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The first episode was okay, miles better than episode two. The over-reliance on flashbacks is annoying, especially when you have like 3 characters having flashbacks in the span of a minute. Also, for as much as Joe Carroll's supposed to be this charismatic serial killer, it's just not.. there.

Also, episode 2 spoilers

.. I'm expected to believe that Ryan can walk into a room, investigate a shelf full of Poe masks and not know that one of them has a person in it? For real? And that fat police killer can slither around in AC units without being heard, drop down silently behind a cop, and take him out? I couldn't help at laugh at that part because it was so absurd. And the police are apparently so incompetent that they didn't have blueprints of the house, or check it thoroughly enough to know that those AC units were even there? What.

If that FBI alternative religions unit lady turns out to be some sort of mole for Carroll, I'm going to roll my eyes so very, very hard. I'm hoping it was just a really bad red herring, though.

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Finally got around to watching the first episode last night. I wish it was on FX instead, as the writing on FOX shows always seems pretty iffy. I enjoyed the first episode, though I hated the Marshall and the other FBI agents aside from Ashmore. I like the concept enough to keep watching, but I wouldn't say I'm hooked. Not happy Natalie Zea left Justified for this.

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I think it is a grower. I like Kevin Bacon and I'm finding all the different characters that are showing up in this cult quite interesting. It depends were everything leads though. The cult leader guy is already looking a little forced though, he is quite generic in his portrayal.

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I like Kevin Bacon, but I don't know, kind of tired of the 'super-intelligent' serial killer on so many shows. Serial killers aren't supposed to be super intelligent, they don't use logic, they're psychotic. Just like a cop doesn't put down his gun because a criminal holds his gun to someone's head, but that's Hollywood for ya.

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Finally got around to watching these two first episodes. Yeah, I'm a bit intrigued as to where things are going, but I have a lot of the same complaints as Cloudy. How bout this one...

Why the

FUCK would you let the guy in the Poe mask just run off after CLEARLY burning that guy? YOU ARE A BUNCH OF PEOPLE AND HIS WEAPON IS A LIGHTER.

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The twist was terrible. I felt like it was telegraphed from the very beginning.

Oh. How shocking. The guy's wife is also part of the cult.

The bit with the two guys turning out to have actually fallen for each other was pretty weak too. At least there were less flashbacks. Billy Brown dies though! Couldn't catch a break as Mike Anderson, couldn't catch a break here either. At least he's still alive on Sons of Anarchy.

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The first episode was okay, miles better than episode two. The over-reliance on flashbacks is annoying, especially when you have like 3 characters having flashbacks in the span of a minute. Also, for as much as Joe Carroll's supposed to be this charismatic serial killer, it's just not.. there.

Also, episode 2 spoilers

.. I'm expected to believe that Ryan can walk into a room, investigate a shelf full of Poe masks and not know that one of them has a person in it? For real? And that fat police killer can slither around in AC units without being heard, drop down silently behind a cop, and take him out? I couldn't help at laugh at that part because it was so absurd. And the police are apparently so incompetent that they didn't have blueprints of the house, or check it thoroughly enough to know that those AC units were even there? What.

If that FBI alternative religions unit lady turns out to be some sort of mole for Carroll, I'm going to roll my eyes so very, very hard. I'm hoping it was just a really bad red herring, though.

He wasn't there at first. He snuck into the room while Bacon was looking around, then attacked him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to go ahead and predict that by the end of this show every single character - including Kevin Bacon - will be revealed to be a serial killer. My god, Kevin Bacon was a part of the cult all along and he didn't even know it (or something, probably)!

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