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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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Randy Orton just got injured on Raw and i got the he may never return message, then he returned on the very next Smackdown.

I had a Evan Bourne/John Cena and Eve feuding with Swagger, Ryder and Beth on Superstars. After few tag team matches, Beth had it with Swagger losing and kicked him in the balls. Bourne won a singles match against Swagger the week later and then apparently formed alliance with Cena and Eve.

I tried to win the rumble with Lesnar, but got eliminated then i chose the 28th entrant which was Evan Bourne and won it. Now i plan to have him face Mark Henry for the title at Wrestlemania, another thing would be him turning heel and challenging Cena who won the WWE title at Rumble.

So far i've played the way the game has wanted and not really changed anything. There was a match between Daniel Bryan and Christian on Smackdown after Royal Rumble, where i won the Intercontinental title with Bryan from Ezekiel Jackson. Before the match Slater showed up. I won the match with Christian and after it he and Slater were about to beat Bryan more, but Ezekiel made the save. Main event on that night was Ezekiel vs Regal, where i did interfere with Christian and dropped both of them with Killswitches to get a cutscene of the match ending in No Contest and Christian posing at ringside.

There seems to be lot of different things that can happen in Universe. Well i'm just 6-7 weeks into it, but atleast i haven't seen any cutscene twice like the few same ones happening all the time last year. Has anyone made it to Money In The Bank yet, does it have it's own MITB match for both Raw and Smackdown or just one?

Tried the Road to Wrestlemania for a while as well, i liked how the Bragging Rights match was done, that's pretty much how far i am. Great game, i agree on it being the best one in years.

Edited by The Sandman
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Also I agree with whoever said Alex Riley is well thought of by the developers. Royal Rumble Final 4 of Rey, Alberto, Sheamus and Riley and Riley won.

To be fair, at the time the game was being developed, Riley had become inexplicably over and looked on his way to a major push. They were probably taking a gamble at making him seem a slightly bigger deal than he was at the time.

The craziest part about my Riley push was that it all started in matches against Del Rio where I had the CPU play it out and I watched. Riley just seemed to be unstoppable despite having like a 78 OVR rating. Right now I'm watching/playing most of the matches on the card, except for multi-man matches, which I tend to skip over.

Managed to get online long enough to download some of the highly rated CAWs on the front page. Angle, Jericho, RVD, Sting, and Hunico. I didn't preview any of them because I got kicked out the one time I tried, I just downloaded them and looked after. I'm not too impressed with the Sting, but the others are very good. Jericho's face is dead on, and he has his 2007 return attire.

The game immediately booked Hunico in a match against Justin Gabriel. After winning, Hunico went to Pillmanize Gabriel when RVD (who I had set as a legend) returned to rescue him. Decided to throw them in a tag team to bolster the division. I've now got enough teams to have 2 sets of tag belts...pretty annoying that even with two sets of belts, they're technically not brand specific and teams can continue to wrestle on both shows/compete for the other show's tag belts. It's also completely stupid that you have to have all THREE sets of tag belts on active Raw/SD guys even if one or two of those belts are meant to be inactive.

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I can't even get onto Community Creations. I keep getting the 'What's Hot' ad at the bottom of the title scree; but then get told that the servers are currently down. Somewhat annoying.

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It took many tries for me to get on. It seems like they focused on getting Matchmaking up and running first. I really do hope Community Creations is up soon though.

I have a feeling that the "What's Hot" is never going to change throughout the duration of this game's existence, though. Everybody is in the same boat. Only a few good CAWs have been properly uploaded. So everybody is downloading them and skewing the "times downloaded" scale. Angle's been downloaded 5,000+ times, for example.

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Get this! On my Tribute to the Troops show (which I have running in place of Superstars), Wade Barrett defeated Kevin Nash in the main event, and then Beth Phoenix came out and walked to the back with him. Well on Nitro, HHH just defeated CM Punk, and Beth just came out and walked to the back with him! Slut

Edited by TheTomster2011
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Get this! On my Tribute to the Troops show (which I have running in place of Superstars), Wade Barrett defeated Kevin Nash in the main event, and then Beth Phoenix came out and walked to the back with him. Well on Nitro, HHH just defeated CM Punk, and Beth just came out and walked to the back with him! Slut

This game will be amazing if Barrett and Triple H form a tag team.

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I played as Shawn Michaels during the first Rumble match, and I believe I entered at number 11 or 12. Lasted til the end when that bastard HHH eliminated me. During the course of the match, I'd been hit with several people's finishers and could barely walk by the end. I was hoping for a miracle but HHH got me. I'd imagine it would happen that way in real life too.

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Just had a crazy match with Christian vs. Zeke Jackson (With the ECW title, even though I vacated it), before the match started Orton attacks Christian, rolls him into the ring, I beat him up a bit, he gets up and Justin Gabriel runs in, he acts like he's siding with Christian before siding Zeke and cheap-shotting Christian, I pin him right away to end the match. Afterwards, Zeke is celebrating with the World Heavyweight title (Which is held by Orton) when Heath Slater runs in and ambushes Zeke. But, does anyone know why Zeke would have had the WH title?

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Is HBK one of the unlockables? I haven't noticed him yet...

He's DLC. 59p IIRC; or free if you have Fan Access.

Just had a crazy match with Christian vs. Zeke Jackson (With the ECW title, even though I vacated it), before the match started Orton attacks Christian, rolls him into the ring, I beat him up a bit, he gets up and Justin Gabriel runs in, he acts like he's siding with Christian before siding Zeke and cheap-shotting Christian, I pin him right away to end the match. Afterwards, Zeke is celebrating with the World Heavyweight title (Which is held by Orton) when Heath Slater runs in and ambushes Zeke. But, does anyone know why Zeke would have had the WH title?

Almost the exact same happened to me, except Orton was on commentary, and it was Barrett cheap-shotting Zeke with the WHC at the end of the match. Very, very strange.

Had a fun match as retro Edge and Christian vs. HBK and Rock at Wrestlemania. Generally did well, then Rock used an ability to get a finisher; hit Edge with the Rock Bottom and had me beat..only for Christian to make the save at 2.999. Ended up Spearing Rocky for the win.

And I universe mode, R-Truth won the rumble.... Final 4 of Truth, Swagger, HHH and Brock, who had been in from about number 8 and was a beast, until Truth and Swagger teamed up to eliminate him. Came down to those two, Swagger hit 2 Gut-wrench powerbombs on Truth but didn't try and eliminate him, and eventually lost.

Edited by Yoshihiro timmayyama
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This game is addicting. I'm only five shows in and haven't done too much editing, aside from adding Air Boom and doing a few relationship changes. My first week had Smash be the mysery opponent in the main event of both Raw and Smackdown, against John Cena and the Undertaker. Second week's Raw was funny ... Alberto del Rio distracted the referee (unsuccessfully), and Rey Mysterio still beat Jack Swagger. In the main event (Morrison vs. Del rio), about thirty seconds in, Rey Mysterio turns heel and attacks Morrison, allowing del Rio to win the match.

Superstars was also fun. A main event 3-on-1 handicap match (Evan Bourne vs. Swagger & Otunga (me) & McGillicutty) sees a cut scene mid-match, where Swagger tries tagging me in and I leave. Swagger & McGillicutty eventually win the match, and McGillicutty attacks Swagger during their post match celebration. I'm excited to get to the Royal Rumble.

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Game's been okay so far, I've run into a few things that have kind of soured me a little on it. Small things that just shouldn't be an issue. Like John Cena winning the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble... and then winning the Royal Rumble match. He then kept the title right up until WrestleMania, where it wasn't defended at all. >_>

What a heel.

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