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Elder Scrolls V: Skeerim


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After liberating Whiterun from the hands of those Imperial scum, I was wandering around town minding my own business when suddenly some Stormcloak guard tries blackmailing me!

Bitch, I am STORMBLADE. I'm the reason you're in charge!

There needed to be a conversation option that would've allowed me to have her dragged through the streets and then hung. How rude.

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Yeah, there's a spell you can buy from most spell buying places that will cause a Soul Gem to be filled if you kill an enemy within a certain time period after casting it. I've never actually needed to, as I seem to have picked up a lot of filled Soul Gems on my journey.

Also don't bother unless the Gem is somewhat Large, the smaller ones don't fill anything up at all really.

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I've found myself merrily dancing through the forests, grabbing flowers and butterflies as I go. Love trying out ingredients to see if they make any kind of potion. Also liked the wide variety of foods I could cook. In fact, loving pretty much everything right now.

I'm a Nord of course (I was in Oblivion) with a good manly beard and dirty blonde hair. Makes me want to play through with a different race at some point though. Being a Nord people have been pretty welcoming to me but being Kahjit or Dark Elf would be interesting as they seem to be universally disliked or distrusted. Even in Cyrondil(sp?) the racism was generally less blatant.

Loving that the series has continued to sneakily lead you into bigger quests than you first though - the golden claw leading me into some big ancient Nordic tombs and the Dragon word etc and then finding the Dragonstone there to give to the mage.

As always though it's the small things that please me, or the way the game tells many different stories without saying anything. Wandering along the river I came to a shack that had a big bear in. I hid until it scampered off looking for me then swam across and found some bloody bones which I guess used to be the occupant - so took his supplies of fish and his books. I've fallen in love with the world all over again.

Only a couple of weeks work before I'm off for 3 weeks! Whooo!

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To fill gems, you need Soul Trap. It's available as a spell (where it's 'if target dies within X seconds, fills a soul gem) but I much prefer it as an enchantment because if you kill something and you have a soul gem it will fill it, you don't need to worry about whether it's died within three seconds. You do have to find an existing weapon with the enchantment already attached in order to get the enchantment, but they're not that rare. And yeah, like Damshow said, keep the smaller gems around because it a) grinds the Enchanting skill and b) it's an excellent way to improve the value of trinkets. It won't matter that the smaller gems are there either - a soul automatically goes into the largest empty gem you have that can hold it. If you've got an empty Greater and Petty gem, a soul will go into the former first.

Now, a question of my own - are dragon breath attacks magical or not?

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Having a dog and being an archer is not a good combination. I feel like as bad a person as Srar now.

:lol: Makes me feel a little better now. I just had the craziest thing happen but it may have some main quest spoilers so I'll post it below.

I was just doing some random traveling and saw a big dragon on top of a mountain with a big thing of energy shooting up. I charged up to kill him but it was the MAIN DRAGON BOSS!

:o I tried to attack him and it wouldnt let me but he bellowed out some dark words and conjured up another dragon right in front of me! This one actually had a name too which was new. So main guy ran off but I killed the new one.

Was very cool

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I just got Skyrim.

I'm at the very beginning where the guy is all like "There was an ambush" then the game freezes.

This is the first I've heard of anyone getting this glitch. Is it with the new patch installed?

Pretty sure I have the patch, unless it came out a few hours ago. I think it's version 1.2

It worked fine after I restarted it for a while but it froze when I tried to get that archer guy to train like an hour later.

A chicken was coming right at me so I whacked it with my hammer, then the entire town was trying to kill me and there was no way to reason with them, after I killed the whole town I had to load up the autosave If I actually wanted to play the game.

I think I played Oblivion too much in preparation to this, because the map was really hurting my eyes and gave me a headache.

And after all that, this game is still the best game ever.

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