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Super old. But it's so good. I must have listened to it like a million times.

Also....guys. If you don't play Critplank, start playing Critplank. Squishy supports you can take from 100-30 with a single Q. ADCs? 100-40. Just don't play him into super tanky teams.

I start the crit item that gives you 8% crit + 2 pots (with my runes, I start off with about 16% crit)....rush the Shiv....Infinity Edge (At this point you start to become beastly)...Trinity....Phantom Dancer (at this point, you're at about 80-90% crit)...Ice Born Gauntlet. GG.

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Super old. But it's so good. I must have listened to it like a million times.

Also....guys. If you don't play Critplank, start playing Critplank. Squishy supports you can take from 100-30 with a single Q. ADCs? 100-40. Just don't play him into super tanky teams.

I start the crit item that gives you 8% crit + 2 pots (with my runes, I start off with about 16% crit)....rush the Shiv....Infinity Edge (At this point you start to become beastly)...Trinity....Phantom Dancer (at this point, you're at about 80-90% crit)...Ice Born Gauntlet. GG.

When i get GP in ARAM I start Sheen into Trinity -> Infinity then usually Last Whisper and I just murder everyone, its suprisingly fun.

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6-4 should land you back solidly in silver, no?

Apparently not, Bronze 1. But I imagine i'll get 20-30LP per win.

Yeah, your MMR should put you into a promo game pretty quickly.

Indulge me a moment if you will, fellow leaguers, as I talk about how I had two utterly dominating showings playing last night. TBF I had good teams, but these were as close to support carry games as you can have. It was quite encouraging after a bit of a downward spiral. I’ve put the stories/plays in spoilers so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to.

Firstly on Nami (w Caitlyn into Kog’Maw/Annie), despite brainmelting and maxing E first instead of W, we just shoved the lane hard and weren't scared of anything they could offer.

Plubby 0/5/17 Annie 5/9/4

Caitlyn 8/6/11 Kog 4/8/9

Two of Annie's kills were onto me, Flash-Tibbers style. I hit three clutch Tidal Waves in this game, two from awkward angles.

First one was we got ganked from the river by Lee Sin (just as our ward timed out, so I never saw the jungler coming). Caitlyn got close to tower but she was one AA from dying. I connected the ulti onto all 3 of them and Caitlyn was able to 90 calibre.net back all the way under tower for a recall while I Aqua Prisoned the area in front of the tower to dissuade a dive.

Another was to help a teamfight in which our midlaner had been caught. He died anyway but we cleaned up the fight 3-for-2 because the wave gave us a chance to catch up (otherwise they'd have shredded the midlaner and got out clean). This was impressive because the fight happened between dragon and midlane, in the river, and I was coming towards the river from tier 2 tower, so it was a really tricky angle to predict where the teamfight would be by the time the wave rolled to the fight. I got it perfect. Hit 3, if not all 4 of them.

Third I was coming from warding the crossroads in red-side jungle near their tier 2 botlane tower (near blue buff, but not in that brush). They’d just collapsed on our push into mid inhib tower and I was racing to get involved. I managed to again time the wave so that it would get there just in time to knock up the two closest enemies and our retreating two got away cleanly, and I escaped any turn around through our jungle and into the gate. That was another awkward angle that I needed to judge where they’d be when the wave reached midlane.

I also had a neat play where Lee Sin was escaping a teamfight through our jungle, and he began to outpace the others as his mobiboots buff kicked back in as he ran around blue buff into the Fog of War to escape abilities coming off cooldown. I also had mobi boots so I flashed over the blue buff wall into range and dropped the bubble in his path and we just…shredded him.

Second game was on Alistar (w Quinn into Morgana/Caitlyn) and I was just on absolute fire. I was actually timing my W-Q combos (normally I find this a challenging task.). They even let me walk close enough to Q/Walk under them/W back into Quinn.

Plubby 5-4-26 Morgana 0-10-9

Quinn 17-7-15 Caitlyn 4-10-6

I accidentally killed someone with W-Q because I underestimated my own damage, KS’d my ADC. Then I did like ten seconds later when mid roamed into botlane and Cait was trying to kite us back to her tower, but she misclicked *past* her target instead of onto, and walked back into my AA range and I mistakenly clicked *on* her instead of past (was trying to stay in range of the fight for my E-heal) and then I punched her to death. My teammates were like “Alistar carry lol” and I was like “well jeez I’d better now, hadn’t I? Skumbag Plubby.”

I rushed Frozen Heart after my mobiboots/sightstone and started on Spirit Visage, so once I had the MR recipe item I basically just ran around headbutting stuff and didn’t afraid of anything. I bodyblocked Caitlyn ults onto Quinn once (just missed blocking a second but he didn’t die from it) I also ate a third Caitlyn ult targeted at me, and had two Chum the Waters from Fizz locked onto me. The Caitlyn ult I blocked took me to half health, but no more. The Caitlyn Ult and both Fizz ults that locked on to me I countered with my *own* ulti and just laughed it off. The first time I even said to my team in chat “huh. Caitlyn ulti. That’s cute.” I was so unafraid of everyone that I even picked a fight with Rengar because he killed my pink ward. I mean, I had another pink ward in my inventory, but it’s the principle of the thing.

I asked at the end if I could/should build Zz'Rot Portal because the spiderlings are so dang cute but decided that was just styling on them and didn't wanna be that cocky.

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I've been "attempting to reconnect to server" two games in a row despite my internet workign fine... the hell is going on?

One was at least a ranked win once I reconnected, Taric is just a fun support to play now that I realize to max Shatter first. Stun into Jarvan knock up/shatter = good bye armour and our ADC ashe would just get her crit/volley while their support would just watch.

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Having a seriously awful day, decided to play game 10, see where I ended up. I first picked Taric and got an enemy team of Vayne, Irelia, Lee Sin and Yasuo (Janna support). Running around with nearly full CDR and 333 armour was fun, fights start and everyone jumps our Jinx, but Stun, Face of the Mountain and Heal would keep her alive, Shatter and Radiance would help her rip them to shreds.

Basically what I'm saying is Taric is great.

Edit: Back to Gold V

Edited by Azazel
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Interesting. I put Taric on a tier with Swain and Urgot as the most horribly unplayable champions in the game. I have never seen a Taric threaten anyone ever, either with me or against me. I'm impressed you piloted it so well!

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Taric is great. He is very easy but you actually become very strong with him. With the right Items and your Ult on top you basicly become like a little barron buff for your team. I even had games were i carried with him because my ADC sucked. Just go in and start dropping tha hammah.

Edited by Herr Matzat
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