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[Voting Thread] EWB's Favorite Superhero Films


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EWB's Favorite Superhero Films!

A lil' Nightwing ass shot for the ladies out there. And me!

Hey, EWB! You know what we don't have enough of? Lists! List of things we like! And Comic Book related discussion in the Movies/TV forum! So, I decided we might as well have a list of our favorite Superhero films! We've had so fucking many at this point that I feel like we could maybe have kind of a diverse list! I mean, mostly it'll come down to Avengers Vs. Dark Knight, but hey, who isn't interested in knowing how far or how low Elektra ranks.

So, as usual, I'm expecting a fucking lot of hair splitting over "OOOOH, WHAT CONSTITUTES A SUPERHERO FILM THOUGH?" because, EWB. So let's narrow this down a little bit, still keeping it open. I think for the most part it's obvious what we're looking at here: the fairly typical Marvel and DC films, alongside other stuff like Kick Ass, Hellboy and Watchmen (lol). Ultimately, if you want to put down a vote for fucking Dragonball Z: Evolution or Hancock (again, lol), fair enough, I'll count the votes, but let's try and keep it closer to stuff that you probably know I'm looking for here. Mostly I don't want a whole debate over what can and can't go on. Just keep in mind when you're voting for your obscure, cult Danish superhero film from the early 60's that it's probably not going to end up placing anywhere on the list, so maybe use it for something less stupid that you like. (I'm mostly looking at you, ORO)

Usual format, give us a 1-10, of which your #1 vote will get 10 points, with your #10 vote getting 1 point.

Here is a template for you lazy fucks:











Please don't post pictures of your votes or anything annoying like that, just write them down in the order I specified.

Oh, and if you're voting for something like Batman, make sure you put the full title, or like, the year next to it.

e.g. #2. Batman (1989)

Just so I don't end up counting votes for Burton's Batman as votes for the Adam West Batman, because I totally will if you leave me that opening.

So yeah! Go! Vote! I'll see how activity keeps up in the thread, I'm probably looking at a week or two, but we'll see how active/not active it is.


Some more hero butts for you.

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1. The Avengers

2. The Dark Knight

3. Batman Begins

4. Iron Man

5. Thor: The Dark World

6. Superman (1978)

7. Thor

8. Kick-Ass

9. The Incredibles

10. Captain America (2011)

Was quite tempted to vote for Unbreakable and Dredd, but didn't quite feel like they fit.

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I'll put my list in here, but question first, what about animated movies? Do they count as well? I'm assuming they do, but wanted to check. Also, can we somehow extend it to top 15? I'm only asking as I'll probably be heartbroken leaving some off.

Also, in case anyone wants, here's Wikipedia's list of superhero movies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_superhero_films

1. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

2. The Dark Knight

3. Batman: Under The Red Hood

4. Watchmen

5. Batman Begins

6. The Incredibles

7. X-Men: First Class

8. Thor

9. Justice League: Doom

10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Honorable mentions: Captain America: First Class, Justice League: The New Frontier, All-Star Superman, Batman: Year One, Darkman, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1, Iron Man 3, The Avengers, Ultimate Avengers.

Man, that was hard :(

Edited by Extremely Huge Bag of Shit
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1. The Avengers

2. The Dark Knight

3. Thor

4. Batman Begins

5. Captain America

6. Man of Steel

7. X2

8. X-Men: First Class

9. Iron Man

10. The Dark Knight Rises

Tough choice at the end, I went for Dark Knight Rises because I love like the first, 2/3rds of the film.

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Well, this was harder than I thought it would be

#1 - The Avengers

#2 - The Dark Knight

#3 - X2: X-Men United

#4 - Spider-Man (2002)

#5 - Iron Man

#6 - Captain America

#7 - Spider-Man 2 (2004)

#8 - Batman Forever

#9 - X-Men: First Class

#10 - Thor

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I thought Spider-Man 2 was pretty great even if it didn't make a damn bit of sense ("The tentacles have taken over your brain and you made the artificial intelligence EVIL~! for some reason!"). Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin as Power Rangers Monster-of-the-Week was pretty hilarious ("FINISH IT!" "Deliver us from..." "FINISH IT!" "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!" "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!"). Other than that, eh.

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I thought they were super hokey, but Alfred Molina was really good as Doc Ock, and Willem Dafoe was awesome as the Green Goblin.

That train fight scene in the second one and that ridiculous ending to that scene is still entertaining to watch, though, if not for the right reasons.

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1. Orgazmo

2. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

3. X2: X-Men United

4. Spider-Man (2002)

5. Spider-Man 2 (2004)

6. The Incredibles

7. X-Men

8. My Super Ex-Girlfriend

9. Spider-Man 3 (2006)

10. Sky High

I haven't really seen that many superhero movies, I guess.

Edited by ndqw
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