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Watch Dogs


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Is Watch Dogs online up & running? If so, how is it? And if you're looking for some GTA Online action, myself & a few other guys play from time to time, usually around 5 or 6pm central time for me. I'm always looking for a running buddy to fuck shit up with.

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I was thinking the same earlier, in that GTA V is pretty much a 5 star game with a 5 star online multiplayer. This is probably a 4 star game with nothing else added.

I miss the GTAO stuff too, and I'll never have it again now my bulky PS3 has died. My 10GB one isn't large enough to install GTA V and keep my FIFA/Madden save files.

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I'm actually considering trading GTA V in if Heists aren't that great when they're released. I end up playing with the same person and we end up doing the same shit, fucking around, and while it's fun it's getting too repetitive. Maybe I'll see about actually joining you 360 guys again sometime soon.

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Last time I played GTA V Online it was a good time. The maps were a bit reptitive, but if you make a good playlist & have a group of about four or five, its tons of fun. I still want to try & plan a Armored Car robbery with the EWB clan. Anyway, Watch Dogs!

Edited by Lj.
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There's a level that starts with a clip of you getting into a prison. It's a great start to a level.

Hahahaha. Just started this one.

Suffer with me, Hammy. This mission is awful.

Just escaped the cops and finished it. It was an entertaining mission that even squeezed in a tough boss-like character.

Also, police cars are VERY quick to drive. Go into one after the mission, ramped it off the roof of the building onto the train tracks and the chase started there. Brilliant.

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I think the prison one is next up for me based on what happened in the previous mission.

I spent the whole night trolling people with high bank accounts (I've unlocked the skill that highlights people with bigger hack prizes), only to go to the ATM and only get $10,000 when I was expecting about 75-100k. I expect I lost it all when I died falling off a building when trying to hack a CTOS tower.

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All right, if I hop on again tonight I need to do the actual story missions. I ended up getting sidetracked with hot spots and collectibles. Luckily there doesn't seem to be an achievement for being a mayor at a hot spot, because I've yet to do that.

On the plus side, two or three of the areas have all hot spots and collectibles (minues QR codes) collected <_<

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Had my first hacker a bit ago. I thought it was part of a mission at first. Ended up finding the person, then I tried hacking someone myself. Only made it to 37% before they pulled me from the car and shot me as I ran. Surprised they didn't spot me sooner as I parked crooked on the side of the road right next to the store they were in.

Just finished the Open Your World mission and I had 30 skill points to spend. They went by pretty quickly, but I like the stuff I have to use now.

Edited by Vitamin E
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The problem with GTA Online is there's no urge to play it and hasn't been since about two weeks after it launched. Rockstar ballsed up the in-game economy and levelling up system so badly there is no point playing seriously.

Hopefully Watch Dogs' is much better. It will determine whether I buy it now or wait till it's half price for the solo.

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I went back to GTA Online for the first time in a few months back last week, and it was like there was nothing new for me to play.

Oh, there was the new survival outside the bank, but after doing that a few times, the entire thing got boring quickly.

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I'm sure some of the missions would be fun with GTA, but eh. I'm level 100 now, and I still hate how expensive some of the stuff is. I don't really feel like doing a playlist of Coveted sixteen times just to get a couple hundred thousand that will be spent in five minutes. That's why I'm hoping Heists are decent. It's a fun game to screw around in, as I really haven't done any missions other than Coveted or Rooftop Rumble (before the changes) in a long time. The cost of everything, plus dropping ammo when you die (which sucks when I have my grenade launcher equipped as I seem to drop all of the ammo for it) and their little ways to try and get you to spend actual money to gain GTA dollars has been slightly annoying for a while now.

It'd be awesome if Watch Dogs had a sort of open world multiplayer, where you and a few friends can just hop into a world and fuck around, but from the footage they showed of multiplayer prior to release it looks like it could be fun. I'm sure this will end up like every Assassin's Creed game where I try to 100% it and then don't really ever touch it again, but this I could see myself popping in if I'm bored just to cause some mayhem with the hacking, plus the Trips minigames look fun.

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