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Stay Away From My LOST Watch Through, Charlie!


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So, here we are4 coming up to the 8th year since the debut of LOST, and what better time than right now to arrange what must be about my 15 16th viewing of my favourite show ever. I was a few weeks off of 23 when it ended, but it feels like forever ago, and when I bought Gazz the box set for Secret Santa (for around £42) I had a secret plan hatched. A plan to watch through the entire show with EWB!

There are 118 episodes, so I'll leave it to a vote to decide how many episodes a week we should watch in the above poll. If it were up to me then we'd go the full four, but I know not everyone has the free time, nor desire to watch so much.

The first week's watch begins Monday 2nd January through and including Sunday 8th January, so get your votes in before then. And before then, here's the nonsensical advert that originally got me intrigued all those years ago.

Oh, and Jouch, before you mention it, I know she never said the title in full, so shut up :P

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I said four. I can easily sit and watch four shows in one sitting. Sometimes even more.

This show hooked me more than any other. It made it even easier considering I didn't start watching all the seasons until the last one, so I was able to just keep watching episode after episode, season after season without any delay.

Good idea, Benjilicious.

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Haaa, you took the words right out of my mouth ;). I continue to think of that phrase whenever I see Claire turn into stressy bitch mode though.

I actually do this as part of a Christmas tradition with myself, and I'm up to episode 9, but I'll happily slow down to join in on this.

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I chose 3, but I could do 4.

I have seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, but I'll probably invest in the complete blu-ray boxset soon, and this will give me time to get the spare money together.

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I voted 3, but I could do 4 if need be. I will do the AD watch and honestly think I'd rather do this than Firefly anyways. Also, for anyone who has Netflix the whole series is on there. That is how I will watch seeing as I do not own the whole series on BluRay.

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I voted 4, I used to watch 3 per work day and then 6 on days off when I originally marathoned it. Doing 4 per week is easily doable I think.

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