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Just finished watching the last blind audition show so I figured this was a good time to go ahead and start this. I know a couple of us watch it and maybe we can coax a few closet viewers out to discuss it too. The auditions are such good TV! So emotional. I cry when they dont get picked, I cry when they do get picked. So great!

I have people I like on every team but I still think Blake's is the strongest overall. Anyone else?

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I think Blake has the strongest team as well. It seems like most of the judges have been picking at least a little bit different this time around. I really don't know if I have a favorite person yet. I'd say Blake's team is the toughest for me to pick a favorite from. I like Juliet Simms on ceelo's team, the mickey mouse club guy on adams team, and I guess I don't know who I like on Christina's team either. I really like this show more then the other singing shows I watch. I don't know if it's the judges or the concept but It's fun to watch.

Edited by buck44
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Surprise. I watch this too. I'm not as informed as JHS and GoGo, as I never watched the first season and only started in on this one because my roommate watches it. That said, I've found myself enjoying some stuff.

I have no idea whose team is strongest, but judging from the auditions I saw I like Cee-Lo's team most. It helps that I'm kinda sorta rooting for the young Chicago sandwich maker who sang Folsom Prison Blues. His apparent hipster sensibility (at least in terms of clothes) is a con for me. But hell, I've got friends who dress like that and I give them a pass, so why not him? In my opinion, the big drawback on his team are The Shields Brothers or whatever their name is. They're the kind of guys I just find to be off-putting in person.

Yes, my opinion is definitely influenced by personalities. I give consideration to pure vocal talent and performing ability, but if I can't like the person as a person it's over for me.

My mind's still fairly open on most of the contestants though.

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Loved the audtions, some great talent this season.

What I love about the show is that I actually like pretty much everybody that makes it through, bar possibly one or two at most. Favourite would have to be Lindsey Pavao based on the auditions, loved her. Also Juliet Simms, heard some of her stuff outside of this and really like her.

Think all of the teams are pretty even too, should be much more interesting once it's cut down and into the live shows where things will become much clearer. Got to say that Blake is by far my favourite coach/mentor/judge throughout any of these type of shows (Voice, American Idol, X Factor etc etc). Such a lovely guy and comes across so well.

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I'm the opposite. I don't necessarily love its usage on WWE TV, but I largely have no problem with it. On The Voice, the big banner with full tweets is distracting.

I can ignore graphics if I want. I hate the Michael Cole "Twitter! Twitter! Trending!" that used to happen all the time. I think thats the only real difference for me.

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I<ve only seen one episode... It was the one with Jordis Unga... I love Jordis! I have been a fan of hers for about 7 years (2005! wow!) since she appeared on Rock Stars: INXS... She is a phenomenal talent and I would like to see her make it far in The Voice aswell.

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I<ve only seen one episode... It was the one with Jordis Unga... I love Jordis! I have been a fan of hers for about 7 years (2005! wow!) since she appeared on Rock Stars: INXS... She is a phenomenal talent and I would like to see her make it far in The Voice aswell.

Same here, I have been a huge Jordis fan and it's really a shame she never hit it big hopefully she goes far in The Voice.

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The Voice got me after the Super Bowl and I was hooked. I felt dirty, but that's okay, this is a great show and I love it. Hell I am even playing a game on FB with some friends called The 5th Coach Game which I have fun with too. Also I think it says a lot that the most successful Idol winner (contestant) ever, Kelly Clarkson, is now working on The Voice as well.

Blake's team is by far the strongest and I think Christina's team is by far the weakest. I had never heard of Jordis before but wow and damn I fell in love with that woman's voice.

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I think Cee-Lo's team probably has the most actual deadweight but I don't see a single real threat to win in Christina's group.

Also, I'm going to bet that Adam really gets behind Pip as his pick to win in the same way he made sure that Javier Colon made it to the finals last season, because I think for all his "I'm only looking for unique voices" stuff he knows what the voting bloc for shows like The Voice and Idol want.

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I think Cee-Lo's team probably has the most actual deadweight but I don't see a single real threat to win in Christina's group.

Also, I'm going to bet that Adam really gets behind Pip as his pick to win in the same way he made sure that Javier Colon made it to the finals last season, because I think for all his "I'm only looking for unique voices" stuff he knows what the voting bloc for shows like The Voice and Idol want.

Cee-Lo has a few great voices on his team, and I admit I love a lot of the people on Adam's team, but Blake's is by far the overall most talented. The sad thing about Christina's is that I can barely remember a single one, aside from the woman she sang with at the end of Monday's Blind Audition.

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Yep. It goes Blind auditions where the coaches pick their teams of 12, then battle rounds where each coach does 6 one on one battles to get their teams down to 6 each, and then the live shows start and America votes at the end of those. I cant remember whether its one from each team goes home every week or just one goes home but I think its one from each team.

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