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Games that should be given the HD treatment.


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I couldn't think of a better title without using the word 'remake'.

Basically, what games would you guys love to see remade in full HD for the PS3/360? You can pick anything from whacky NES titles even to PS2 games that would just look that little bit nicer rendered for the current generation. I know a lot of people hate the idea of remakes just for the sake of updating the graphics, but I think there's quite a lot of games that could prosper in the current gen and would sell a lot, not to mention introducing the game to a whole new generation.

For me, there's quite a few. Seeing as I was never so much into games until the PS1 arrived (though I did play SNES a lot. somehow.) most of mine come from that era. Starting with Metal Gear Solid, which was just a wonderful game all around. I can't even imagine how lovely it would be to replay it for the PS3. Hell, I don't have to, the Shadow Moses level of MGS4 made me want it even more! You'd barely have to update the game and it'd still be amazing.

The other one I was thinking about is the one that's been rumoured/dreamed about by fanboys for years, is FFVII. I'm actually quite torn on this, as someone who likes the idea of upscaling games, but despite it being a solid RPG and having a pretty great story, I can't help but feel like a little of the magic would be lost in losing the old school graphics.

And finally, Legend of Dragoon. Because man, I loved that game, but fuck spending £40 on a used copy of a PS1 game that probably won't even work. :(

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Legend of Legaia. One of the most underrated, under-appreciated JRPGs ever. In-depth story, unique gameplay, tons of stuff to do, it was just all around fantastic, and I'd love to see them do a remake. And not a remake of the sequel, because the sequel sucked. I realize asking for a remake of a game not that well known is unlikely...but hey, I can dream.

Also, GTA London 1969. It was awesome in the top down style, and I can only imagine how much more fun it would be in the more modern 3D-style GTA has taken on.

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I would love to see a new top-down GTA.

I know there's a Prince of Persia one out, but I want it on 360 goddamnit.

A Wipeout package featuring every course, craft and music track used throughout the series would be phenomenal. A smilar take on Micro Machines would be good, too. I'd quite like to see a new "_____ Strike" game, too, they were awesome back in the day, but I just can't play them anymore because of how shitty they look. Only other thing I can think of would be Speedball 2, but more of a proper overhaul, detailed management and more advanced controls, rather than just the dreadful reskin that popped up on XBLA a few years ago.

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Oh man - I really, really wanna see a new top down Grand Theft Auto now because I have really, really fond childhood memories of playing the first ever one. Hell, I never even had a chance to play the second one but I was really deep into the modding community for the first one. People did some really creative stuff actually.

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Battletoads...thats all

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An updated LAPD Future Cop, but keeping the same style of gameplay. One of my favourite PS1 games that was really underrated. It'd look awesome in HD.

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A lot of games I want to see updated have already been, primarily Dragon Quest I - IV and the pre-PS1 Final Fantasies.

I'd be happy with a remake of Secret of Mana, or the Megaman games, or other classics like Castlevania, Contra, Life Force, etc.

Metal Gear 1 redone could be epic as well :shifty:

Fuck all that shit.

The THQ/AKI wrestling games on the N64. VPW64, WCW vs nWo World Tour, WCW/nWo Revenge, WrestleMania 2000, VPW2, and No Mercy. ALL MUST BE REDONE!

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