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The totally official and legit thread for choosing what film Ollie watches, y'all.


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I only read books with pictures in y'all.

So far Moneyball is good, not great but good. Pitt's his reliable self, Hill'a a pleasant surprise and the story is pretty tight and despite a lack of knowledge in the subject field it works. I care for the characters and their predicaments, not the fact that they're playing baseball.

So yeah, it's good.

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Last night I watched Thank You For Smoking. I liked the bit where he was Harvey Dent.

Tonight I watched Adventureland. I really liked the ending where he invented Facebook and she had a kid with a sparkly vampire. Good shout.

Films are fucking brilliant.

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It's ridiculously quotable ("You know the guy who can pick up any girl? I'm him. On crack.", "The great state of Vermont will not apologise for it's cheese." and "Michael Jordan plays ball. Charles Manson kills people. I talk. Everyone has a talent." being the best of the best) and the casting is pretty much flawless with Eckhart, Elliott, Macy and Simmons on top form. It's also got a ridiculously good soundtrack. I think it lost itself a bit in the middle with the


but totally picked back up in the last 15. Not the best film I've watched this week but probably the most fun.

Adventureland was good too, I think I would've appreciated it a lot more had I seen it a few years ago, it's definitely one of those 'coming-of-age' films where you kinda need to see it in your late teens to truly appreciate it (see also Juno, Superbad and pretty much any other film where, hey, the kids are alright) but it was a hell of a lot of fun. Eisenberg's terrific in anything and although he's pretty much Michael Cera with a literary degree he plays the part pitch perfect. The ensemble cast was definitely the shining light with Joel, Bobby & Paulette and Frigo being the most fun. Killer soundtrack though and it looked flawless.

So yeah, films are awesome y'all.

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Sic transit gloria... Glory fades.

Awh man I friggin' love Rushmore. That film is all of the wonderful.

Anyway, tomorrow I wanna watch some early Coen Brothers because I've not seen anything pre-Fargo. Probably because I'm an idiot. That means choices are Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Barton Fink, Miller's Crossing or The Hudsucker Proxy. That should be fun, y'all.

Also this should totally be in with the normies, anyone with power fancy moving this over the Movies?

Alsoalso LL, my googling leads me to believe that Get The Gringo is How I Spent My Summer Vacation, in which case I refuse to watch it because of Mel Gibson. Nothing to do with his anti-semitism, I haven't got any problem with that. I just think Mel Gibson is shit.

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You are wrong about Mel Gibson! He's super wonderful. And if you don't like Payback, you're a real piece of shit, mate.

And watch all those Coen movies! Except Blood Simple. That one isn't their best.

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I wussed out and watched Burn After Reading last night. Anyone who dislikes that film is an idiot.

Tonight is Fanboys. I have no idea why it has such a bad rep. It's no reinventing the wheel or anything but it's a fun waste on 90 minutes and the constant cameos are ridiculous amounts of fun. That and Seth Rogen is an absolute king.

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I wussed out and watched Burn After Reading last night. Anyone who dislikes that film is an idiot.

Tonight is Fanboys. I have no idea why it has such a bad rep. It's no reinventing the wheel or anything but it's a fun waste on 90 minutes and the constant cameos are ridiculous amounts of fun. That and Seth Rogen is an absolute king.

I know!! Fanboys was great fun! I really enjoyed it.

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