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Euro 2004


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The image limit on the board forbids me from posting the amount of "lol" smilies that statement requires.

I like you Johnny, but even YOU can't say that and mean it.

I can, and I will say it again. We deserved it. Sorry. It's my view of the game. The way I saw it, it was Portugal Portugal Portugal with England sticking to defending, almost never passing from the midfield. I'll say it again, I admit I did not see the whole game, no. I had some nature problems :shifty: and had to study a bit because I have exams next week, but I saw the majority of the game, and that was what I saw. Not trying to start an argument here because I'm not the kind of guy to rub it in (except when I really wanna piss people off, but that's not the case), but that's what I think of the game.

EDIT: Just one off-topic question... Am I the only one who thinks Maniche kinda looks like Jim Carrey? Honestly, several times when I'm watching the games and they show Maniche, the first name that comes to my mind is Jim Carrey :huh:

Edited by Y2Johnny
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Some of my mates are in tears right now. Damn, losing sucks. Especially losing even when you played well.

I know how they feel. I feel numb. I cant even talk right now.

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the rule sais that you are not alowed to block the keepers way to the ball in the smal box in front of the goal, end of story

No, it's not the end of the fucking story. He didn't block anything. Watch the replays and get all your hatred for England out of the way for just one second. Terry's eyes didn't move off the ball, but the keeper couldn't jump properly because he was on his back foot.

Edited by Agent_Sm1th
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No, it's not the end of the fucking story.  He didn't block anything.  Watch the replays and get all your hatred for England out of the way for just one second.  Terr's eyes didn't move off the ball, but the keeper couldn't jump properly because he was on his back foot.

there is no hatred for england in me, there is just blind love on your side for them - the trules is not about how they behave were they look, its about them being in the keepers way to the ball in that smal area, end of story. (you might have missunderstood my word "blocking" as intentionaly tring to keep him from the ball)

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HE BLOCKED IT? You really ARE a fucking idiot. HE WAS TRYING TO GET THE BALL IN THE NET. Did you watch his eyes? WELL? He was WATCHING THE BALL. The goalkeeper JUMPED INTO HIM. How bias can you be? England were ROBBED. It was NOT A FOAL. The referee couldn't even SEE what was happened. The LINESMAN gave the goal, and HE COULD SEE WHAT WAS HAPPENING. Does this make sense you to MM? Does it?

Seriously, stop being a bias little shit, and watch the reply. Terry had his eyes on the ball, the keep DIVED INTO THE ENGLAND PLAYERS, how did TERRY block the keeper when the keeper JUMPED INTO HIM? So what if Portugal out attacked us, yeah, so what. We defended well, we fought as hard as we could, and WE HAD A PERFECTLY FAIR GOAL DISALLOWED.

Agreed with Maztat, oh and so Portugal just got robbed yes? Cause Terry handled the ball and it was a corner instead, so you guys cant complain at all.

Hi, you must be an idiot, BIG difference between head and arm. You must have done great in Human Biology.

I seriously feel heartbroken, especially for Vassell. I could cry right now, and it was so emotional (for me) seeing Vas crying.

The referee was a homer, simply.

, its about them being in the keepers way to the ball in that smal area

1. He couldn't see it clearly.

2. The linesman did, and gave the goal.


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EDIT: Just one off-topic question... Am I the only one who thinks Maniche kinda looks like Jim Carrey? Honestly, several times when I'm watching the games and they show Maniche, the first name that comes to my mind is Jim Carrey  :huh:

Gianluigi Buffon was stolen from the set of Happy Days. So they had to get a replacement Fonzie in instead. :shifty:



Edit: Summers is the man. Thankyou for telling Matzat everything I wanted to tell him but was too chicken to.

If you're going to critisize people for not knowing the rules MAKE SURE YOU FUCKING KNOW THEM FIRST.

I'm all for a little friendly debate and stuff, but blindly ignoring the facts to make your opinion look better is retarded. So stop it.

That was a goal. The keeper WAS NOT BLOCKED. He just happened to be nowhere near the ball.

I'd hate to see you refereeing a game of football. You'd be almost as bad as Meier.

Edited by TheReilDeal
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there is no hatred for england in me, there is just blind love on your side for them - the trules is not about how they behave were they look, its about them being in the keepers way to the ball in that smal area, end of story. (you might have missunderstood my word "blocking" as intentionaly tring to keep him from the ball)

It's not a foul if the keeper positions himself poorly. If there was a foul, it was Campbell fouling John Terry to get to the ball.

And I love your little "I don't hate England, but you love them blindly comments." Tell me, do you select what you're actually going to read or is it a natural thing? Portugal out-played us, but we deserved to win. It was a goal. The keeper made the mistake, not John Terry nor Sol Campbell.

And, the rules are pretty clear about intentional and unintentional fouls. This classifies as the latter.

Edited by Agent_Sm1th
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We had a shit team on the field by end of 2nd half.

Phil Neville is shit. Should of been Dyer or Joe Cole.

Hargreaves is a week shit, again should of been Dyer.

Were you even watching the game? Dyer and Cole are attacking players, we needed an extra defensive player. For the most part, it worked.

And I thought Hargreaves player pretty well. Unlike most he stays on his feet as long as he can, but unfortunately the referee was to much of a dumbass to realise he was still fouled.

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