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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012 (E3)

King Ellis

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I love Madden, but I swear they say the same stuff every year about the "fighting for extra yards" mechanic. Don't see much of a reason for me to pay 60 bucks for this.

They have said the same thing over and over, particularly in relation to things like suction blocking. But if they've got a proper physics engine in place, there's actually a decent chance they'll come through on this one. All they could do before was alleviate it a little by tuning rating and player speed etc. This should change the game fundamentally, it's not just hype. I'm sure they'll find some way to fuck it up, mind.

Medal of Honor. Because you never have too many generic FPSes around

That actually looked spectacular. It might not be the most original, and it's definitely playing second fiddle to BF, but it certainly looks the part.

That's the final nail for THQ, surely.

It's actually going to help save them. The reason they're in the mess they're in is wasting money on licenses and rubbish peripherals (uDraw). If I remember correctly, some of the guys at the top have now gone, and they're refocusing on core gamers and less on expensive licensed tat.

Wake me when the new Burnout comes out. Or did Paradise kill the franchise?

Paradise was wonderful! And we have had Crash since then on consoles and mobiles but I guess NFS is and always has been EA's cash cow when it comes to driving games.

I liked Paradise, but the lack of Multiplayer and getting rid of it's best mode (Crash, especially in the Party Mode) really disappointed a lot of people.

Am I reading that right? Are you saying there was no multiplayer in Burnout Paradise?

So according to this http://www.marketwatch.com/story/thq-and-zuffa-announce-transition-of-ultimate-fighting-championship-videogame-rights-2012-06-04

THQ still has the rights for UFC up till March 31st 2013 so I guess there wont be a EA UFC game till at least then. Wonder if we'll see another game from them this year.

How do people feel about this? I know the THQ games were very well recieved in terms of the fights themselves but I think people were slightly let down when it came to carreer and such? As for the online, I only know from WWE 12 but they were pretty horrible there.

What about EA MMA, how would you feel if that became the foundation for the UFC games? How did it compare gameplay wise?

There's a press release on the THQ site saying they transferred the rights to EA as of June 4.

The first and third games were pretty good, but THQ bears the distinction of being one of the few companies to have worse online playability than EA. At least EA are more likely to pay attention with patches post-release. And to be fair, with a bit of work, the MMA engine should be pretty good.

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