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TEW 2013 Draft (Registration thread)

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So with a landslide win (21-5), the major TEW 2013 draft will be first, followed by a WMMA 3 draft sometime soon after. (Hopefully)

I will take 25 spots maximum, maybe less.. I will follow 9 to 5's lead in picking people I know will be reliable and around to make their draft picks on time.

Registration will be open for roughly 25 hours (midnight on Monday night, so about 2 hours before Raw.. if that's easier for people to figure out with time differences.

The mod will be set in August 2013.. using cpt.charisma's recent update.

A rule I'm adding on top of 9 to 5's rules.. I will allow a certain number of companies per level (regions meaning USA/Canada/Mexico/Japan/British Isles/Europe/Australia)
Global: 1 anywhere in the world)
International: 3 (2 max in 1 region)
National: 5 (2 max per 1 region)
Cult: 8 (4 max per 1 region)
Regional: 12 (7 max per 1 region)
Small: 8 (4 max per 1 region)
Local: 5 (2 max per 1 region)

Reservations: 9 to 5; GoGo


Your EWB Forum Name:
Promotion Name:
Logo Link:
Banner Link:
Open Date:
Location: (If unsure what this means in TEW terms, please ask or select what geographic area you want your promotion in the real world and I will try and work round it)
Drug Policy: (None, Low, Medium, High, Extreme)
Schedule Type (Touring or Regular):
(If Touring)
Show Per Week:
Touring Months:

Product: (What name do you wish to give your own brand of wrestling)
AI for Events: 1v1= , 2v2= , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio= (How often the AI would put on these type of matches in a percentage term in multiples of ten).
AI for TV: 1v1= , 2v2= , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio=
Expected Match Lengths: Minor= , Medium= , Major= (In minutes)
Product Appeal - (For each topic, please select from None, Very Low, Low, Medium, Heavy, Key Feature)
Traditional: (The traditional values of (primarily American) wrestling, that being good guys who play fair vs. bad guys who cheat, with an old-school feel).
Mainstream: (Entertainment that appeals to the whole family, i.e. over-the-top characters, harmless comedy, etc).
Comedy: (Physical or verbal comedy, both in the ring and in skits).
Cult: (Non-Mainstream entertainment, the sort that is maybe a little darker or on the edge than is normal, a la classic ECW).
Risque: (Very near-the-knuckle entertainment, so beloved of the Attitude Era in reality).
Modern: (The modern type of match, where matches are fast-paced, featuring a blend of "oh my god" dangerous moves and crazy aerial spots, the sort you'd see in ROH or TNA's X-Division).
Realism: (This is the Japanese style of working realistically, where you build up with low-level strikes and holds).
Hyper Realism: (This is where there is an MMA influence).
Hardcore: (When there is a lot of blood and weapons).
Lucha Libre: (When lucha libre is used, the Mexican style of fast-paced acrobatics).
Pure: (This is where the product has proper pure wrestling, i.e. the more "European" style of holds and counter holds, lots of mat wrestling, with submissions being a huge feature).
Daredevil: (This is the high-spot oriented part of the product, where realism takes a back seat to crazy stuff that isn't big on psychology, but is big on amazing people).

Match Intensity: (How hard and fast wrestlers go at each other in a typical match, 0-100)
Match Danger: (The higher it is, the more risk of injury. The lower it is, the more fake it looks. That's as close as I can get to giving you an idea about it. Use common sense. :shifty: 0-100).
Womens Wrestling: (None, Division, Intergrated, Entire Promotion).
T&A Levels: (None, Low, High).
Face/Heel Divide: (None, Medium, High).

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Your EWB Forum Name: Pleatherface
Promotion Name: The Republic of Dangerous Headdrop Pro
Initials: DHP Republica
Country: USA
Size: Local
Logo Link:
Banner Link:
Website: http://www.headdroprepublica.com
Profile: Founded in the 60s by a man named Javier Gomez seeking political asylum, who just so happened to be one of the most talented practitioners of the Puroresu style that the world had ever known.. The Republic of Dangerous Headdrop Pro became a name synonymous with wrestling throughout the southeastern united states but namely Florida where it was based. Until a tragic nation wide accident with some amnesia dust, after that DHP Republica wasn't very synonymous anymore. Infact noone seemed to remember it all. Until now. A handful of dedicated individuals have come together to bring DHP Republica back to the glory it once knew. It's with their noble battles, their spilled blood, their occasional butt punches, that they honor the legacies of men and women that came before them. Rumors that the newly restored federation is being haunted by the ghost of it's original founder? Remain unconfirmed.

Open Date: July, 2013
Location: South East
Drug Policy: None
Schedule Type: Regular

Product Name: Honorable Flippity Comedy
AI for Events: 1v1= 50, 2v2= 20, 3v3= 20, Triagle= 5, Four Way= 5, Match Ratio= 90.
AI for TV: 1v1= 50, 2v2= 20, 3v3= 20, Triagle= 5, Four Way= 5, Match Ratio= 90.
Expected Match Lengths: Minor= 6, Medium= 10, Major= 18
Product Appeal -
Traditional: None
Mainstream: None
Comedy: Heavy
Cult: Key Feature
Modern: Heavy
Realism: None
Hyper Realism: None
Hardcore: None
Lucha Libre: Heavy
Pure: Low
Daredevil: None

Match Intensity: 46
Match Danger: 55
Womens Wrestling: Intergrated
T&A Levels: None
Face/Heel Divide: Medium

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Your EWB Forum Name: Mooregasm

Promotion Name: Pro Wrestling DAREDEVIL


Country: USA

Size: Cult

Logo Link: TBA

Banner Link: TBA

Website: www.pwDAREDEVIL.org

Profile: Pro Wrestling DAREDEVIL is an American professional wrestling promotion based in the Tri-State region of the US. It is well-known for its common use of High-Flying and Daredevil-type wrestling (Hence the name).

Open Date: November 2012.

Location: (If unsure what this means in TEW terms, please ask or select what geographic area you want your promotion in the real world and I will try and work round it): Tri-State in USA.

Drug Policy: (None, Low, Medium, High, Extreme): None

Schedule Type (Touring or Regular): Regular

(If Touring)

Show Per Week:

Touring Months:

Product: (What name do you wish to give your own brand of wrestling)

Name: Modern Daredevil (Unoriginal, I know)

AI for Events: 1v1= , 2v2= , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio= (How often the AI would put on these type of matches in a percentage term in multiples of ten). 1v1=%70, 2v2=%10, 3v3=%20 ". Match Ratio=%90

AI for TV: 1v1= , 2v2= , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio=: 1v1: %70, 2v2: %10, 3v3: %15, Triangle: %5. Match Ratio=%80.

Expected Match Lengths: Minor= , Medium= , Major= (In minutes): Minor = 8 min, Medium = 10 min and Major = 20 min.

Product Appeal - (For each topic, please select from None, Very Low, Low, Medium, Heavy, Key Feature)

Traditional: (The traditional values of (primarily American) wrestling, that being good guys who play fair vs. bad guys who cheat, with an old-school feel) None

Mainstream: (Entertainment that appeals to the whole family, i.e. over-the-top characters, harmless comedy, etc) None

Comedy: (Physical or verbal comedy, both in the ring and in skits) Very Low

Cult: (Non-Mainstream entertainment, the sort that is maybe a little darker or on the edge than is normal, a la classic ECW) High

Risque: (Very near-the-knuckle entertainment, so beloved of the Attitude Era in reality) Medium

Modern: (The modern type of match, where matches are fast-paced, featuring a blend of "oh my god" dangerous moves and crazy aerial spots the sort you'd see in ROH or TNA's X-Division): Key Feature

Realism: (This is the Japanese style of working realistically, where you build up with low-level strikes and holds) Low

Hyper Realism: This is where there is an MMA influence) None

Hardcore: (When there is a lot of blood and weapons) None

Lucha Libre: (When lucha libre is used, the Mexican style of fast-paced acrobatics) Medium

Pure: (This is where the product has proper pure wrestling, i.e. the more "European" style of holds and counter holds, lots of mat wrestling, with submissions being a huge feature) Medium

Daredevil: (This is the high-spot oriented part of the product, where realism takes a back seat to crazy stuff that isn't big on psychology, but is big on amazing people) Key Feature

Match Intensity: (How hard and fast wrestlers go at each other in a typical match, 0-100): 65

Match Danger: (The higher it is, the more risk of injury. The lower it is, the more fake it looks. That's as close as I can get to giving you an idea about it. Use common sense. :shifty: 0-100): 80.

Womens Wrestling: (None, Division, Intergrated, Entire Promotion): None

T&A Levels: (None, Low, High): Low

Face/Heel Divide: (None, Medium, High): Normal

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Your EWB Forum Name: OctoberRavenO

Promotion Name: Super Hardcore Action Rallies Kings ProWres
Initials: SHARK
Country: USA
Size: Cult
Logo Link: 9zec.jpg
Banner Link: 6gb9.jpg
Website: www.SHARKprowres.com
Profile: A blend of extreme wrestling, junior heavyweight lucharesu, and comedy, SHARK is a promotion that tries to appeal to as many kinds of wrestling fans as possible. If you want to see a guy in a chicken suit do a corkscrew moonsault on a ninja through a table, this the show to watch.
Open Date: February 2010
Location: South Eastern USA
Drug Policy: None
Schedule Type (Touring or Regular): Regular

Name: Workrate Comedy
AI for Events: 1v1= 40, 2v2= ,40 3v3= ,20 Triangle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio= 80 (How often the AI would put on these type of matches in a percentage term in multiples of ten).
AI for TV: 1v1= 0, 2v2= 20, 3v3= 80, Triangle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio= 50
Expected Match Lengths: Minor= 6, Medium= 6, Major= 10
Product Appeal - (For each topic, please select from None, Very Low, Low, Medium, Heavy, Key Feature)
Traditional: Medium
Mainstream: Heavy
Comedy: Key Feature
Cult: Low
Risque: Low
Modern: Heavy
Realism: None
Hyper Realism: None
Hardcore: Heavy
Lucha Libre: Medium
Pure: None
Daredevil: Heavy

Match Intensity: 20
Match Danger: 60
Womens Wrestling: Integrated
T&A Levels: Low
Face/Heel Divide: Yes (no medium/high in TEW2013)

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Your EWB Forum Name: HeadCheese

Promotion Name: Mattel and Mars Bar Quick Energy ChocoWrestling

Initials: MMCW

Country: United States

Size: National

Logo Link: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130725095323/simpsons/images/2/29/Mattel_and_Mars_Bar_Quick_Energy_Chocobot_Hour.jpg

Banner Link: Coming Soon

Website: www.chocowrestling.com

Profile: Founded in 2008 by greedy network executives, MMCW was created out of professional wrestling's ability to produce cheap content suitable for a children's Saturday afternoon show. The naming rights to the show, in an attempt to generate as much advertising revenue as possible, went to the highest corporate bidder. It debuted during the summer of 2008 as Toys R Us Presents Mat Action!, but the naming rights were sold two years later to an even higher bidder, the consortium of Mattel and Mars Candy. Thus, Mattel and Mars Bar Quick Energy ChoWrestling Hour was born. Many have been critical of the program since its inception, calling it "barely legal" and seeing it as a glorified commercial that brainwashes the children that watch it, effectively turning them into slaves of capitalism. Although it is true the show has its fair share of advertisements, the producers defend the right to support the "quality products" of Mattel, Mars Candy, and its other assorted advertisers, while also providing top notch entertainment to the children of America.

Open Date: August 2008

Location: South West(Studio Lot in Los Angeles)

Drug Policy: None

Schedule Type (Touring or Regular): Regular)

Shows Per week: 1 (Every Saturday Morning!)

Product: ChocoWrestling

Name: Family Friendly

AI for Events: 1v1= 60 , 2v2 30= , 3v3= 10, Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio= 80(How often the AI would put on these type of matches in a percentage term in multiples of ten).

AI for TV: 1v1= 60, 2v2= 30, 3v3=10 , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio=50

Expected Match Lengths: Minor= 5 , Medium= 8 , Major= 12

Product Appeal - (For each topic, please select from None, Very Low, Low, Medium, Heavy, Key Feature)

Traditional: (The traditional values of (primarily American) wrestling, that being good guys who play fair vs. bad guys who cheat, with an old-school feel). Heavy

Mainstream: (Entertainment that appeals to the whole family, i.e. over-the-top characters, harmless comedy, etc). Key Feature

Comedy: (Physical or verbal comedy, both in the ring and in skits).Heavy

Cult: (Non-Mainstream entertainment, the sort that is maybe a little darker or on the edge than is normal, a la classic ECW). None

Risque: (Very near-the-knuckle entertainment, so beloved of the Attitude Era in reality). None

Modern: (The modern type of match, where matches are fast-paced, featuring a blend of "oh my god" dangerous moves and crazy aerial spots, the sort you'd see in ROH or TNA's X-Division). None

Realism: (This is the Japanese style of working realistically, where you build up with low-level strikes and holds). None

Hyper Realism: (This is where there is an MMA influence). None

Hardcore: (When there is a lot of blood and weapons). None

Lucha Libre: (When lucha libre is used, the Mexican style of fast-paced acrobatics). None

Pure: (This is where the product has proper pure wrestling, i.e. the more "European" style of holds and counter holds, lots of mat wrestling, with submissions being a huge feature). None

Daredevil: (This is the high-spot oriented part of the product, where realism takes a back seat to crazy stuff that isn't big on psychology, but is big on amazing people). None

Match Intensity: (How hard and fast wrestlers go at each other in a typical match, 0-100) 10%

Match Danger: (The higher it is, the more risk of injury. The lower it is, the more fake it looks. That's as close as I can get to giving you an idea about it. Use common sense. :shifty: 0-100). 5%

Womens Wrestling: (None, Division, Intergrated, Entire Promotion). Division

T&A Levels: (None, Low, High). None

Face/Heel Divide: (None, Medium, High).High

I based intensity and danger off of the family friendly default settings in TEW 13.

I have no life until college starts, so I'll have plenty of time to draft. <_<

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Your EWB Forum Name: Xxmaster26xX

Promotion Name: WrestleNation

Initials: WN

Country: USA

Size: National

Logo Link: Will complete later

Banner Link: Will complete later

Website: www.WrestleNation.com

Profile: What started out as your run of the mill New England indy soon gained an enormous following because of the innovation and intensity of its hard-hitting, high-flying matches. By presenting the product with a realistic, "sporty" edge (ie. keeping track of wins and losses, a one month "off season," reality tv-style interviews) propelled the company to new heights and into the national spotlight. Some within management were unable to handle this newfound popularity and subsequent expansion and, in a controversial move, brought in a seasoned "sports entertainment" guy to help at the tail end of 2011. The subsequent influence of "Entertainment" were inevitable and it has fans split: some are happy with the introduction of gimmicks and characters, while some purists raise their nose at it. Regardless, WN is on high and can only go higher.

Open Date: March 2006

Location: North East

Drug Policy: Medium

Schedule Type (Touring or Regular): Regular

(If Touring)

Show Per Week: n/a

Touring Months: n/a


Name: Indy Entertainment

AI for Events: 1v1= 60, 2v2= 25, 3v3= 5, Triangle= 5, Four Way= 5, Match Ratio= 80

AI for TV: 1v1= 50, 2v2= 25, 3v3= 5, Triangle= 10, Four Way= 10, Match Ratio= 60

Expected Match Lengths: Minor= 9, Medium= 13, Major= 25 (In minutes)

Product Appeal -

Traditional: Heavy

Mainstream: Medium

Comedy: None

Cult: Low

Risque: Very Low

Modern: Key Feature

Realism: Heavy

Hyper Realism: Very Low

Hardcore: Medium

Lucha Libre: Medium

Pure: Medium

Daredevil: Medium

Match Intensity: 70%

Match Danger: 60%

Womens Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Medium

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Your EWB Forum Name: GoGo Yubari

Promotion Name: Pro Wrestling ARTEMIS

Initials: ARTEMIS

Country: USA

Size: Cult

Logo Link: nope

Banner Link: nope

Website: www.artemiswrestling.com

Profile: In its first year of existence, ARTEMIS has proven to be the epicenter for women's wrestling in North America, both in terms of in-ring product but also by producing compelling characters and storylines (and in fact a short-lived early ad boasted about how ARTEMIS was the only promotion in America that could pass the Bechdel Test). With a roster that spans the globe and an in-ring product that blends traditional joshi with modern indie, amongst other styles, ARTEMIS seeks to forge a new trail towards equality in wrestling.

Open Date: September 2012

Location: US East Coast drifting into midwest

Drug Policy: High

Schedule Type: Regular

Product Name:

AI for Events: 1v1= 50, 2v2= 25, 3v3= 15, Triangle= 5, Four Way= 5, Match Ratio= 90

AI for TV: 1v1= 40, 2v2= 35, 3v3= 15, Triangle= 5, Four Way= 5, Match Ratio= 80

Expected Match Lengths: Minor=6, Medium=12, Major=19

Product Appeal -

Traditional: Key Feature

Mainstream: Low

Comedy: Medium

Cult: Very Low

Risque: Very Low

Modern: Medium

Realism: Heavy

Hyper Realism: Low

Hardcore: Very Low

Lucha Libre: Low

Pure: Heavy

Daredevil: Low

Match Intensity: 60

Match Danger: 55

Womens Wrestling: Entire Promotion

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Medium

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BTW to Headcheese: Your tours can only have up to 5 consecutive touring months, and you have like 9 in a row.

Everyone: Face/Heel divide is actually a yes/no option in TEW13, they took out the "medium" option basically.

Also to Eddie: When we start will you be allowing draft shortlists to make things go faster?

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BTW to Headcheese: Your tours can only have up to 5 consecutive touring months, and you have like 9 in a row.

Everyone: Face/Heel divide is actually a yes/no option in TEW13, they took out the "medium" option basically.

Also to Eddie: When we start will you be allowing draft shortlists to make things go faster?

Thanks for the heads up to others, didn't even notice the template was for TEW 2010. :P

And yes, I will be allowing, and encouraging shortlists.

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Also, if people who don't have TEW13 want to know what the ideal ranges for intensity/danger are, how much sponsorship they can gain from their product (which can matter a lot), or any other details related to their overall product, let me know.

Also also: The match ratio percent has an acceptable range of deviation of about 15% both ways; using my promotion as an example, in monthly events I'd have from 65%-95% to work with. I think the only exception is a 100% match ratio, as that's assumed to mean no angles EVER. So don't worry about your ratio being an ironclad thing unless you want it to be is what I'm saying, and if you want a promotion that will typically run with no angles at all but you want to be able to run one or two for whatever reason 90% is the way to go.

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Basically, you send me (and perhaps somebody else, just to be sure for when I'm not online) a list of workers you want to sign, so if it's your pick, and you're not online, I can just take the next person on the list and assign him to you.

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Feel free to drop me if you hit the limit since I'm not a TEW13 player I'm just contributing a fed im running in my TEW10 game. And yes I know this is an actual fed in the UK but this is my take on them.

Your EWB Forum Name: TheWho87

Promotion Name: Lucha Britannia

Initials: Lucha UK

Country: UK

Size: Regional (20% General, 30% Midlands & North, 50% South)

Logo Link: http://i42.tinypic.com/35c0k8z.jpg

Banner Link: http://i43.tinypic.com/2hf05rp.jpg


Profile: Lucha Britannia is the UK's only dedicated lucha libre promotion, taking influence from the colourful masks and high flying high risk moves performed by luchadors in Mexico it's a promotion that has opened up new paths for many known wrestlers throughout Europe to try something a little different under the guise of the very unique characters competing in Lucha Britannia.

Open Date: December 2010

Location: South (UK)

Drug Policy: Low

Schedule Type: Regular


Name: Lucha Britannia

AI for Events: 1v1= 30%, 2v2= 20%, 3v3= 25%, Triagle= 15%, Four Way= 10%, Match Ratio= 70%

AI for TV: 1v1= 30%, 2v2= 20%, 3v3= 25%, Triagle= 15%, Four Way= 10%, Match Ratio= 60%

Expected Match Lengths: Minor= 8, Medium= 12, Major= 20

Product Appeal

Traditional: Heavy

Mainstream: Medium

Comedy: Low

Cult: Low

Risque: Low

Modern: None

Realism: None

Hyper Realism: None

Hardcore: None

Lucha Libre: key Feature

Pure: None

Daredevil: Low

Match Intensity: 30%

Match Danger: 20%

Womens Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Yes

Edited by TheWho87
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Man, what is this side of a draft like? :shifty:

Your EWB Forum Name: 9 to 5
Promotion Name: Elite English Wrestling
Initials: EEW
Country: England
Size: Culty
Logo Link:
Banner Link:
Profile: A promotion that prides itself in being a traditional bastion of wrestling, whist also capable of changing with the times. EEW is often seen as the last step for wrestlers to compete in before making the move to the big time, but it does have a proud history of it's own and wrestlers who have stayed the course.
Open Date: April 1984
Location: North (British Isles)
Drug Policy: Low
Schedule Type (Touring or Regular): Regular

Name: Modern English Wrestling
AI for Events: 1v1= 75 , 2v2= 15 , 3v3= 5 , Triagle= 3 , Four Way= 2 , Match Ratio= (How often the AI would put on these type of matches in a percentage term in multiples of ten).
AI for TV: 1v1= 60 , 2v2= 20 , 3v3= 10, Triagle= 5 , Four Way= 5 , Match Ratio=
Expected Match Lengths: Minor= 7 , Medium= 13, Major= 18(In minutes)
Product Appeal - (For each topic, please select from None, Very Low, Low, Medium, Heavy, Key Feature)
Traditional: Heavy
Mainstream: Medium
Comedy: Low
Cult: Medium
Risque: Very Low
Modern: Medium
Realism: Medium
Hyper Realism: None
Hardcore: Low
Lucha Libre: None
Pure: Low.
Daredevil: None
Match Intensity: 55
Match Danger: 55
Womens Wrestling: Division
T&A Levels: Low
Face/Heel Divide: Yes

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Your EWB Forum Name: TEOL

Promotion Name: Pro Wrestling KINGDOM

Initials: KINGDOM

Country: Japan

Size: National

Logo Link:

Banner Link:


Profile: One of Japan's top wrestling companies, once known as a staunch holdout of old school, traditional puro but now beginning to modernise somewhat without compromising the traditions that have brought them as far as they have come.

Open Date: March 1974

Location: Kanto

Drug Policy: Low

Schedule Type Touring

Show Per Week: 2

Touring Months: February-June, August-December


Name: Modern Puroresu

AI for Events: 1v1=70 , 2v2=15 , 3v3=10 , Triangle=3 , Four Way=2 , Match Ratio=100

AI for TV: 1v1=70 , 2v2=15 , 3v3=10 , Triangle=3 , Four Way=2 , Match Ratio=100

Expected Match Lengths: Minor=6 , Medium=12 , Major=20 (In minutes)

Product Appeal

Traditional: Medium

Mainstream: Low

Comedy: Low

Cult: None

Risque: None

Modern: Heavy

Realism: Heavy

Hyper Realism: Low

Hardcore: Low

Lucha Libre: Low

Pure: Low

Daredevil: Low

Match Intensity: 70

Match Danger: 60

Womens Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: None

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Hope this isn't too late, but turnout is surprisingly low anyway, so! :shifty:

Your EWB Forum Name: Sousa

Promotion Name: Wrestling's Greatest Heroes

Initials: WGH

Country: United States

Size: International

Logo Link: Blah

Banner Link: Nope

Website: http://www.wghwrestling.com

Profile: The 80's model of professional wrestling comes to life! Bigger characters! Mightier heroes! More devious villains!

Open Date: September 2007

Location: Los Angeles, California (West Coast?)

Drug Policy: High

Schedule Type: Regular


Name: Sports-entertainment

AI for Events: 1v1=50, 2v2=30 , 3v3=20, Triagle=0, Four Way=0, Match Ratio=70

AI for TV: 1v1=50, 2v2=30, 3v3=20, Triagle=0, Four Way=0, Match Ratio=60

Expected Match Lengths: Minor=3, Medium=8, Major=15 (In minutes)

Product Appeal - (For each topic, please select from None, Very Low, Low, Medium, Heavy, Key Feature)

Traditional: Key Feature

Mainstream: Key Feature

Comedy: Heavy

Cult: None

Risque: None

Modern: Medium

Realism: Very Low

Hyper Realism: Low

Hardcore: Very Low

Lucha Libre: Medium

Pure: Medium

Daredevil: Heavy

Match Intensity: 70

Match Danger: 40

Womens Wrestling: Integrated

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: High

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Your EWB Forum Name: Naitch
Promotion Name: Anglo-European Championship Wrestling
Initials: AECW
Country: England (and various European countries)
Size: International
Logo Link: I'll get one made eventually
Banner Link: See above
Website: www.aecw.com
Profile: Europe's premier wrestling promotion was created when two companies, All England Wrestling and Europa Championship Wrestling, decided to merge in order to maximise their potential audience numbers. AECW caters to a Europe-wide audience by providing a diverse variety of wrestling styles, including catch, cruiserweight, hardcore, tag team, and women's wrestling.
Open Date: March 2006
Location: South, British Isles
Drug Policy: Medium
Schedule Type: Regular

Name: European Open Style
AI for Events: 1v1= 75%, 2v2= 20%, 3v3= 1%, Triangle= 2%, Four Way= 2%, Match Ratio= 80%
AI for TV: 1v1= 65%, 2v2= 25%, 3v3= 2%, Triangle= 4%, Four Way= 4%, Match Ratio= 70%
Expected Match Lengths: Minor= 8, Medium= 14, Major= 20
Product Appeal
Traditional: Key Feature
Mainstream: Heavy
Comedy: Low
Cult: None
Risque: None
Modern: Low
Realism: Medium
Hyper Realism: None
Hardcore: Low
Lucha Libre: None
Pure: Medium
Daredevil: Low

Match Intensity: 40
Match Danger: 40
Womens Wrestling: Division
T&A Levels: None
Face/Heel Divide: Medium

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So with a landslide win (21-5), the major TEW 2013 draft will be first, followed by a WMMA 3 draft sometime soon after. (Hopefully)

I will take 25 spots maximum, maybe less.. I will follow 9 to 5's lead in picking people I know will be reliable and around to make their draft picks on time.

Registration will be open for roughly 25 hours (midnight on Monday night, so about 2 hours before Raw.. if that's easier for people to figure out with time differences.

The mod will be set in August 2013.. using cpt.charisma's recent update.

A rule I'm adding on top of 9 to 5's rules.. I will allow a certain number of companies per level (regions meaning USA/Canada/Mexico/Japan/British Isles/Europe/Australia)
Global: 1 anywhere in the world)
International: 3 (2 max in 1 region)
National: 5 (2 max per 1 region)
Cult: 8 (4 max per 1 region)
Regional: 12 (7 max per 1 region)
Small: 8 (4 max per 1 region)
Local: 5 (2 max per 1 region)

Reservations: 9 to 5; GoGo


Your EWB Forum Name: ROC

Promotion Name: Interconnection Process Validation Wrestling

Initials: IPVW

Country: USA

Size: Small

Logo Link: ?

Banner Link: ?

Website: ipvwraiders.com

Profile: A collection of talents come to process the computing power of modern wrestling action. Lots of statistics! Maybe a scoreboard! Weird things!

Open Date: January 2013

Location: USA

Drug Policy: Low

Schedule Type (Touring or Regular): Regular

(If Touring)

Show Per Week:

Touring Months:

Product: (What name do you wish to give your own brand of wrestling)

Name: Realism Athletics

AI for Events: 1v1=90 , 2v2=5 , 3v3=5, Triagle=0 , Four Way=0 , Match Ratio=100 (How often the AI would put on these type of matches in a percentage term in multiples of ten).

AI for TV: 1v1=90 , 2v2=5 , 3v3=5 , Triagle=0 , Four Way=0 , Match Ratio=90

Expected Match Lengths: Minor=10 , Medium=14 , Major=19 (In minutes)

Product Appeal - (For each topic, please select from None, Very Low, Low, Medium, Heavy, Key Feature)

Traditional: None

Mainstream: None

Comedy: None

Cult: Low

Risque: Low

Modern: Medium

Realism: Key Feature

Hyper Realism: Key Feature

Hardcore: None

Lucha Libre: Low

Pure: Heavy

Daredevil: Low

Match Intensity: 80

Match Danger: 50

Womens Wrestling: Integrated

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: None

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