, so Wahlberg is now a lot less surprising. Three Kings was good and The Fighter looks decent, so hopefully he'll be able to get Marky Mark to not suck as much.

And yeah, Serenity was almost six years ago, not exactly fair to bring that up now. My whole point about nerd cred with video game movies is that a big name at the top guarantees nothing. See: all of them. But Fillion IS Nathan Drake, everything about him and his style of acting meshes with that character, it would at least be a faithful adaptation, unlike other video game movies... see: all of them.

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I have no idea what Serenity did at the box office, I mentioned the film by way of saying that Fillion could comfortably be the lead role of a big budget film. Okay, so no name value means it won't be a box office smash, but is anyone seriously expecting it to be, even with Wahlberg? Max Payne didn't exactly smash box office records, and I'm pretty sure video game films in general tend to be a pretty niche genre. The film is never going to be a major financial smash hit, so why not just cast the right people and make a good film that might recoup some losses on DVD thanks to word of mouth, instead of something some people might be fooled into seeing once based on name value (again, of Mark fucking Wahlberg?) and panning it all round.

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I like how Wahlberg + another video game movie = instant bomb at the box office. Who's to say this movie won't blow up and be the biggest movie of 2011/2012/whatever year it's released? I'm sorry, but I don't buy into all of this Nathan Fillion cocksucking going on in here.

I don't particularly care for either actor, never played the game (no PS3), and don't even know what it's about. But, goddamn, the dude is already on a hit network TV show, you should be happy for that fact alone, instead of complaining about a virtual unknown to the general public not getting the lead role in a costly multi-million dollar action movie.

Call me when they make a Fallout film adaption, and cast someone that SDM hates so I can watch his head blow up.

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