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The Headphone Thread


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So yeah, after chatting a bit with The General in the super-secret gentleman's club for The Awesome Guys, I thought about why we did not have a thread about headphones. Talk about what you recently bought, what you think about them and what you recommend and also tell people to stay away from. I have gone through multiple earbuds over the years but after realising that the only positive thing about them is that they are easily transportable, I skipped then ub true hipster fashion and decided to just stick to my trusty AKG K-55 clamshell's that I otherwise only used at home. I've had these beauties for over five years now and they are still going strong; definetely the best present I ever got.

Earbuds seem to break constantly for me, even if I take care of them and don't just leave them laying so people (or myself) might accidentally sit on them or something. Has any else encountered this? I mean, I quit them entirely last year after I had two pair break in a matter of a month. The worst offender were the Beats earbuds (don't judge me, I got them cheap from work :shifty: ), that broke in a single week. Actually, I would advise people to just stay the fuck away from Beats, Bose or any of those "quality" brands because all you pay for is to walk around showing you can afford a logo; the sound isn't any more spectacular than a pair of medium-prized Sennheisers. Again, I got to test the Beats clamshells because I could get them cheap from work but I was not impressed at all, especially since I could get the same format of sound from my AKG's.

So yeah, headphone and sound nerd thread?

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I have nothing but praise for Sony MDR-V500DJ's they're reasonable mid-tier headphones and I really don't see myself buying anything else unless they electrocute me or I suddenly want to blow £300 on headphones to have a tiny bit more clarity <_<

I borrowed a friends Beats and noticed that they give the impression of 'best sound' by going overboard with bass so that you can tell a difference between those and £20 headphones <_< I suppose they're worthwhile for DJs making dubstep or something, but for listening to 128 kb/s songs on the train like so many people I know is ridiculous >_<

Also, I swear that upping the price of my regular headphones from £20 to £50 has made me consciously more aware about putting them in a vaguely safe place whenever I'm done with them. Then again, it's not like I can just scrunch them in my pocket and turn them into a tangled mess that cannot be tamed :/

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Also, I swear that upping the price of my regular headphones from £20 to £50 has made me consciously more aware about putting them in a vaguely safe place whenever I'm done with them. Then again, it's not like I can just scrunch them in my pocket and turn them into a tangled mess that cannot be tamed :/

Well, me neither but nothing helped. So I just said fuck it and stopped caring for in-ear buds. In other hand; my K-55 clamshells have endured more than their shaire of punishment (through moving, being drunk, being bored, whatever) and they still play with delightful sound. I am so sad that they aren't in production anymore because when they eventually kick the bucket, or I want something new and shiny, I would love to just buy a new pair of those.

Also, going to test those new 50 Cent headphones today, at the store. They are certainly better priced than the Beats so I am interested to hear if they are worth a damn.

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That seems pretty cheap for what they are. Jump on it!

I would, but recently purchased some new headphones. I am a bit of a WESC fanboy. My Bongos had recently become just too ratty and discoloured - as I also insist on pretty White headphones :shifty: - so I had a shufty on eBay and found some Congas for less than I had paid for the now deceased ones! As far as I'm concerned, for the £30 they cost, they are amazing. Due to hearing difficulties I have anyway, I don't think I would tell much more difference in sound anyway. They don't distort, until max volume, which is often too loud anyway given the fit of the 'phones, and even then it is incredibly minimal. I would recommend them to anyone and everyone - and frequently do.

But yeah, headphones >>>>>>>>>>> earbuds.

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But Monster Beats are shit. :/ They are overpriced as fuck and they only work well with bass heavy songs, nothing else. You are a bad person for trying to force Beats on people, metalguy. :/

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Anyone got any recommendations for headphones for using in the gym?

I've realised I can run faster and longer to a thumping dubstep soundtrack.

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Perhaps a pair of iGrado's? From reviews it says that they have a good bass (well, relatively for their size and value) and through some lurking on Amazon.co.uk I found some at £45; or even cheaper if you can stand getting used ones. I have not tried them myself though but seem a pretty good deal for what you get and what you are looking for.

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I have nothing but praise for Sony MDR-V500DJ's they're reasonable mid-tier headphones and I really don't see myself buying anything else unless they electrocute me or I suddenly want to blow £300 on headphones to have a tiny bit more clarity <_<I borrowed a friends Beats and noticed that they give the impression of 'best sound' by going overboard with bass so that you can tell a difference between those and £20 headphones <_< I suppose they're worthwhile for DJs making dubstep or something, but for listening to 128 kb/s songs on the train like so many people I know is ridiculous >_<Also, I swear that upping the price of my regular headphones from £20 to £50 has made me consciously more aware about putting them in a vaguely safe place whenever I'm done with them. Then again, it's not like I can just scrunch them in my pocket and turn them into a tangled mess that cannot be tamed :/

Who goes into a headphone thread and starts talking about 128k songs?

I have these JVC's and they're pretty cool. No noticeable distortion even at max volume. I can actually use them as a sort of emergency travel speaker. I usually go with Sennheiser, but my last pair of in-ear ones just didn't have enough bass to them. They weren't tinny, but there just wasn't much presence to the music. I gues sin part that's just due to the nature of in-ear though, as the over-ear ones I have now give a much fuller sound.

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Headphones ideally, buds always seem to fall out.

£50 max.

Get buds with loopy bits, anything else is falling out in the gym. I swear by my now third Phillips pair, sound qualities fine for the gym or jogging and generally about a tenner. Can't remember what they're called...

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I swear, as you may have guessed, by WESCs. Bongos are available for 20ish, they're fine, but the noise cancellation is a bit shit. I use Congas now, which have brilliant noise reduction, great bass, and are a comfy fit. They cost me 32 off eBay (shop called audioOut, 2 day delivery, boom). Missus has worn them a few times running and said they're excellent, but she doesn't really like headphones.

Essentially, steer clear of Skullcandys, Bose are good, but often pricier IME, Senns are great, WESCs are great, Philips and Sony can be a vastly mixed bunch.

Again, in my experience.

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For years and years and years I've gone through a few pairs of these...


Really standard Sony in-ear headphones. I hate the buds and, especially with summer temperatures here, big groovy overhead headphones are a killer.

I have tried out other in-ear headphones and none of them have as good a sound quality as these £8 headphones. They were a wonderful, sneaky find back in the day and I've stuck with them.

I have got one other pair but I don't wear them often:


Dark blue Audio Technica. Sound quality is not as good though so I don't bother. I don't care if I wander around wearing boring headphones if it sounds good.

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I swear, as you may have guessed, by WESCs. Bongos are available for 20ish, they're fine, but the noise cancellation is a bit shit. I use Congas now, which have brilliant noise reduction, great bass, and are a comfy fit. They cost me 32 off eBay (shop called audioOut, 2 day delivery, boom). Missus has worn them a few times running and said they're excellent, but she doesn't really like headphones.

Essentially, steer clear of Skullcandys, Bose are good, but often pricier IME, Senns are great, WESCs are great, Philips and Sony can be a vastly mixed bunch.

Again, in my experience.

Skullcandy buds are useless, but lowriders arn't too bad.

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