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Midget's Minecraft Mayhem I: The Beginninininnng


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So, thanks to an obsession with Minecraft and a desire to actually play alongside people, I've recreated several Minecraft challenges from the Achievement Hunter Let's Play series, as well as a new one.

We'll be meeting up around 3p EST this Sunday (hopefully giving you Madden folk enough time to draft and sign ya boys). Only the challenge that receives the most votes will count towards The Standings. This will be on the 360, though I have a map on PC with these same challenges for future weeks.

Post your vote for which challenge you want to do. If you've not yet added me on XBox Live, my name is Shortradamous.

Choice #1: Thunderdome

-Ideally created for five players, but can handle as few as three and as many as can fit on the map. A cage has been constructed, where two people will fight to the bitter end. The winner can select from any of the nearby chests, which could contain anything from a gold block to a sword to rotten flesh. They'll then re-enter the ring to face the next combatant! First to collect four gold blocks wins!

-Estimated play time: 30-45 mins.

Choice #2: Connect Four...with Snipers

-Players are divided into teams with one player on top of the Connect Four structure and their teammate perched atop the Sniper's Tower (extra players can have a role as Gatherers, which will be covered if we have more than four for the game). Each team takes a turn running down the structure to grab a single block of either sand or gravel, then returning to the top to place it. Meanwhile, the opposing team's Sniper is attempting to kill them from their tower (earning their team an extra turn). First team to Connect Four wins!

-Estimated play time: 15-30 mins.

Choice #3: Capture The Tower!

-Teams are created...thanks to Short Girl, these teams are Team Green & Team Pink. The object is to race up to the Battlefield and mine the other team's gold, placing it on top of your gold tower. There are sniper's perches, tons of trap doors and numerous ways to get to the tower. First team to capture their opponent's tower three times wins!

-Estimted play time: 30-45 mins.

Choice #4: Wooly Bullies

-This free-for-all sees every player involved attempt to recreate all 16 colors of wool in the game and place them in their Obsidian frame. The sheepish need not apply!

-Estimated play time: 60-75 mins.

Choice #5: Last Man Standing

-The players meet in a secret underground bunker. They're allowed back to the surface for 15 minutes to collect any items/armor/weapons they wish to use. At the end of the 15 mins., they're ordered back to the bunker and then sent into the monster-filled abyss. Last one alive has to make it back inside the Bedrock Bunker to win. First to three victories wins!

-Estimated play time: 60-75 mins.

Choice #6: Shopping List

-Much like the most recent Let's Play (and very much like collecting the wool), each player is tasked with finding 12 different items and placing them in picture frames, which are located in a safe zone. First player to recreate the Shopping List wins.

-Estimated play time: 75-90 mins.

Choice #7: It's A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

-Each player is given 45 minutes to find all the material they can to build their house. The only rule is that the houses cannot be damaged or destroyed once blocks are placed. At the end of 45 minutes, an impartial judge (me) will personally declare one house The Most Epic House...youcanmakein45minutes.

-Playtime: 60 mins.

So make your selections, peoples!

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Yeah, well, no one replied when a short notice call to play on PC was made. So you can look forward to 'Let's try this on PC!' next week when no one shows up for this.

And repeat ad nauseum, till the end of time...

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I would hate to play this with Kirkland or Sousa, since it's obvious who'd win at that point :shifty:

Tickelz or Kats when they memorize where all the best loot is and head there within a femtosecond of the game starting.

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I would hate to play this with Kirkland or Sousa, since it's obvious who'd win at that point :shifty:

Tickelz or Kats when they memorize where all the best loot is and head there within a femtosecond of the game starting.


...I'd just burn everything...

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I've played MC for like an hour in the past two months. DCUO eats up my video game time.

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How much do you know of Minecraft already? You might want to watch a YouTube video or two that explains the basic premise or at least go through the trial first. They added a pretty decent little tutorial to the 360 version which should get you up to speed. I imagine if it was one of these combat challenges you might not be too happy but something like the building one would be ok.

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Is it hard to pick up? I dont want to buy this and just be pissed in the first hour and never play it again

Easy-ish to play, hard to master.

This is the first ever RoosterTeeth Minecraft video, they had never played before

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Is it hard to pick up? I dont want to buy this and just be pissed in the first hour and never play it again

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