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Stay Away From My LOST Watch Through, Charlie!


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I remember Jouzy made me watch this show. Then I got to the third season and I got bored with it.

That is sort of my story with Lost. :shifty:

Go on, though, no intention interrupt.

Slacker!! Season 3 is where it starts to kind of trundle along for a little bit, but if you can survive a few eps in the middle, you've cracked it. Maybe we could have two speeds for watching, because I like the idea of a season per month (especially for the first 3).

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If we do 4 episodes a week it will keep the discussion more focused. A season a month would cause everyone to be in different timelines referencing events that other people haven't seen.

Which, actually, sort of sounds like a LOST episode, so maybe it might work.

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If we do 4 episodes a week it will keep the discussion more focused. A season a month would cause everyone to be in different timelines referencing events that other people haven't seen.

Which, actually, sort of sounds like a LOST episode, so maybe it might work.

That's probably going to happen anyway, those of us that have seen it before will be going "oh, I never noticed that before, that links to Jacob" and the rest of the group will be going "what are you guys going on about, who the fucking hell is Jacob?".

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True that, any rewatch is going to screw over anyone hoping to watch it through for the first time. I remember the white shoe in the first scene being a huge talking point for me and Benj when we rewatched at his. And Benji, who said

Christian was alive (albeit in a fashion I didn't expect) ehh? That's right doll


Edited by Devil In Jouzy City
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I wonder if you can do double spoilers.

So if I were talking about Episode one.

And when I was talking about Episode one, I wanted to mention spoilers from further down the line.

Would I still be able to mark those?

Cause if so, I wager we'll be fine, just have to be spoiler sensitive.

If not though, I guess we're fucked.

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Yeah, Sean's got the right idea there with future spoilers clearly marked within episode spoilers. I agree that four eps at a time keeps discussion focused, which is kind of the point of the watch through being done together.

Not alone, Meac. Whilst they won't get the same experience I did with the community I found of LOST fans, it's exciting to be able to watch a show like this with minimal idea of what's coming.

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Well, 4 episodes has 50% of the vote, and that's how many episodes per disc on most of my discs, so I'm going to call it and give people an extra day. You have up to and including 8th January to watch the first four episodes; Pilot, Part 1, Pilot, Part 2, Tabula Rasa, and Walkabout (obviously, you can watch them after, but you'll be behind in discussion).

Please don't forget to title which episode you're about to talk about above SPOILER TAGS. Some people are watching this for the first time, and I'm sure they'd like to experience the same spoiler free environment the rest of us did when watching a show as hinged on mystery and the unknown as LOST. Spoiler tags for thus far unwatched episodes should generally go inside spoiler tags and, again, be clearly marked.

See below code, just in case anyone is unaware.



Right, I'm going to take notes....

Does anybody have a pen? Boone?

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So just so I'm clear on this. The rule is we are supposed to spoiler everything even if it is about the episodes we are on right now?

Basically, if you're discussing what you're watching now, you spoil it. If in discussing the episode you're watching, you have a theory about how it relates to later episodes, you spoiler that seperately. It's going to be tough to get through a show like this without people spoiling something or sother for someone else, so you should err on the side of caution and spoiler mark everything.

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Yeah, pretty much. Spoiler tag the episode you're watching and include a header for what it relates to. If you're going to talk about a future event whilst posting, put that in a separate spoiler tag and mark that as such. Bit of a pain in the ass, and I'm sure someone will forget at some point (fuck, I did on that minor spoiler above when I first posted it, and that was supposed to be the example <_< ), but it just helps people who haven't seen the show to enjoy it.

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Okay, so week one is down, and I'm two episodes in.

Pilot, Part One

Thoughts as I go:

Originally when I watched this show, I just got the impression that this was going to be Survivor, but with a script. A bunch of people crash on an island, have to learn to survive together, be friends, eat bugs, et cetera. I actually got really bored with the pilot and only switched it on intermitently when it was first airing live, so I didn't watch it all the way from the start. Once it got to season 4 enough people I knew were watching it that they pushed me to download it and give it another shot. The first season, and specifically the first couple episodes, tends to be pretty boring though, so if you're a huge fan of people walking through the jungle or fighting over cigarettes, my general disinterest might offend.

So fuck you.


Jack's "you need to seriously consider giving that liscense back" line was awesome.

In fact, most of the good stuff in the pilot episode is Jack centric, which I guess makes sense since it's a Jack episode.

God I hate Shannon.

Locke's orange smile is awesome. So is Locke looking up at the rain.

About the thing in the forest:

I'm still kind of disappointed it wasn't a ghost T-rex.

God, Charlie's singing in this episode is AWFUL. I assume they wanted him to die early in the season until they saw tapes of him, because otherwise they would have actually gotten him some singing lessons before the show started. They payed for Jin's Korean lessons afterall.

Climbing up through the cockpit is a great piece of television. Some great music too, which is going to eventually become a hallmark element of the show. The way they shot the climb specifically makes it seem almost black and white. It's drained of a lot of color and everything is slow and dimly lit. It's almost like a zombie film. When the pilot wakes up too, very similar feeling.

Also, this episode reminds me why I hate Kate. "What are you doing in the bathroom?" Because GOING TO THE BATHROOM is such an unusual thing, so out of character and suspicious.

About Charlie:

I realize that with Charlie, it is, because he's a heroin addict, and we find out that he was in fact in there sneaking a fix, but still,

Kate is a massive dipshit.

Also, she's an awful woman. She's supposed to be Miss Strong, Independent Type, but whenever she is without her beloved Jack, she screams, whines, and moans. It's amazing she was able to survive so long on the island without a kitchen to make her feel at home. :\


She later becomes bearable, but she still has her moments of awfulness all the way to the finale.

It's also so funny watching this episode with the knowledge that Jack was originally going to be the one pulled out of the cockpit and killed. The show just wouldn't be the same without Jack.

Especially these first few episodes, which barring Jack being Jack, kind of suck.

Pilot, Part Two

Charlie's tapping on his armrest made me think he's actually The Master.

I almost forgot that Charlie had tried to flush the heroin before the place crashed.

God I hate Shannon.

While I'm on my anti-woman tirade, here's Sun. She's so creepy and ominous in the early episodes. And Jin is such a prick... well, always, but especially early on.



Also, Walt is so goddamn creepy.

Sawyer is so obnoxious in these opening episodes. He lacks almost all redeeming qualities.

A few episodes later:

I actually grinned with glee when they tortured Sawyer. Fucking redneck earned that shit.

Hurley's awkward expression after Sayid tells him he was an Iraqi terrorist is awesome.

Oh hey, here's Kate again. Wait, okay, she's undressing. I'm going to allow this. She's fucking thin though. If only the island had a sandwich shop, her and Jack could go for coffee and he could fatten her up a little.

It's so cute that Jack is already defensive of Kate. "You can't go into the woods! What about our future children?" That is not a spoiler that they go on to have children together, by the way, it's just me mocking Jack for being so alpha.

And speaking of alpha, here's Jin, the woman beater!

It's funny that Hurley won't eat sushi. Sushi is rad!

Love Hurley's stupid question. "Hey, Doctor Man, why did you want me to collect medicine for you? Will that be helpful in some way?" Some of the characters in these early episodes are so fucking stupid it's amazing they kept breathing long enough to survive a plane crash.

God I hate Shannon.

Boone I will tolerate. He shares my anti-Shannon sentiment. Plus, when it comes to Boone and Shannon,

Boone will tap that ass like morse code, but won't put up with no shit. Boone is my kind of man.

Okay, I take back what I said about Sawyer, the brief shot of him reading the letter is great, especially when it comes to Sawyer

And learning about the letter, what it means, and why it makes him who he is. He eventually became a really interesting character, but man was he a douche early on.

Locke is awesome. If the show didn't have Jack and Locke early on, it would suck so hard. It would be like a giant vortex of suck centered directly at the heart of Shannon's vagina.

Claire also refuses to eat sushi. WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE. Have none of you ever been to New York or anything? Sushi is mainstream man. Fucking weirdos.

God I hate Shannon.

It's awesome how everyone just runs and leaves Sawyer there to die. Sayid even says "No man, let him go! If it eats him, we can get away!"

I don't know why everyone is so surprised to see a polar bear on a tropical island. Where would you take a vacation if you lived in the artic circle the rest of the year?

Sawyer's cocky strut is rad. Him having a gun and a badge almost makes him a sherrif. He should have mounted the bear and rode it like a horse.

The Marshall suddenly snapping awake and asking "Where is she?" was pretty awesome too.

God I hate Shannon.

The message was the first thing that really convinced me, when rewatching the show, that there was actually something interesting going on with this island. Charlie's question "Guys, where are we?" is great.

I'll be back later today, or tomorrow perhaps, with episodes three and four.

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This week (9th Jan - 15th) is episodes 5-8. These are White Rabbit, House of the Rising Sun, The Moth, and Confidence Man. I'll post some thoughts for episode 1-4 tonight, but since I'm posting this, I can tell you that The Moth is one of my favourite episodes of anything ever. It's the episode that turned one character into my absolute favourite and is an episode I like to watch when I'm feeling incredibly low.

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