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And now for some reason, The Golden Globes 2013.

GoGo Yubari

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Given the nominations it makes sense. I'd have gone with Leo, but in a race between Waltz and Tommy Lee Jones, Waltz edges him out. Alan Arkin was good, but didn't have nearly the roles that the others did, and I can't really comment on PSH.

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I was pretty confident TLJ was going to win there, outside chance of Hoffman. I thought Waltz and Leo would cancel each other out.

Maggie Smith wins Best Supporting Actress in TV, for the nobody who gives a shit about that field this year.

EDIT: Hahaha, Jonathan from Buffy just won a Golden Globe.

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I was pretty confident TLJ was going to win there, outside chance of Hoffman. I thought Waltz and Leo would cancel each other out.

Maggie Smith wins Best Supporting Actress in TV, for the nobody who gives a shit about that field this year.

EDIT: Hahaha, Jonathan from Buffy just won a Golden Globe.



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Hahaha, holy shit. They completely failed to put up the teleprompter for Salma Hayek and Paul Rudd to set up Best TV Drama. So they stared blankly for a moment, waiting for it, and then Paul Rudd was like "... hi. How's everybody doing." Then Salma Hayek tried to give him something to start on and then they cut to the nominees midsentence.

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Adele wins Best Original Song for "Skyfall" and probably gives my favorite speech thusfar.

EDIT: Oh, also, Amy Poehler randomly did this during Best Actress in a Mini-Series.


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And now, Tina Fey as a fake award nominee.


Afterwards, Bill Clinton came out and introduced Lincoln and that was awesome, and then Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig did a long, funny improv bit about trying to pretend like they had seen any of the movies the nominees for Best Actress in a Comedy were in. Everyone loved it except Tommy Lee Jones;


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Tarantino wins Best Screenplay!

EDIT: Annnnd Don Cheadle wins Best Actor in a TV Series in spite of being probably the least deserving person, because he is the most famous person in the group. Oh, Golden Globes.

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Jodie Foster is very drunk and making dated jokes after accepting her Cecil B. DeMille award and is talking about... something. Private lives? How she's not coming out or something? How it's bullshit that at age fifty she's getting a lifetime achievement award?

I can't... what just happened? Did she just retire from Hollywood?

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