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EWB Fantasy Basketball

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I'll drop out so someone can take my spot if that's necessary. Chances are I'll end up forgetting to change my team or something. I'm not that worried about missing out and would rather someone who is going to really enjoy it take my place.

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Well we'd need an even number of teams so we can either have Quom and someone else drop out and then have 12 teams of 12 players or have nobody drop out and go with 14 teams of 10 or 11 players. I'm completely fine with the latter.

My big thing right now is making sure everyone can be at the draft, an auction draft doesn't work if you aren't there. You can make it through a snake draft with a good team if you aren't there but it just ain't happening in an auction draft.

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I'm fine with having a co-owner, if someone else is too then we could add all 4 people as long as 2 of them were ok with being co-owners.

Just to clarify though, how does the draft work with a co-owner? I've never had a co-owner in a league before.

Edited by Trey
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Fantasy basketball was the first game I ever played seriously online, and that was back in, I think '98. Back when Steve Nash was a shitty second-round pick, but I took him anyway. I think I've improved a bit since then.

All that said...in all these years, I've never done an auction draft, so hopefully we can manage to keep it that way.

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I am hoping the auction draft works out. In fantasy basketball there's such a huge talent dropoff that some people just get absolutely shafted in a snake draft, and on top of that an auction draft requires you to place value on different players and decide if you're willing to spend that much for that amount, or lack of, production.

Plus it's always fun to nominate someone for a few dollars too much and then watch someone with an itchy trigger finger jack that value up even more. I was a victim of this in the baseball league this past year, damn Ichiro.

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