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The Avengers


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I had really low hopes of Thor. Trailers made it look too goofy, but I finally watched it last week and it was fantastic. I've not seen CapAm or Hulk yet. I don't like the idea of Ed Norton in the role so I dunno if I even want to bother with that..

I love Ed Norton and I thought he did a good job. I also thought it was great homage to the Bill Bixby television show. I also liked that even though it was reboot they didn't do the obvious and boring origin story. The other thing I liked about the film is that the Hulk had an actual antagonist that he could fight at the end of the film.

Edited by Don Ready Slacker
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I had really low hopes of Thor. Trailers made it look too goofy, but I finally watched it last week and it was fantastic. I've not seen CapAm or Hulk yet. I don't like the idea of Ed Norton in the role so I dunno if I even want to bother with that..

I love Ed Norton and I thought he did a good job. I also thought it was great homage to the Bill Bixby television show. I also liked that even though it was reboot they didn't do the obvious and boring origin story. The other thing I liked about the film is that the Hulk had an actual antagonist that he could fight at the end of the film.

...unlike Thor and Captain America, which totally didn't have an antagonist to fight at the end. Like, Loki and Red Skull, that would have been good. <_<

Thor and Captain America were far better than Hulk. Ed Norton was Ed Norton playing Ed Norton who happened to turn into a giant green rage monster. I liked the film, but it's definitely nowhere near as good as Thor and Captain America.

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I had really low hopes of Thor. Trailers made it look too goofy, but I finally watched it last week and it was fantastic. I've not seen CapAm or Hulk yet. I don't like the idea of Ed Norton in the role so I dunno if I even want to bother with that..

I love Ed Norton and I thought he did a good job. I also thought it was great homage to the Bill Bixby television show. I also liked that even though it was reboot they didn't do the obvious and boring origin story. The other thing I liked about the film is that the Hulk had an actual antagonist that he could fight at the end of the film.

...unlike Thor and Captain America, which totally didn't have an antagonist to fight at the end. Like, Loki and Red Skull, that would have been good. <_<

Thor and Captain America were far better than Hulk. Ed Norton was Ed Norton playing Ed Norton who happened to turn into a giant green rage monster. I liked the film, but it's definitely nowhere near as good as Thor and Captain America.

What I meant by that last part was unlike in Ang Lee's Hulk, the Hulk had an antagonist he could actually fight at the end of the film. I'm sorry I didn't clarify that. I know Cap had the Red Skull and Thor had Loki. I did watch the movies. The thing that brings down Thor for me is I didn't like the guy who played Thor. I felt he wasn't a very good actor. I think they just casted the guy because he looked the part.

Edited by Don Ready Slacker
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Incredible Hulk was better than Cap, albeit just barely. The key bit here is that I cared what happened to everyone one way or another, and felt things as the story progressed. It wasn't all flash and less substance than it could have been. That's what happened with Cap. That's what happens with almost all of Joe Johnston's films though.

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Incredible Hulk was better than Cap, albeit just barely. The key bit here is that I cared what happened to everyone one way or another, and felt things as the story progressed. It wasn't all flash and less substance than it could have been. That's what happened with Cap. That's what happens with almost all of Joe Johnston's films though.

That's the same way I felt about the movie. There was more substance to Incredible Hulk than there was Captain America. Also I really enjoyed that chase sequence at the beginning of the film. I had to look up Joe Johnston's filmography on IMDb just to see if I've seen any of his other movies. Then I realized I've seen The Wolfman, The Rocketeer, and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

Back to the movie Avengers, I'm looking forward to seeing Hawkeye in action in this movie. I also love that they casted Jeremy Renner for the part. I think his cameo in Thor was one of my favorite parts of that movie. I'm kind of disappointed there's no Wasp or Giant Man/Ant-Man in this film though. Maybe they'll bring them out in the sequel.

Oh and one more thing, if Captain America doesn't say, "Avengers Assemble!" at least once I'll nerd rage.

Edited by Don Ready Slacker
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In the end, I feel like it's all splitting hairs (not that I want to quash that discussion.) I only say that because there have been five films in this canon so far, and all of them have been good to great. That's quite a feat in a superhero franchise series - hell, in any franchise series. And we haven't even reached the marquee film yet.

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Topless Robot posted a thread Friday asking fans "what's the worst that could happen with The Avengers?". Not being rhetorical. Some of the answers have actually left me stunned and horrified. Here are the honorable mentions and winners of the game, but it leaves out the truely most horrific guess from the original thread.

You sure you want to even think about this possibility?

Captain America watches and defends Fox News.

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Guest mr. potato head

Well the worst that could happen would clearly be if most of their members disappeared into a monster fusion of Professor X and Magneto which also had the power of Franklin Richards for some reason and Black Widow disbanded the team in their absence.

Or if Thanos' granddaughter infiltrated the team through their least interesting member ever, while the Black Knight simultaneously turned into a motionless human sword, forcing the team to disband (but not after a wacky adventure with the Council of Kangs, including Kang Kong!).

Or if Jack of Hearts blew up, the Vision went insane, the Kree invaded, Tony Stark got drunk and it all turned out to be the fault of the Scarlet Witch somehow.

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I've liked all the films, and I'm really looking forward to the Avengers, but theres no way I could sit and watch all, what, five films in a row. Six, if they throw in the non-Mark-Ruffalo Hulk film. I'd be so burned out.

I'd say Iron Man > Captain America > Iron Man 2 > Thor > Norton-Hulk in terms of how I liked them.

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Iron Man 2 definitely did not live up to the first at all. As good as Rourke was, the film wasn't all that great. I usually love Rockwell but I was so bored by him in this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just found out that the film premieres on the 25th over here, along with 2 other movies I don't give a crap about. I'm guessing since it's a national holiday, they wanted to take advantage of people going to the movies and moved up the date for the ones they're most likely to go see. Sweet.

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