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Modern Warfare 3


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Well, it's finally time. Modern Warfare 3 is on its way out on November 8th. I'm not too sure about this. There have been no graphical enhancements (not that I care, I don't care that much about graphics) and it seems like they're picking up where they left off with MW2. I will most probably pick this up for fun, but right now, it isn't looking that good against Battlefield 3.

Anyway, it's out on XBOX360, PS3 and PC on November 8th.

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I'll always love the Modern Warfare despite it's critics and will more than likely get this ASAP, the online alone makes it worth the price but the storyline and set pieces again look like an epic. Great video

The WW3 with the W flipping over at the end was pretty slick.

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*hijacks thread*

The trailer looks like every other FPS trailer I've ever seen. Ever. The maps always look exactly the same too. Fuck Call Of Duty, fuck Modern Warfare 3, fuck Hulk Hogan. Definitely won't be spending my hard-earned cash on this shit.

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Being killed by someone who is a CoD veteran and lives to play the game, then being re-spawned right next to his brother, who is in the next room incidently (they have two 360's so that they can boost each other's level), only to be shot in the face once again, is not my idea of fun. :(

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I do, Izzy! I just can't remember if I've got you on PSN :shifty:

Same here. I think I have, though. Still, liking Izzy isn't enough to make me want it. It was Benji's fault I bought Black Ops.

You do...We don't play the same games though :mellow:

I'll add Benji when I can be bothered to get back online...But first. Must kill everything in Mass Effect 2.

Edited by IzzyX
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Being killed by someone who is a CoD veteran and lives to play the game, then being re-spawned right next to his brother, who is in the next room incidently (they have two 360's so that they can boost each other's level), only to be shot in the face once again, is not my idea of fun. :(

I never lived to play the game but I was pretty fucking good at MW2 before it became nothing but people hacking. It's really not that hard to get good at it, just because you suck doesn't mean the game is faulted. :P

I'm looking forward to this. And I'll be getting it on PS3, give me a reason to use my headset again. And I actually play these games online, Benji, so I'll actually play with you this time around!

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Fuck graphics. Make the game friggin playable. After the utter debacle that was Black Ops, I don't know if I will pick this up to be honest. I want to, because MW2 I played... too much, some might say (I think it was 3 months total in game time). But yeah, fuck Graphics. I turn that shit all the way down in all the games, to make playability perfect.

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