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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012 (E3)

King Ellis

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Assasins Creed 3 lets you play as an eagle, apparently.

And even in the middle of a fucking warzone the assasin still pushes people out of the way like the arsehole that he is.

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I know who Aisha Tyler is but who's the other guy?

And I assume Universal meant local multi for Paradise, Dragsy.

Ah, I see. I doubt that killed it though. Split-screen's been on its way out for years now. And wasn't Paradise critically and commercially successful?

I really hate when people underestimate the use and advantage of split-screen. I was able to sell 3 different people on Minecraft thanks to Splitscreen in the past 2 weeks. I personally was originally sold on Halo and COD:MW (I was a COD fan in the PC days) thanks to split screen. Playing online is NOT a replacement for that, at all. I don't think there is a coincidence Halo and COD dominate the industry and are seemingly the only franchises that still utilize it.

But regardless, Crash Party Mode in Burnout Revenge and Burnout 3 did NOT utilize split screen. It was a pass-the-controller type game and you could have 6-8 people playing it at once. Perfect party game. No excuse for getting rid of that, IMO.

I didn't really follow gaming news when Paradise was released, but I am guessing it was successful. I just find it weird that it's been over 4 years since the release and we haven't had a real Burnout game since.

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Still seems a bit too focused on action than stealth for my liking. I've not been keen on the previous AC games, but if they cut out the present day stuff and it's not too linear, this could be the first one I actually buy myself.

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Within the context of Assassin's Creed, they definitely did enough to keep it Assassin's Creed-y but still make it new enough to be enticing. Thank God it got away from Italy. Some enemies still looked laughably bad with how much they choreographed shit--one axe-wielding dude just flailingly wildly in particular--but that's such a minor detail. I was kinda "Eh" before-hand, but I'm actually really excited. This is the first time I've been excited by a game at E3 other than FIFA. And I liked FIFA because you can carry over your XP from FIFA 12.

And man, this is laughably bad. Now it's just awkward. And yaaaaaaaaaaaaay Shootmania. Video game journalists other than Jeff Gertsmann do not give a fuccccckk.

Edited by Will? Yum.
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