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Golden Globes 2011

GoGo Yubari

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DiCaprio can't be a great actor because De Niro is still making films? :\

De Niro's last film was a Meet The Parents threequel for crying out loud. As amazing as De Niro was, he's made a lot of shit films in his career. DiCaprio is on the up and up. Your blind hatred is just silly :shifty:

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Yeah, see, stuff like this is why I don't buy into DiCarpios hype. Sure he's good, but people can seriously say this when guys like Gary Oldman, De Niro and so on and so forth are still making films? Yeah, he's a fine actor, but he's really not the second coming of Laurence Olivier that people seem to think he is.

DeNiro retired about 12 years ago. He now makes personal appearances in movies as "Robert DeNiro." I mean good for him that he's so famous that he doesn't have to act any more, but naming him as an actor above DiCaprio is just baffling, particularly since DeNiro got Scorsece in touch with DiCaprio. I mean DeNiro's major films this year were "Little Fockers" and "Machete." I mean don't get me wrong from Taxi Driver to Heat (20 years), he was phenomenal, but he's been playing parodies of his old characters since then. Maybe Nicholson would be a better example, as his sheer body of work goes on for about 4 decades and he's still performing at a much higher level.

But yeah, the fact that other good actors exist sure is proof that Leo's no good, right? I don't know that he's the best method guy or the best Shakespearian actor or whatever, but he's turned in a body of work in the past decade that stands up to anybody's in the business. Surely there's a middle ground between thinking he's Olivier and saying he's gotten a few lucky roles.

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Yeah, see, stuff like this is why I don't buy into DiCarpios hype. Sure he's good, but people can seriously say this when guys like Gary Oldman, De Niro and so on and so forth are still making films? Yeah, he's a fine actor, but he's really not the second coming of Laurence Olivier that people seem to think he is.

DeNiro retired about 12 years ago. He now makes personal appearances in movies as "Robert DeNiro." I mean good for him that he's so famous that he doesn't have to act any more, but naming him as an actor above DiCaprio is just baffling, particularly since DeNiro got Scorsece in touch with DiCaprio. I mean DeNiro's major films this year were "Little Fockers" and "Machete." I mean don't get me wrong from Taxi Driver to Heat (20 years), he was phenomenal, but he's been playing parodies of his old characters since then. Maybe Nicholson would be a better example, as his sheer body of work goes on for about 4 decades and he's still performing at a much higher level.

But yeah, the fact that other good actors exist sure is proof that Leo's no good, right? I don't know that he's the best method guy or the best Shakespearian actor or whatever, but he's turned in a body of work in the past decade that stands up to anybody's in the business. Surely there's a middle ground between thinking he's Olivier and saying he's gotten a few lucky roles.

I didn't say that, I said that I don't consider him the #1 in the world. Where have I ever even said that I think he's a bad actor? I just don't think he's as good as people make him out to be. I've yet to see a performance of his that made me care about him at all. I liked Catch Me If You Can, I thought The Departed was great, Shutter Island... eh, it was okay. Inception was fine, but I wouldn't even say it was Nolans best film.

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Alright, bad example, but still, Number 1 Male Actor in the world? Seriously?

Yes. And in my mind it's not even close. People will think the likes of DeNiro are also overrated, it's a matter of opinion I guess. I've never seen DiCaprio play a bad role. Over the last decade he's been immense in every role he's played. He was outstanding in The Beach and ever since then he's just been fantastic. For me the best I've ever had the pleasure of watching and I don't think there's any doubt he'll go down as one of the best there's been.

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DiCaprio isn't the best actor in the world but he's probably got the best body of work of anybody in the past 8 or so years. Fantastic performance after fantastic performance. Guys like Oldman and Nicholson are better, but I don't think it's exaggerating to call DiCaprio the number one leading man in Hollywood at the moment.

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DiCaprio isn't the best actor in the world but he's probably got the best body of work of anybody in the past 8 or so years. Fantastic performance after fantastic performance. Guys like Oldman and Nicholson are better, but I don't think it's exaggerating to call DiCaprio the number one leading man in Hollywood at the moment.

Agreed. There's always going to be someone who is technically a better actor - for example, when De Niro was doing some of his best work, Brando was still active - but to say DiCaprio isn't that great because De Niro is still around isn't exactly fair. De Niro's been making shit like Little Fockers with the occasional gem sprinkled in, while DiCaprio has been making movies like Inception, Revolutionary Road, The Departed, and Catch Me If You Can. He's not my pick for best actor in the world right now, but I certainly think a case can be made for him as the #1 leading man.

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