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2011 NFL Season

gunnar hendershow

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Marvin Lewis is about to take a rookie (ginger!) quarterback-led football team into the playoffs in arguably the toughest division in football. I think he's done alright.

Before this season, there wasn't much of a difference between Del Rio and Lewis for the past 8 years.

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Way to choke Chargers. How can I defend them when they constantly let me down?

On a side note: As much as I hate to say it.. Tebow sure knows how to win

More like the Broncos' D knows how to keep the games close while Tebow stinks up the joint for 55 minutes, which allows him to use his magic in the last five minutes.

Tebow deserves a fair share of the credit. Sure, the defense has been huge for him, but he's helped them out too by not turning the ball over and scoring a fuck load of touchdowns - 6% of his touches result in TDs (Aaron Rodgers is 5.7%, Brady 5.1% Brees 4.7%). I'm not saying he's always going to be successful or that he's changing the position or anything. Defenses will figure it out. But it's not like he flails around like a spaz the entire game and relies on everyone else to bail him out.

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Marvin Lewis is about to take a rookie (ginger!) quarterback-led football team into the playoffs in arguably the toughest division in football. I think he's done alright.

Before this season, there wasn't much of a difference between Del Rio and Lewis for the past 8 years.

There were a couple division titles. The Bengals have as many AFC North titles as the Ravens. Marvin Lewis has done a great job given he's got a terrible owner and has had some terrible personalities on his team. Honestly if he were with a better organization he could have won a Super Bowl. Instead he's stuck with the Bungles.

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its one of those things you buy it just to say you own a share. If I had the money I'd be tempted to do it

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I assume it's the Packers. I did a project on them in college last year and they really are fascinating. After doing a bit of research for the project, the fact that they still exist is baffling enough but to think they're also, hands down, the best team in football, shows they are one of the greatest enigmas in sports history.

It's not really a "share", in the conventional sense anyway, because when buying it you know full well no dividdend will ever be paid. Despite this the demand is so ridiculously high. There's only ever been 4 previous sales too, so it'd be a cool purchase I reckon.

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and Vince Young throws a pick first pass of the game..well done..


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Marvin Lewis is about to take a rookie (ginger!) quarterback-led football team into the playoffs in arguably the toughest division in football. I think he's done alright.

Before this season, there wasn't much of a difference between Del Rio and Lewis for the past 8 years.

There were a couple division titles. The Bengals have as many AFC North titles as the Ravens. Marvin Lewis has done a great job given he's got a terrible owner and has had some terrible personalities on his team. Honestly if he were with a better organization he could have won a Super Bowl. Instead he's stuck with the Bungles.

Even with the terrible owner he might have been just one Palmer injury away from a Super Bowl appearance. Yes, they most likely would have lost to the Colts in AFC Championship game but Palmer was playing at an elite level at the time.

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Agreed. There are no dividends paid but if you're a fan of sports history $250 isn't too bad of a price to be an NFL owner. I know there aren't any dividends paid but does anyone know what happens with the profits the team makes? Who gets it? The town?

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as an Eagles fan, I gotta give this to the offense and defense..


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