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The Apprentice - Series 8


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The women on the website always look like they are about to eat you.

Azhar Siddique is fucking awesome. He has two pet sharks and trains in Muay Thai. He's either going to be the biggest dick or the nicest crazy person.

Bilyana Apostolova has the weirdest bio: "Bulgaria born Bilyana started off her career aged six, collecting snails from her grandparents’ farm to sell to pharmaceutical companies." :unsure:

Calling Jenna Whittingham as the first person to really get on everyone's nerves this season. Or Nick Holzherr, I don't have to read his bio to known he's going to be a bit of a cunt.

Oh shit, Ricky Martin is a professional wrestler!

No one jumps out at me as an obvious winner yet. The females all sound stronger on paper this year, but when is that never the case?

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Probably wasn't the best decision but I'm not gonna complain. Very annoying just moaning and moaning and never shutting up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeh I'd agree with Split. There are no real characters yet that stand out compared to last season where there was Jim or Tom but that doesn't mean it isn't bad, its still pretty good. This weeks task looks like it'll produce some funny moments though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Turning into a bit of a farce now. Dodgy firing decision basically every week. Why don't they just skip to the interviews/business plan stage? That's clearly what some people are being kept in for regardless of how shite they are each week.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I still enjoy the show, but it's getting frustrating how often the wrong team seems to win. I guess they're editing it in such a way as to swerve us, but it gets old having it happen so often. Especially when certain stuff that comes up during the show doesn't get discussed in the board room.

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well that was a load of balls.. I'm sorry, but Tom > Ricky. His name is Ricky Martin for god sake. people were taking the mick before it started, they probably still will even though it's now finished.

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I didn't get the love for Tom. He was never that good at anything.

Ricky was the runaway winner for a while. He was the best all-rounder; good ideas man, great salesman, and in the end he had the best business plan.

It is a shame though, I thought Jade was better skillswise but who proposes a fucking call centre and expects it to go over well?

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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