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2011 NFL Season

gunnar hendershow

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I hope Harrison murders someone in cold blood one day, just so we can have Chase in here claiming that it should be manslaughter because we don't really know what he was thinking, since we're not psychic.

Because clearly murder and hitting someone in a football game are the same thing.

Also, I believe there would be this thing called a trial to determine whether or not Harrison would be guilty. But then again, as we've seen in the cases of Ray Lewis and Ben Roethlisberger, facts and court rulings don't matter, the minute you are accused of anything you're guilty.

Silly me for giving someone the benefit of the doubt. :rolleyes:

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No, silly of you to not realize how fucking retarded your argument sounds. Hence, I apply it in a completely absurd situation so you can get a better understanding of it.

But of course you're you, so you don't.

Go away Chase, we get it, nothing Steelers do is ever bad or wrong or illegal or dirty, except whatever one instance a year you decide to single out in a pathetic attempt to not seem like literally the biggest homer in the world. James Harrison's relatives probably don't defend him with the same fanaticism you do.

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No, silly of you to not realize how fucking retarded your argument sounds. Hence, I apply it in a completely absurd situation so you can get a better understanding of it.

But of course you're you, so you don't.

I understand it. But when the opposing argument is "He did it intentionally because I say so" I hardly think I'm the one being stupid.

Go away Chase, we get it, nothing Steelers do is ever bad or wrong or illegal or dirty, except whatever one instance a year you decide to single out in a pathetic attempt to not seem like literally the biggest homer in the world. James Harrison's relatives probably don't defend him with the same fanaticism you do.

I don't post here every time the Steelers do something I don't like. Why would I? No one cares.

You have no idea what I think about the Steelers other than what I post here. So yes, of course it's going to look that way. But I promise you, it's not. There's a lot of stuff that Steelers players do that I disagree with.

I even admitted that Harrison's hit was illegal.

I just can't believe people are actually trying to tell me they know for sure Harrison intentionally tried to injure McCoy and that they know his intent.

One helmet to helmet hit deserves benefit of the doubt.

Twice, maybe.

But how many times has this happened, Chase?

Harrison helmet-to-helmet hits that were without question illegal?

Maybe twice?

The first two hits he was fined for last year were both 100% legal and he should not have been fined for them but the league overreacted because of 4 incidents league-wide in one day.

I believe there was at least one other fine last year for a hit that was not illegal at the time it occurred.

And how many other defensive players in the league are even close to him in helmet-to-helmet hits? Use some logic, man.

I believe Dunta Robinson has two helmet-to-helmet hits that were worse than anything Harrison's done.

The logic is simple Meacon: A Steeler did it, so it's fine.

That may be how it's perceived but it's not true at all.

Again, do you expect me to post here every time the Steelers or a Steelers player do something I disagree with? If I did that I'd be told that no one cares or that I'm doing it to seem like less of a homer. I can't win either way, I guess.

I'll be sure to let you all know the next time a Steelers player does something I don't like though. That way you'll realize that I don't overlook everything a Steelers player does. :rolleyes:

Edited by Evil Chase K
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I almost took Chase off of ignore because we haven't had one of these moments yet this season. I should have known it wouldn't last.

It's amazing. Chase is actually a perfectly reasonable, intelligent poster when not discussing the Steelers. But when discussing them his massive blindspot turns him into a completely unreasonable moron. I don't get it at all.

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I almost took Chase off of ignore because we haven't had one of these moments yet this season. I should have known it wouldn't last.

It's amazing. Chase is actually a perfectly reasonable, intelligent poster when not discussing the Steelers. But when discussing them his massive blindspot turns him into a completely unreasonable moron. I don't get it at all.

Thank you.

Unfortunately you're wrong about the second part. I still fail to see how me saying that no one can say whether or not Harrison was trying to injure McCoy is so unreasonable.

In fact acting like you know for sure someone's intent is much more unreasonable to me. But what do I know, I'm just a Steelers homer right?

It just so happens that the Steelers are never discussed here unless it's something people are overreacting to. As one of like two Steelers fans on this board I'm always the one on the opposing side of the argument.

I could give you a list of things that would disprove your point about me but 1.) no one cares and I realize that. And 2.) it's really pointless.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Where are we saying he's intentionally trying to injure people? We're saying he was intentionally leading with his helmet, and you're spouting off about how we couldn't possibly know what his intentions were.

Do you even read the things you quote?

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Jesus, Chase, shut up for once. Harrison is intentionally doing it because he knows he's not going to get punished and it's a more effective tackle at putting somebody down. "You can't control what happens on the field during a play." YES YOU FUCKING CAN. DON'T TRY TO FUCKING HEADBUTT PEOPLE WITH A FUCKING HELMET. THAT SHOULD SOLVE HELMET-ON-HELMET HITS.

Prove it.

As above. Chase, shut the fuck up, you're fucking wrong and you're just making yourself look even more laughable by defending one of the league's dirtiest players.

I disagree, I think anyone claiming to know the intent behind a football hit is wrong. No one knows for sure except James Harrison.

I've already conceded that according to the rule it was an illegal hit.

Prove that James Harrison isn't a dirty fucking shit who needs banning for the good of the entire fucking game WHAT'S THAT YOU CAN'T OH DEAR. Christ you're a fucking idiot.

You have no idea what I think about the Steelers other than what I post here. So yes, of course it's going to look that way.


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Where are we saying he's intentionally trying to injure people? We're saying he was intentionally leading with his helmet, and you're spouting off about how we couldn't possibly know what his intentions were.

Do you even read the things you quote?

naiwf and pizzamonkey both basically insinuated as much.

Prove that James Harrison isn't a dirty fucking shit who needs banning for the good of the entire fucking game WHAT'S THAT YOU CAN'T OH DEAR. Christ you're a fucking idiot.

I realize who I'm talking to here but here goes anyway...

You made the original accusation. The honus is on you to prove it. Not me to disprove it.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Where are we saying he's intentionally trying to injure people? We're saying he was intentionally leading with his helmet, and you're spouting off about how we couldn't possibly know what his intentions were.

Do you even read the things you quote?

naiwf and pizzamonkey both basically insinuated as much.

Prove it.

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Where are we saying he's intentionally trying to injure people? We're saying he was intentionally leading with his helmet, and you're spouting off about how we couldn't possibly know what his intentions were.

Do you even read the things you quote?

naiwf and pizzamonkey both basically insinuated as much.

Prove it.

Kicking a guy is an obviously deliberate attempt to injure.

And SPEARING someone with your helmet isn't? You make me laugh.

You can control, and are responsible for your own reactions. I don't think suspensions should be handed out for first or second offenses. But when a player repeatedly breaks the same rule over and over again, creating a serious, life-threatening danger, despite repeated fines, clearly fines are not enough and discipline is necessary.

What if James Harrison had led with his foot? Booted McCoy in the head? Should he not have been suspended then, or just fined because he was trying to make a play?

Kicking a guy is an obviously deliberate attempt to injure.

As is a helmet to helmet hit. You don't need to kick a guy to bring him down, and you don't need to concuss a guy to bring him down. Harrison could have made that play without causing deliberate injury, but he didn't. If this was the first time Harrison had ever hit someone helmet to helmet, then I wouldnt want him suspended for it. But considering his history, only a complete fool would attempt to argue that it wasn't intentional. And an intentional attempt to injure is worthy of a suspension, even if it happens during a football play.


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Chase, Jesus fucking Christ, how are you such a dumb fuck that you think 'prove it' is a credible fucking argument? I mean seriously.

You made the original accusation. The honus is on you to prove it. Not me to disprove it.

Alright: every single hit James Harrison has made in the last three years. There, now you fucking prove he's not a dirty player. It's also onus. Learn to spell.

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Where are we saying he's intentionally trying to injure people? We're saying he was intentionally leading with his helmet, and you're spouting off about how we couldn't possibly know what his intentions were.

Do you even read the things you quote?

naiwf and pizzamonkey both basically insinuated as much.

Prove it.

Kicking a guy is an obviously deliberate attempt to injure.

And SPEARING someone with your helmet isn't? You make me laugh.

You can control, and are responsible for your own reactions. I don't think suspensions should be handed out for first or second offenses. But when a player repeatedly breaks the same rule over and over again, creating a serious, life-threatening danger, despite repeated fines, clearly fines are not enough and discipline is necessary.

What if James Harrison had led with his foot? Booted McCoy in the head? Should he not have been suspended then, or just fined because he was trying to make a play?

Kicking a guy is an obviously deliberate attempt to injure.

As is a helmet to helmet hit. You don't need to kick a guy to bring him down, and you don't need to concuss a guy to bring him down. Harrison could have made that play without causing deliberate injury, but he didn't. If this was the first time Harrison had ever hit someone helmet to helmet, then I wouldnt want him suspended for it. But considering his history, only a complete fool would attempt to argue that it wasn't intentional. And an intentional attempt to injure is worthy of a suspension, even if it happens during a football play.


I disagree, I think anyone claiming to know the intent behind a post is wrong. No one knows for sure except naiwf and Pizzamonkey.

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Anyone who has ever played tackle football is TAUGHT how to tackle without using their helmet for safety purposes. The fact that Harrison is a pro athlete who can't avoid lighting fools up with his helmet is wait for it. . . . INTENTIONAL. But Chase won't respond to logic because Harrison is a Steeler. Had he played for the Ravens, Chase would want him on death row by now.

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Chase, Jesus fucking Christ, how are you such a dumb fuck that you think 'prove it' is a credible fucking argument? I mean seriously.

You made the original accusation. The honus is on you to prove it. Not me to disprove it.

Alright: every single hit James Harrison has made in the last three years. There, now you fucking prove he's not a dirty player. It's also onus. Learn to spell.

Oh no I misspelled one fucking word in my life! :crying:

Anyone who has ever played tackle football is TAUGHT how to tackle without using their helmet for safety purposes. The fact that Harrison is a pro athlete who can't avoid lighting fools up with his helmet is wait for it. . . . INTENTIONAL. But Chase won't respond to logic because Harrison is a Steeler. Had he played for the Ravens, Chase would want him on death row by now.

I'll respond to logic when I see logic.

For now I'll just respond to this.

What is Harrison doing that's different from how he's been taught to tackle? Deion Sanders (who admittedly, never hit a person in his life when he played in the NFL) seems to think Harrison hit McCoy exactly as he was taught to tackle.

Surely Deion would know more about football than either of us, right?

When Suggs had that dirty ass helmet-to-helmet hit on Roethlisberger I wasn't calling for him to be suspended or thrown out of the league.

I may hate the Ravens because they're the Steelers' rival but I don't blindly hate them.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Re: the intention. Christ, Chase, if he's hitting this many people with his helmet ACCIDENTALLY, he should be fucking sectioned, never mind taught how to make a clean tackle.

Possibly. But again, offensive players do move around. Take the Massaquoi hit from last year for example, wouldn't have been helmet-to-helmet if Massaquoi wasn't ducking.

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