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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012 (E3)

King Ellis

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Why does Ubisoft have their own part of E3? I mean, I get EA... but Ubisoft just seems like such a weird choice when they don't have much outside of AC.

'Cept, you know, Rayman looks awesome. Just Dance is disgustingly popular, regardless of whether you like it. And FarCry 3 looks promising. And Splinter Cell looks badass. And AC. And they're heavily into supporting new hardware like the Kinect, or the Wii U.

Ubisoft puts on trainwrecks of press conferences, but their games are usually fucking great.

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Why does Ubisoft have their own part of E3? I mean, I get EA... but Ubisoft just seems like such a weird choice when they don't have much outside of AC.

'Cept, you know, Rayman looks awesome. Just Dance is disgustingly popular, regardless of whether you like it. And FarCry 3 looks promising. And Splinter Cell looks badass. And AC. And they're heavily into supporting new hardware like the Kinect, or the Wii U.

Ubisoft puts on trainwrecks of press conferences, but their games are usually fucking great.

Okay, I wasn't knocking Ubisoft... Just asking why they have their own spot when other companies don't?

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Because they deserve it, and feel the need to have one? Take a look at the other big publishers.

Konami used to, but they had shit-shows.

Capcom? Lol. No. Not relevant. And it's a lot of re-releases of games.

THQ can't bother, because they're nearly bankrupt.

Take-Two? Don't announce enough games.

Rockstar? Never bother with much press/E3.

Bethesda? Also don't announce enough games.

Activision/Activision-Blizzard is the only other one that really makes sense. And they don't really need press conferences. They can just make massive announcements whenever they want. All people care about are Starcraft and COD. WOW to a degree, too. All their other stuff is licensed stuff, mostly. And that isn't gonna excite people/it doesn't need to be on national TV.

Edit: And yeah, I have no clue what is going on. But I kinda love it. HUD is very much Assassin's Creed/minimalist-influenced. It looks like Assassin's Creed, GTA, Splinter Cell, and a Philip K. Dick novel had a foursome and this is the result.

Edited by Will? Yum.
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This thing is pretty crazy. Just seems to be very tense and kinda creepy which is something the CoD, MoH etc demos go for but this one actually has.

For all the shit Ubisoft has gotten from their show, they've ended with something extremely interesting and something a lot of people are bound to be talking about.

Watch Dogs, is that the name then?

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