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EWB's Favorite Movie of 2012: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Haven't seen any of those outside of Ted and Prometheus.

Prometheus was okay. It was fucking dire as an entry in the Alien mythos and riddled with stupid, though. Like Skummy said, I'm pretty sure Fassbender carried the whole thing to acceptable, but there's only so much that single (wonderful, incredible) man can do.

Ted was okay too. I didn't laugh out loud once, but I don't think I'm really its target audience. Maybe 8 years ago, not so much now. It did make me interested in what Seth McFarlane might have to offer in future films, though. I'm interested in what he's doing next. So long as he stops trying to push Marky Mark so much.

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Holy shit, The Imposter sounds awesome. I'd never heard of it (so out of the loop), but I'm aware of the story it's covering. Have to check that one out.

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I haven't seem God Bless America, but I love black comedies, so I'll watch it some day soon.

Not interested in Flight.

The Imposter was just a mind blowing documentary. Just... holy shit that story. It was well told too. Everyone needs to check it out.

Prometheus was a giant bag of disappointment. I talked way too much about back when it came out, so I'll just leave it at that.

Ted was funny. I don't mind saying it, but I wouldn't rank it above some of these titles.

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Considering none of my choices have come up yet, and the 9 I did pick were the only ones I saw, I don't have much feedback.

BUT, I did see MIB3 on Sky Movies last night, and I'd have definitely put that on there, thoroughly enjoyed that one.

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Of this five, the only one I saw was Prometheus. Unbelievably stupid movie. I mean, just repeatedly straight-up dumb with a talented cast and visual effects people doing everything they possibly could to try and prop it up. Between this and Dead Man Down, Noomi Rapace should fire her agent.

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Haven't seen God Bless America, but I'm pretty sure it's on my Netflix queue.

I'll watch Flight and The Imposter soon. The Imposter sounds great.

Prometheus was one of the biggest disappointments. I hated mostly everything about it.

I think I laughed a total of 3 times during Ted. Not my style really.

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I... okay. Anyway...


20. The Man With the Iron Fists (20 pts, appeared on four ballots)


19. Lincoln (23 pts, appeared on four ballots)


18. Sinister (24 pts, appeared on four ballots)


17. Silver Linings Playbook (29 pts, appeared on six ballots)


16. Searching For Sugar Man (31 pts, appeared on five ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 30 Movies of 2012: He's making all of this up as he goes along. You don't see that?

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I haven't seen the Raid, but I've heard nothing but good things. I probably will pick it up at some point.

Killing Them Softly was pretty decent, but it wasn't at all what I was expecting. There was some great dialogue but the story was too slow paced I thought. I get that was the point of the story though, to show how beaurocratic the mob had gotten etc. Still liked it, don't know if I'll bother watching it again though. As LL said, the closer was cool as fuck.

I was actually pretty interested in Lawless until Shy LeBeef showed up. I can't stand him as an actor, which is a shame because apart from him the cast looks fantastic. Someone tell me if it's worth overlooking him.

Haven't seen MiB3, no interest in seeing it.

I'm dying to see Seven Pychopaths. In Bruges was one of my favourite films so I'm excited to see if this lives up to it, and Rockwell is fantastic no matter what he does.

I seen maybe half of God Bless America at work so I couldn't really concentrate on it, no idea how the full film would turn out but it seemed decent enough.

Flight was awesome to me. For someone who works around aircraft everyday, the first half hour to hour of so was genuinely nervewracking, and very well done. I didn't realise the meat of the story was about Denzels alcoholism though, which hit home for me due to my own familys problems with it, so I thought it was a fantastic movie. Denzel knocked it out the park too.

I've read up about the Imposter, its an interesting story but I don't feel compelled to go seek it out.

Prometheus was fine for what it was. It wasn't a horrific blaspheme against the Alien series but it wasn't mindblowing either. The finale with the reveal at the end was pretty cool.

I didn't really care for Ted. Again, it was something that I saw at work, but the initial concept aside it didn't hold my interest. I'm not a massive fan of Seth McFarlane to begin with, so the humour just felt a bit eh to me.

The Man With The Iron Fists is the one with Batista? I have no idea what its about but it looks ridiculous.

Lincoln actually looks really interesting, I wouldn't mind picking it up at some point. Daniel Day Lewis is not one of my absolute favourite actors or anything, but he made this look rivetting.

I have no idea what Sinister is, but that picture looks hilarious.

I was supposed to be taking the girlfriend to see Silver Linings Playbook when it was released, but she swerved me and took me to see Skyfall instead. Yuss.

Heard good things about Searching for Sugar Man, but doesn't really grab my interest.

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The Man With The Iron Fists... Man, I dunno. I was kind of excited to see it, but I've heard mixed things. Maybe one day.

Lincoln was exactly what I figured it was going to be. It didn't add much to everything you already know about the Lincoln story, but it had excellent acting (except Sally Field who was terrible) and was visually beautiful. It has some humorous moments most involving James Spader and while I can appreciate the movie, I can't justify putting it in my top ten.

I've been meaning to check out Sinister. Soon.

Silver Linings Playbook was a thoroughly enjoyable movie that, thankfully, stood away from the what is considered the norm with romcoms by adding some genuinely excellent drama and acting. I really enjoyed the shit out of it.

Desperately want to see Searching For Sugar Man.

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I finally saw a movie on here! Silver Linings Playbook was alright. It had great acting, and I would have considered it a great movie if not for that scene about 2/3s of the way through the movie where the writers apparently thought, "shit, this movie needs more stakes! And we need to clearly tell the audience these new stakes because otherwise they'd be too stupid to understand!" It took me out of the end, but up until that point it was a good movie.

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I didn't realize Seven Psychopaths is by the same guy who did In Bruges. In Bruges was wonderful. Now I need to see Seven Psychopaths. Killing Them Softly looks interesting too.

I want to see The Man With The Iron Fists too, because c'mon. RZA? Batista? Russell Crowe? I was in at "Directed by the RZA".

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The Man with the Iron Fists is exactly what you would expect it to be. Over the top martial arts fun.

Lincoln was good, but I didn't like it. Don't know what it was. Tommy Lee Jones was fantastic though.

Sinister ... well, generic horror film, did not like.

Silver Linings Playbook took a second watch to really appreciate, but it was really good. I am very up and down with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper, but this film have put them into my good books for a good while.

Searching For Sugar Man was such an intriguing story. More than the film, I am amazed by everything that happened to actually put it together. It was almost hard to believe at times.

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