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I'm thinking about making a scenario for a backyard to global challenge. My big problem with the challenge has been the workers. A true backyard promotion isn't going to get anyone that's actually been anywhere and done anything, especially not for free. Since the workers are normally people no one has ever heard of and the fans are normally just family and friends I'm thinking about cooking up a couple of dozen custom workers for people to choose from. I'm going to use Bill's most current update, adding in the custom workers, some local sponsors, and a few staff members. The scenario is:

In 1998 7 friends (one of whom would be the player) decide start their very own backyard promotion, Trampoline Extreme! After breaking the trampoline, and drawing the interests of classmates, they decide to pool their resources and built an actual ring and form Backyard Championship Wrestling. While they have a great deal of fun, graduation comes along and in the summer of 2003 the ring is stripped down and put in storage as the workers go their separate ways.

Fast forward to 2013 and the Class of 2003 10 year reunion. The original 7 and some of the BCW workers realize that no matter what they've accomplished in the last decade, they still haven't lived their dreams of becoming wrestling superstars. Once again pooling their resources they decide to take the risk, dust off the old ring, and bring to life their own promotion.

They've spent their initial investment fixing up the old ring, renting a building, and buying pads, outfits, and title belts. They have nothing but a dream and a handful of wrestlers left at their disposal. Can they go all the way to the top?

My current roster has:

20 men (12 from their high school days and 8 new recruits)

6 with high school and/or collegiate wrestling backgrounds

6 with actual wrestling school backgrounds

5 completely self taught

3 competitive fighters (MMA, Bando, and Pankration)

4 women (2 from high school and 2 new recruits)

1 from a wrestling school

1 self taught

2 mud wrestling strippers

So my first question is would anyone be interested in this? The second would be what kind of stats do you want to see with the workers? By that I mean, how good can you get teaching yourself or how good should they be coming out of wrestling school? Thirdly, should I put in any managers? Any other input is welcome too.

Edited by jedi-dave
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Just a quick update. I'm playing with some ideas to generate realistic and fair stats, because I have a tendency to make workers WAY too good, even if they shouldn't be. Staff is finished, sponsors are finished, worker bios are finished I just have to assign the stats, managers/valets I have a few notes but I'm not sure if I'll put any in. When the August update comes out, I'll plug them into that to test it out and then plan to release it with the September update.

Anyone know how to make the Kyky pictures for the workers? I'm thinking about pulling some random pictures off the internet so we have a face with a name for all of the workers too.

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Just a quick update. I'm playing with some ideas to generate realistic and fair stats, because I have a tendency to make workers WAY too good, even if they shouldn't be. Staff is finished, sponsors are finished, worker bios are finished I just have to assign the stats, managers/valets I have a few notes but I'm not sure if I'll put any in. When the August update comes out, I'll plug them into that to test it out and then plan to release it with the September update.

Anyone know how to make the Kyky pictures for the workers? I'm thinking about pulling some random pictures off the internet so we have a face with a name for all of the workers too.

MS PowerPoint also has a background removal feature. It can be a bit of a bitch to work with but the results are decent if you work hard enough.

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I meant to post this this morning, but forgot in my hurry to get out the door. Stats-wise I decided on a base number to be divided between brawling, speed, technical, and charisma. Then bonuses for martial arts, amateur wrestling, wrestling school, and a slight speed bonus for lightweights. This has been giving much more realistic stats than my previous attempts which were either to good or to bad. I'm planning on putting up a small bio for each on this thread too so you kind of have a feel for the workers as you'll be making yourself as one of the founders (can be a worker, non-worker, manager however you want to do it) and I felt you should have some background info on them.

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