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EWB's favourite beat 'em up (fighting game) characters

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WWE games don't count.

Who are your top ten beat'em up characters. It can be for moveset, for how they look, for their back story.....ANYTHING.

Number 1 gets 10 points down to 1 point for number 10. If you can't do 10 then just do as many as you can but MUST BE more than 5.

We'll do this the way the women and bands voting is done. If one fighter gets a 10 from me and a 5 from someone else then that is 15 x 2 (voters) = 30 points.

Let's go!

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I'm not a HUGE fighty fan. I loved Mortal Kombat 1 and 2 when younger, played a lot of Street Fighter II (Turbo) at my friend's, played Soul Blade to death on the PS1 and LOVED Tekken 2 and 3.

1. Brian Fury (Tekken)

Yay, punchy-punch cyborg who looks like a former Aston Villa manager.

2. Taki (Soul Blade/Calibur)

Lush to play as - demon hunting ninja with only a tiny blade between her and eternity.

3. Li Long (Soul Blade/Calibur)

Nunchaku-wielding assassin who's moveset just flowed fantastically.

4. Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)

Flash movie star with the best move in gaming history - the package check. Also one of the best fatalities in Mortal Kombat (ripping his opponent's torso off their legs).

5. Sub Zero (Mortal Kombat)

The bloke in blue. I always preferred him to Scorpion and had an interesting back story as well as the cool icy moveset.

6. Jin Kazama (Tekken)

Loved his trousers and gloves to start with. Liked his story too. Also has become one of the most iconic Tekken characters but isn't a cheap thrill (like Hwoarang, Eddy Gordo or Ling Xiaoyu). Not as powerful as Brian Fury and a good challenge to play well.

7. Chun-Li (Street Fighter)

SPINNING BIRD KICK! Used to pick her mainly cos I wasn't interested in the whole Ryu/Ken thing that Street Fighter used to push on the players. Great celebration in SFII.

8. Mitsurugi (Soul Blade)

Hwang and Mitsurugi were Soul Blade's Ryu and Ken. Shared similar movesets with some different specials and a few varieties. But they had swords.

9. Utsusemi (Bushido Blade)

Bushido Blade was a unique sword fighting game with possible one hit kills and some great fighting styles. Utsusemi was the oldschool fighter with a funky trenchcoat.

10. Yoshimitsu (Tekken)

Could teleport, recover energy by sitting on the floor and carries a sword into a fist fight.....not that he ever USED the sword though.

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Oooh this will be fun...

1. Hwoarang (Tekken)

- He's just fun as fuck to use. There is nobody else cooler, easier and just more bad ass in the Tekken universe.

2. Wolverine (Marvel vs. Capcom)

- About ten times more fun to use than the Mutant Academy version, and just so much more easier to bust out combos with.

3. Lei (Tekken)

- After Hwoarang, the best from the game.

4. Ermac (Mortal Kombat)

- Shut up, No one else is cooler than Ermac in the MK series.

5. Dhalsim (Street Fighter)

- He's Dhalsim. No other reason needed.

6. Redman (Def Jam)

- Basically, in the whole Def Jam series, he's got the most awesome-est finisher.

7. Toad (X-Men: Mutang Academy)

- Toad is phenomenal. I love him. His tongue is like my favorite weapon in video games, I think.

8. Ken (Street Fighter)

- The punch. The punch is everything.

9. Goku (Dragon Ball Z)

- I really love Goku's special powers.

10. Eddy (Tekken)

- Capoeira looks so easy when it's just pressing buttons.

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Tekken gets 4/10 of my list, simply because it's the one I played the most of over the years. Street Fighter came before that and Soulcalibur briefly in the middle, while Mortal Kombat is basically limited to the copy of the first game I had on the Master System. :shifty:

You'll also noticed that much of my list consists of small girly characters, simply because they seem to fit my playing style. Xiao is far and away the character who best fits how I instinctively play. She's awesome.

So yes, most of the list is down to gameplay, with only a couple of nods to Miscellaneous Baddassery (see: Bison, M.).

1. Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken)

2. Asuka Kazama (Tekken)

3. Talim (Soulcalibur)

4. M.Bison (Street Fighter)

5. Cassandra (Soulcalibur)

6. Chun Li (Street Fighter)

7. Julia Chang (Tekken)

8. Sub Zero (Mortal Kombat)

9. Sophitia (Soulcalibur)

10. Bryan Fury (Tekken)

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Not sure if I can get all the way to 10, but I'll try.

1. M. Bison (Street Fighter)

2. Yoshimitsu (Tekken)

3. Akuma (Street Fighter)

4. Sub Zero (Mortal Kombat)

5. E. Honda (Street Fighter)

6. Shao Tsung (Mortal Kombat)

7. Li Long (Soul Blade)

8. Dhalsim (Street Fighter)

9. King (Tekken)

Will come back with a 10th at some point....hopefully.

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1. Kabal (Mortal Kombat 3)

2. Ness (Super Smash Brothers)

3. Dante (Marvel vs Capcom 3)

4. Choi (King of Fighters)

5. Iori (King of Fighters)

6. Striker (Mortal Kombat 3)

7. General Grevious (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith) The fighting game in that was awesome

8. Roger Jr. (Tekken)

9. Cable (Marvel Vs Capcom 2)

10. Cyrax (Mortal Kombat 3)

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1: Terry Bogard - Fatal Fury

2: K' - King of Fighter

3: Noob Saibot - Mortal Kombat

4: Guile - Street Fighter

5: Mai Shiranui - Fatal Fury

6: Vega - Street Fighter

7: Billy Kane - Fatal Fury

8: T. Hawk - Street Fighter

9: Zangief - Street Fighter

10: Wolfgang Krauser - Fatal Fury

Went with series names, since so many characters end up in multiple games and series. As you can see I dig SNK's games.

Edited by Steel City Saint
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Fighting Game and Beat Em Up are two different genres...

Fighting Game characters...

1. Baiken (Guilty Gear series)- A defensive based character in a series that discourages being a defensive player. Her basic character- a no-nonsense badass out for revenge and not in the mood to take shit from anyone- isn't that special, but I like the idea of a one-armed samurai just wrecking shit in a high-tech fantasy world game.

2. Bridget (Guilty Gear series)- Probably one of the strangest characters in gaming... a bounty hunting transvestite whose primary weapon is a gimmicked yo-yo. A really fun character who can attack from multiple angles at once.

3. Taokaka (BlazBlue series)- A kind of idiot savant character from a race of catpeople. Her interactions with the other characters are downright hilarious, and her fighting style- all about speed and unpredictability, seals her place as #3 for me.

4. Ukyo Tachibana (Samurai Shodown) A lot like Baiken playwise, and has my favorite wacky quotes in a game series notorious for wacky quotes.

5. Faust (Guilty Gear series)- Nine foot tall magic doctor who wears a paper bag over his head and carries a scalpel. Do I have to explain more?

6. Christie (Tekken series)- Only here because I have on several occasions turned down all comers with her, sometimes via triple perfect, and people consider her a low-tier character when in reality, she is a god-tier.

7. Servbot (MvC 2)- I almost considered not buying MvC 3 just because Servbot wasn't in it.

8. Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter and various spinoffs)- Do I really need to explain this one?

9. Rachel Alucard (BlazBlue series)- Like Taokaka, her interactions with other characters (including her own sidekicks) are very memorably awesome.

10. Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue series)- Just an amazingly flowing character, with one of the most inexplicable quotes ever: HANDS OFF THE PANDA!

Honorable Mention: Deadpool, Victor Von Doom ("The Applause Shall Continue For Another Hour. The First Person To Stop Clapping Will Be Executed")


Now if this were t be actual beat-em-ups, this would be a nine-way tie between all nine Warriors in The Warriors, followed by Mike Haggar in Final Fight.

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1. Hwaorang(those fucking kicks bah gawd!, so easy to use and so effective)

2. Jin(From Tekken, he was the first person I beat the game with)

3.Raiden(Mortal Kombat 4- I spammed the shit out of that charging electric thing when i used to play this on my Dad's PC back in the day)

4. Sub-Zero(Always liked him more than Scorpion, his fatalities are immense too)

5. Deadpool(Marvel vs Capcom, the dialogue is amazing and as is the move where he grabs the health bar and beats people up with it)

6. Haggar(Marvel vs Capcom/Final Fight)

7. Zangief(Street Fighter)

8. Dhalsim(Street Fighter)

9. Goku(Dragon Ball Z- Spirit Bomb= gameover)

10. Sabretooth(X-Men Mutant Academy)

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Think i might be the only one to bring up Fighters Destiny and possibly Killer Instinct but what the hell.

1. Kirby (Super Smash Bros.)

2. Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat)

3. B.Orchid (Killer Instinct)

4. Chun-Li (Street Fighter)

5. Glacius (Killer Instinct)

6. Yuri Sakazaki (Art of Fighting)

7. Blanka (Street Fighter)

8. Pierre (Fighters Destiny)

9. Meiling (Fighters Destiny)

10. Ushi (Fighters Destiny)

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1. Blanka (Street Fighter II)

Loved spamming electricity combos. Plus the teenager in me thought he looked so godamn cool.

2. Zangief (Street Fighter II)

Not the greatest fighter I ever played as but he has a huge emotional connection with me, as he was the first character I ever played in one of these games. Plus, stereotypical Russian characters are always amusing.

3. Sub Zero (Mortal Kombat)

One of my favourite combinations, in fighting games ever, Freeze opponent and then uppercut them! Plus Ninja and all that.

4. Dhalsim (Street Fighter II)

I quite liked the character and felt the strechy limbs thing, was quite unique and set him apart.

5. Ryu (Street Fighter II)

Who wasnt a mark for "HADOKEN!"? Plus I like how he was just about the fight and proving himself as a warrior and that nothing else mattered.

6. E. Honda (Street Fighter II)

Another fun character to unleash upon an unsuspecting friend with his spammy moves.

7, Sagat (Street Fighter II)

Probably only up this high, due to him being a star in NODQ wrestling. :P

8.Vega (Street Fighter II)

His vain celebrations after winning Street Fighter never ceased to amuse me.

9. M. Bison (Street Fighter II)

Classic fighting game villain.

10. Kano (Mortal Kombat)

He was a bit of a badass. Plus he's technically been an Aussie for a while, so...(Y)

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1.Fox McCloud (Smash Brothers)

My favourite character EVAR

2. Raphael (Soul Callibur)

A fencing, floppy haired, foppish ponce... It just makes winning even better

3. Steve Fox (Tekken)

Kicking is over rated anyway

4. Scorpion (MK)

'GET OVER HERE' and uppercut. I don't need any other moves to win

5. Guile (Street Fighter)

Ryu and Ken were everyone's favourites but I love me some Guile, even when JCVD is playing him

And thats all I care about.

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1.Vega - Street Fighter

2.Tira - Soul Calibur

3.Sub Zero - Mortal Kombat

4.Link - Super Smash Bros

5.Yoshimitsu - Tekken

6.Tina - DOA

7.Captain Falcon - Super Smash Bros

8.Johnny Cage - Mortal Kombat

9.Zack - DOA

10.Cammy - Street Fighter

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Not enough people choosing Yoshimitsu. Seriously, that guy is bad-ass.

And Hammy, he could use the sword....either to stab himself, or stab the other character.

Ah yes! You jogged my memory! He could stab through himself to get to his opponent....which was a great way to finish someone off.

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Not enough people choosing Yoshimitsu. Seriously, that guy is bad-ass.

And Hammy, he could use the sword....either to stab himself, or stab the other character.

Ah yes! You jogged my memory! He could stab through himself to get to his opponent....which was a great way to finish someone off.

My friend would only pick Yoshimitsu, he wasn't very good and most games would end with him stabbing himself and only himself to much amusement.

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Gotta admit I never heard of the guy, but stabbing himself? I wonder where Die Hard 4 got it's finish from.

My 23rd birthday party. Now you know.

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Not enough people choosing Yoshimitsu. Seriously, that guy is bad-ass.

And Hammy, he could use the sword....either to stab himself, or stab the other character.

Ah yes! You jogged my memory! He could stab through himself to get to his opponent....which was a great way to finish someone off.

Well, he could do that......or he could just stab them. The move took a little while, as he posed, and then lunged with his sword. So yeah, not the best one to use except from distance, hoping that they'd essentially run into the move.

EDIT: Here is a video with some guy doing all the moves for Yoshimitsu for Tekken 3. To be honest, he uses the sword more than I thought (stuff like the helicopter move early on in the video). The one I was talking about is about 0:45 in.


Edited by Liam
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