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EWB's Favorite Movie of 2012: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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I thought Skyfall was good but not quite as awesome as everybody else, apparently. Like, it would've been in my Top 15 but it wasn't quite good enough to crack the Top 10. In any other year, it probably would've made my list but unfortunately, it had the displeasure of coming out in a really strong year for film. While it's disappointing to hear that Sam Mendes won't be back to direct the next one, he did still have a hand with the story so it should be in good hands regardless, but I'm pretty curious to see who they'll hire next. Mendes himself was an interesting choice so I'm curious if they'll think outside the box again or go with someone more "cookie-cutter". Oh, and Roger Deakins not winning for Cinemetography is a travesty.

I really enjoyed Looper and even though it didn't quite make my Top 10, it was super close. I was probably a bit disappointed after I first saw it but the more I thought about, the less problems I had with the film. I really need to re-watch it and when I do, I wouldn't be surprised if I appreciated it a lot more than when I was first saw it.

I loved Argo and it was my personal choice (of those nominated) to win Best Picture. I didn't think it'd happen after Affleck got snubbed but am glad that it was able to overcome that and pull away with the victory because I do believe that it was the best film of the year. I ranked The Raid: Redemption and The Avengers higher but those are more popcorn-friendly fare. I'm still annoyed that Affleck got snubbed because the reason it's such a great film is because of his direction but I suppose Best Picture is a nice consolation, huh?

I just want to say that the Top 3 is probably the least surprising of any list we've ever done and that includes the many music ones that have featured Muse and Metallica at the top 90% of the time. You poll the internet and find that the Top 3 films of the year are comic book adaptation and a Taranatino film? Shocker! :shifty:

Django Unchained was tremendous and while I don't have that big of an issue with the running time, it is a long-ass film and probably would've benefited with a little more cutting. That said, this was Tarantino's first film without his normal Editor (Sally Menke had previously edited all of his films but passed away in 2010) so he probably got away with some things he probably wouldn't have otherwise. I hope it doesn't get tiresome but I hope that Christoph Waltz is in every Tarantino film now, he's just the perfect actor to delivery the guy's dialogue now.

I probably like The Dark Knight Rises more than most others but it isn't without faults and it definitely didn't quite live up to expectations following The Dark Knight. That said, I do still think it was a very good film that had some great performances. Like Skyfall, it suffered from coming out in such a strong film year but it still ended up making my list.

I don't think I can say anything about The Avengers that hasn't already been said. The very fact that they were able to release the film was an accomplishment in itself but the success it's had makes it so much more ridiculous. They've set a pretty high bar but as long as Whedon still has a voice in the preceding films, they should be just fine.

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I thought Skyfall was good but not quite as awesome as everybody else, apparently. Like, it would've been in my Top 15 but it wasn't quite good enough to crack the Top 10.

That's exactly how I felt about it, really. If I'd done a top fifteen, the five movies that would have made it in would I think be This Is 40, Seven Psychopaths, Skyfall, The Amazing Spider-Man, and Haywire in that order.
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