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Star Trek - Into Darkness

Herr Matzat

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Other theory I read is a mix of Mitchell and Khan. I'd buy that if they could do it believably

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I read a theory that Abrams is taking liberties and it's a mix of Khan and Gary Mitchell. I have never heard of this Gary guy but does this make sense?

Srar, Gary Mitchell appeared in the episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before", the second episode produced and the first to have William Shatner. Originally a friend of Kirk's (and helmsman, he, along with Elizabeth Dehner, gained god-like powers until Kirk managed to best (and kill) him. Dehner was a bit more gracious.

But yeah, I guess it would make sense, so long as it's not a new character :shifty:

Why I believe it's Mitchell (pictures in the spoiler tag as a size courtesy)

Elizabeth Dehner from "Where No Man Has Gone Before"


Alice Eve's character from the movie:


That and BC's character wears a uniform; this would seem to indicate Mitchell, but Khan also wore one in "Space Seed".

I don't think it's a new character as I've heard it's definitely a character from previous Star Trek canon. Gary Mitchell makes the most sense with the casting of Alice Eve who could be Dr. Elizabeth Dehner. Then again she could also be Lt. Marla McGivers from Space Seed but she definitely resembles Dehner.

However, Gary Mitchell didn't posses superhuman strength or agility but Khan did. Since this is an alternate time-line though I think it's Gary Mitchell.

As long as he's better than Eric Bana's character Captain Nero, I don't care who he is.

I liked Nero :(

He was the worst part of the first movie. I also didn't like how Kirk was used as comic relief when he's supposed to be the main character. Also, Scotty's little alien sidekick just reeks Star Wars rip-off.

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Nero's probably the best villain since Khan (who is the best villain), considering 1) He just didn't give a fuck and 2) His scheme had everlasting repercussions for the galaxy. He raped (most of) Starfleet, blew up Vulcan, what more do you want?

Excluding the death of Data in Nemesis, the status quo was more or less returned at the beginning of the movies during the Next Generation films. All of this out of revenge for Spock not making it to Romulus in time. I mean, when not just Romulus but Vulcan goes up as well.. well, that's pretty significant on the bad guy scale.

As far as Scotty's sidekick, who cares? He contributed less to the plot than Ensign Cupcake did.

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Well, Romulus only goes up in some distant future that will likely never be covered by any official Star Trek film/TV series again. :shifty:

I, too, liked Nero. It's a little bit of a shame that his crew's 25-odd years stint on a Klingon prison planet is cut out of the movie besides a couple of side references, but still good.

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They showed a full length trailer at BNAT this weekend. Didn't say who Cumberbatch is playing, but did show him wearing a Starfleet uniform at one point. Signs continue to point towards Gary.

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Read that the first 9 minutes will be shown before The Hobbit in IMAX theaters

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So some cinema journalists were given a preview of the 9 minutes you'll see before The Hobbit. Spoilers ahead

We won't learn who Benedict Cumberbatch is playing. They're really going to draw this mystery out. By all accounts, the movie begins with a scene where a couple (played by Doctor Who's Noel Clarke and Nazneen Contractor) are in a hospital, where their baby daughter is sick. We see a montage of moments from the family's life together — and then Benedict Cumberbatch appears and tells the frantic parents that he has the ability to save their dying child. They ask who he is, and he doesn't answer. Instead, the camera just zooms in on his menacing face. And apparently we do see Cumberbatch wearing a Starfleet uniform during this.

It's not as powerful as the opening minutes of J.J. Abrams' first Star Trek, or as exciting as the opening to The Dark Knight. At least, that's what I'm gleaning from the reports. Here's what Screenrant has to say:

As to the impact of the IMAX prologue/preview… did it knock the crowd in attendance off its collective seat? I'd have to say no. However… it did leave us all wanting more and was ultimately successful as a result. The opening minutes of the first Star Trek film are incredibly difficult to top, and the Into Darkness prologue did not have the impact of the similar preview of The Dark Knight three years ago.

Kirk and friends face a dangerous situation and a Prime Directive challenge. After the scene of Cumberbatch telling the parents he can save their daughter, we find out what Kirk and his crew are up to. They're on the primitive planet Nibiru (the one with the red vegetation we witnessed in the trailer) where Kirk and McCoy are being chased by "members of a chalk-faced, spear-chucking indigenous race," as Movieline puts it. Meanwhile, Spock drops out of a shuttlecraft into an active volcano that threatens to erupt and destroy the planet (also as witnessed in the trailer.) Uhura watches in concern as Spock risks his life to save everybody.

Of course, the volcano erupts. Meanwhile, Kirk and McCoy return to the Enterprise, which is hidden at the bottom of an ocean. Scotty is concerned about the danger to the ship, and its ability to keep functioning. Chekov keeps offering "whiz kid suggestions" to the Captain. At last, Kirk has to make a choice — save Spock, or preserve the Prime Directive by keeping the Enterprise hidden. Kirk asks what Spock would do if the situations were reversed, and McCoy says that's easy — "He'd let you die."

Of course, you'll see for yourself on Friday! But you can read more reactions to the footage in the L.A. Times, Collider, Trek Movie, Movieline, Coming Soon, Screen Rant and Cinemablend.

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Well, Romulus only goes up in some distant future that will likely never be covered by any official Star Trek film/TV series again. :shifty:

I, too, liked Nero. It's a little bit of a shame that his crew's 25-odd years stint on a Klingon prison planet is cut out of the movie besides a couple of side references, but still good.

Given the hundred plus years heads up, I think Romulus will be OK.

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Well, Romulus only goes up in some distant future that will likely never be covered by any official Star Trek film/TV series again. :shifty:

I, too, liked Nero. It's a little bit of a shame that his crew's 25-odd years stint on a Klingon prison planet is cut out of the movie besides a couple of side references, but still good.

Given the hundred plus years heads up, I think Romulus will be OK.

In the alternate timeline, maybe. The Romulans are so secretive and distrusting, who knows if they'll listen?

But in the Prime universe..yea, its still gone

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Well, Romulus only goes up in some distant future that will likely never be covered by any official Star Trek film/TV series again. :shifty:

I, too, liked Nero. It's a little bit of a shame that his crew's 25-odd years stint on a Klingon prison planet is cut out of the movie besides a couple of side references, but still good.

Given the hundred plus years heads up, I think Romulus will be OK.

But if they do that then Nero will have no reason to go back in time, and then there'd be nobody to warn the Romulans about it, thus meaning Nero will never oh no I've gone cross-eyed.

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Well, Romulus only goes up in some distant future that will likely never be covered by any official Star Trek film/TV series again. :shifty:

I, too, liked Nero. It's a little bit of a shame that his crew's 25-odd years stint on a Klingon prison planet is cut out of the movie besides a couple of side references, but still good.

Given the hundred plus years heads up, I think Romulus will be OK.

But if they do that then Nero will have no reason to go back in time, and then there'd be nobody to warn the Romulans about it, thus meaning Nero will never oh no I've gone cross-eyed.

No...even warning the Romulans of the supernova would do nothing. The timelines have already diverged.


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Suffice to say, fictional narratives pick whatever interpretation of temporal mechanics best suits their interests.

Or, if they're really clever, they ignore the potential paradox entirely and leave it to nerd fans to debate "what ifs". :shifty:

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Never mind that we've already established that this version of the Trek universe isn't the same starting universe as the TOS universe in the first place. James Kirk was born in Iowa, and no Starfleet starship at the time of his birth allowed family members aboard. Whatever universe we see in the Abrams-verse, it isn't an altered future that would have originally spawned the TOS adventures, it is a different future. It's entirely possible that the Admiral Archer that was mentioned in the first Abrams film isn't even a descendant of Jonathan Archer, but rather a sibling that didn't exist in the original time line.

Of course, this is all just conjecture based upon one bit of continuity before Nero's intervention that was incorrect.

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When 95% (or whatever) of a population is wiped out, and those that survive have their life circumstances radically altered, it's fairly safe to say that no character a couple of generations down the line really has a chance of making it through that mess. :P

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Kirk asks what Spock would do if the situations were reversed, and McCoy says that's easy — "He'd let you die."

I do like the new Kirk/Spock dynamic.

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